35+ Granduates.. We Finally did it !!


Mommy to 4 girls & 1 boy
Jan 21, 2009
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Well ladies, after months and sometimes years we "older" mommies have done it.
If you are older than 35yrs ( or almost) come on a join us as we fumble through our journey to parenthood:hugs:

We also were about to get our own siggy, if anyone is interested..

Add ] to the end!

Please let me know your due date and if you happen to know the sex or if you plan on keeping it a secret:happydance:

Future_numan ~ May 8 2012 ~ :blue:

Ready4onemore ~ May 28 2012 ~:blue:

Miss_C ~ July 23 2012 ~

Dorian ~ April 4 2012 ~ :yellow:

truely_blessed ~ Januaray 14 2012 ~:pink: Ava

MomToOneTTC ~ June 25 2012 ~

Mellybelle ~ Feb 11 2012 ~ :blue:

flibbrtygibbt ~ May 22 2012 ~:blue:

rjsmam ~ May 19 2012 ~

babytimeagain ~ may 27 2012 ~

dodgercpkl ~ Aug 3 2012 ~:angel::cry:

polaris ~ Aug 24 2012 ~

mnjhowell ~ June 7 2012 ~

Lyvid ~ Feb 29 2012 ~ :blue:
Hey hun, I found it. My due date is May 28th. Not sure what I am having yet but I think it is a girl.
Perfect, I have added your name..
Are you going to find out the gender , Ready ?

I am trying to figure out how to make us a ticker...
Yes I am going to find out the gender. As a matter of fact when I went for the NT scan they did a blood draw and said they could tell me the gender too. So we will see. But I still want a scan too.
I can hardly wait till my next scan.. I didn't get to see anything at my first U/S because I was only 6 weeks and I have never heard the heart beat either because at my last MW appt. I was only 10 weeks and the doppler couldn't pick anything up.

I have my next MW appt on Monday so I am sure I will be to here the HB then:happydance:

43 1/2 years young with a 3 year old and hopefully a sticky jelly bean in the oven - 2 years, 2 losses and a few chemicals and this one feels good so far.

Can't wait for that first hospital appointment - I am thinking of making a t shirt that says no shit sherlock I am well aware of my age!!!! or something like that with regards to AMA - cannot tell you the number of times I heard it with my son!!!!

Scan around the 5th or 6th December ish due date according to O day and FF is 21st July going by LMP is 23rd July. Hoping for the latter would prefer a Leo over a Cancerian!!!
:wave: Welcome Miss-C and congratulations !

I have added you to the first post, we can change the due date when you know better

I totally understand the age comments.. I am 39 yrs young with 4 daughters ranging in age from 22 yrs to 20 months..

When I got pregnant with my last DD ( after a 17 yr span) ppl were shocked.. this time I find some of the comments are down right rude..:growlmad:
Miss-C, welcome and congratulations, I hate the AMA term!!:growlmad: They say it to me as if I don't know that I am 39. Duh!! I love the t-shirt idea.

future_numan, My oldest son is 20 and my youngest is 17. I think it is rude when people tell me "You know you are starting over." Umm, after 17 years yes I know things are different and yes I know this child will be almost an only child. I am aware of all this. I have even had people to ask "What were you thinking?" :growlmad:
I'm here ...... I'm 42 on 4th December and waiting for our first LO to arrive, a girl due 14 due 14th January 2012. Highly likely to be Ava Sophia but still toying with middle names although DF is now adamant it is definately Ava.

I've managed to get myself growth scans every 2-3 weeks :happydance: Not that there's any real concern, we just ended up under the consultant due to uncertainty with her heart and referred to the fetal heart unit but everything came back fine after a very tense week of waiting. The consultant called us back for a review after we got the results and just said 'ah, we'll keep seeing you, just because we can really!'

Last scan was yesterday and head circum is spot on, abdomen is 1 week ahead and femur length is ..... just short of 3 weeks ahead!! not surprising really when I'm 5ft 8 and DF is 6ft 5 I suppose. Just get today over with then only 4 more weeks to matt leave, finally.

Congratulations and a happy and healthy 9 months to you all.
:wave: Welcome truely_blessed and congratualtions:hugs:

I think they must do alot more testing in the U.K than they do here ( Canada)
I haven't really had anything yet but I do have the 20 week U/S coming up in a few weeks:happydance:

I am happy to read that everything turned out okay, it must have been so scarey for you !

I love the name BTW.. Ava is on our short list of names !
They generally don't do much testing to be honest. Just a 12 week scan with bloods and NT scan if you want it then that's it until 20 weeks when you get another scan and bloods. The mid wife appointments are about 8 weeks, 16 weeks, 28 weeks then go to every 3 or 4 weeks, sometimes less if it's not your first pregnancy.

As much as it was a horrible time waiting for the heart scan, at least I've managed to get under a consultant who is more than happy to closely monitor things every 2 - 3 weeks from now on even though there is no concern. It's all worked out quite well.

I had a student midwife sitting in at my last appointment and she was at the ante natal class the next day and we recognised each other. She then said she was working on the labour ward from 3rd January so she should be there when I go in, I feel quite good about that. I know she's only a student but at least she may be able to sit with me when the other midwives have to go off and look after other ladies.
Hello Ladies,

I am 41, due with my 4th baby on April 4th :) We will not be finding out the sex of baby.

I had my 20 wk scan done, last week when I was 19 wks along. Everything is looking great, baby is moving about quite a bit lately and I can feel him/her quite a bit more!:happydance:

I'm sorry you Ladies are getting rude comments about your age/pregnancy!! It just amazes me how rude people, even loved ones/friends, can be!!
:wave: Welcome Dorian and congratualtions.

I can't beleive your 20 weeks already:shock: I remember you from the TTC forums.
How are you feeling ?

Truely, The only testing I have had is a MW appt and U/S at 6 weeks ( mine was so early because I had a TR back in '08 and we wory about a tubal pregnancy since I only have one tube)
I had another MW appt at 10 weeks, they did bloods then.
My next appt is at 16 weeks..
Here in Canada you usually have a appt every 4-6 weeks till 32 weeks then every other week till 36 weeks then it is every week till birth.
We also have a 20 week U/S and nothing else if everything seems okay.

I opted not to do any "extra" testing due to my age.. amnio ect...

They won't tell you the sex of the baby at the U/S which is done in our local hospital so we are having a pvt scan done on Dec 3rd.. plus we plan on doing a 3D /4D U/S around 26 weeks ( same as we did with our last daughter)
Pretty much like here for appointments. I was comtemplating not having the NT tests done and very much doubt I would have been able to have an amnio if required but DF really wanted to have an idea of where we stood so I went along with the first bit of the testing.

3rd of Dec isn't that far off, I know, I'm on countdown to my birthday the day after. Being able to break up the weeks to Ava's arrival does help a lot. It will only be a few weeks to your 20 week scan after that.

I think the hospitals here moving towards not telling you the sex. I've asked at every scan and they've either not been able to tell or been very non commital about it. We only managed to find out from the private scan.
Hi Dorian

You know I haven't had any comments (other than the generic crap you see on here from people who really have no idea what they are talking about). If anyone has said anything it's been out of earshot, everyone I speak to is really happy for us.
Hello ladies,

Welcome and congrats truly_blessed and Dorian!!

The doctor called with my test results from the NT scan and everthing is fine. As I told you all in a earlier post here in the States they have something we call the Jack and Jill gender test where they draw blood from you to see what you are having. Well I am supposely have a Boy!! I am not upset like I thought I would be. Bottomline is he is a gift from God and he has a purpose. So go team blue!!!

Here is the website just in case you are interested. https://www.geneticstesting.com/gendertest/gendertest.htm
ready, glad to hear everything is okay and congratulations on a boy:happydance:
I have never heard of a " Jack and Jill" test. How can they tell the sex of the baby by a simple blood test ?
How accuate is it ?
Do you want me to add blue to your name or wait till the gender is confirmed ?

AFM, I was looking at myself in the mirror this morning after my shower ( trust me I try not to do that often)
I can't beleive how big I have gotten and I am only 15 weeks !!
I looked this big at six months with Emily..
The funny thing is I had lost about 13 lbs in my first tri and have gain maybe 3lbs back.. where did this belly come from ??
I am not a "small" women to begin with but should it make that much of a difference ?
Got to love the power of google..

I looked up that test and it seems it is offered in some states.
It is suppose to be % 99 accuate..
They find the babies DNA in the mothers blood steam, wow !
Yes I was going to respond but you already found it. LOL Yes you can put blue by my name we can always change it if we need to.

They say each pregnancy you will begin to show sooner.:shrug: Because I am only 12w5d and I look like I am 5 months.

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