I think it's the darkest one I've had. Fingers crossed. Still not convinced it's progressing but don't think I will be until I get a darker line on the same type of test
Ugh guys I could cry - bfn on Frer and ic this morning. 10dpo. I don't know if I'm gonna test again until af is due on Tuesday, it's so hard seeing the bfn's!
I'm sorry, Sander. Hopefully it's just a little too early still. A lot of women don't see a line til after af is due. Fx af stays away and you get your bfp too.
Well because I'm sad and have a really awful case of line eye I thought I'd share my bfn anyways. I took like 2 tests last night because I thought I maybe maybe could see a tiny little something and I can see it a touch quicker today but I actually think I've trained myself to see the indent in the test.
Anyways I thought I can post it here and if one of you guys knows how to tweak it and can pull anything out of it that would be great, otherwise I'll know to stop staring at blank tests haha
I think I can see what you mean sander, I have line eye myself though. I hope it turns into something darker and I'm sure cupcake will be along soon to tweak.
Citrus I definitely see something on that Superdrug test and I see it easily, I think that's a really good line for 9dpo!!!!
Sander I'm bit sure if i can see anything but I'm not sure if the line is putting me off, my eyes are easily distracted! It's also hard in pictures they definitely photo lighter
Happycupcake I kept checking every like 2 minutes to see if you had done the photos haha, it's amazing you can bring that out! I'm soooo hoping it's not just an evap or indentation (I took the photo maybe 5 minutes after the test). Anyhow I can def see if better in your pictures, and it looks like my arrow is just a touch too far right.
Anyhow I'm trying not to get too excited, I'd like to see it darken up more!!
thank you all for the welcome. citrus i see something on the last test you posted! fx that it gets darker over the next few days!
sander i think i see a faint line on yours as well. i laughed reading these posts because i've got such line eye. i swear it feels like i see a line in the test area before i even pee on the sticks nowadays!!
Lol Sander that's funny, I can't help myself! I enjoy being able to bring something out if it's there. Generally I can't bring out something that isn't there, and this does look the right width too. Indents and evaps are usually skinny and white or grey. This to me looks faint but pink, let's hope it progresses!
Ok happycupcake please don't kill me - but I was a little excited and did one more (last one for today promise) with smu after not drinking + holding for 4 hours, and in person anyways it's a little more obvious, (still hardly noticeable in the picture) but is there anyway you might be able to do this one too?
Then I'm making myself wait until tomorrow morning
Sander, tweaking with the app obliterated this photo for some reason, so using a less damaging to photo tweak from my iPad's own tools instead, I have this. I can see it anyway, but possibly a little more like this?
No worries happycupcake, I guess the site uploaded a resized image (don't know if they lowered the res or not) but thanks for trying! (I think I see it best on your grayscale edit) I can actually see it pretty well on the stick itself which is great. The photo is a lot tougher. I keep pulling it out of the package to see if it's disappeared haha. I'll post tomorrow's photo and hopefully it will be even easier to see
Citrus! That is a great line for only 9dpo!! A few more days that will be a strong line!! I only got a noticeable line at 12dpo with my last pregnancy. 😁😁
Sander I can see lines!!! Eek!!
Welcome meek!
Hope everyone else is ok?
Something strange happened earlier I got up off the sofa quite quickly and it felt like I'd pulled or something in my uterus it really dud hurt a bit!! Strange!!
Had some mild cramping this morning so I'm hoping something is happening!! Fx.
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