4-5 DPO Cramping & Lower Back Pains.. JOIN ME PLEASE 2WW

additional symptoms girls:

January 07 = too sleepy and tired.

I slept in until 10am but come 3pm still too tired and nauseous. CM was also white and creamy like lotion since yesterday...

and of course sensitive nipples bloating and gassy

will keep you updated.....
additional symptoms girls:

January 07 = too sleepy and tired.

I slept in until 10am but come 3pm still too tired and nauseous. CM was also white and creamy like lotion since yesterday...

and of course sensitive nipples bloating and gassy

will keep you updated.....

Thats how my CM is, I've read that after OV your CM goes back to that kinda texture! So your CM sounds like its back in the regular stages. Whats your DPO?
Just jumping in :) if you are going to temp, it needs to be consistent - done at the same exact time every day, no activity at all, no food or drink. My friends that chart bbt set their alarm to wakep in middle of night and record temps for best results ( unless you get up at sand time every day!) also you need to track for a few months to start seeing patterns in your temps. Check out more by searching for how to track bbt on here. Hope that helps!

Thanks IsItMyTurn!! Welcome to our group :flower:

So do you think my just starting to chart wouldn't be very successful? Would I not be getting the best results Im trying to look for? If not, and I can go ahead and keep testing I was planning to test every morning and night!
OK LADIES :flower:

Jan.7- (5DPO) Less cramping (noticed a sharp pinch for a minute on my left side, then it was gone)/Still excessive lower back pain/mild head ache/Bloated stomach (uterus area)/A little gassy/CM is regular/Agitated with the littlest things/Tired

These symptoms are what Ive been feeling this morning.. Im going to update on how I felt through out the day and night later on tonight :winkwink:


All this sounds really promising! I'm going to live vicariously through all your symptoms. The one thing I'm still totally missing from the early pg list is any kind of bb pain at all. Not so much as a twinge. I keep staring sternly at them, but they're not complying. :dust:

Im the same way Im lacking BB pains! Nothing at all, but thats not a surprise to me because in previous pregnancies, I didn't have any BB pains (surprisingly) and even when Im on my AF's I never get BB pains!
Hi can I join too? I am 5dpo due 16th January. 2WW is a killer.

cd 10 Thurs 29th Dec - BD pm
cd 11 Fri 30th Dec - OPK -
cd 12 Sat 31st Dec - OPK - BD pm
cd 13 Sun 1st Jan - OPK am + OPK pm + Eggwhite CM BD pm
cd 14 Mon 2nd Jan - Ovulation OPK - BD am BD pm
cd 15 1dpo- uti - spotting - no BD!
cd 16 2dpo- stomach flutters, tender bb
cd 17 3dpo- stomach flutters, tingly bb, creamy CM, sugar rush
cd 18 4dpo- cramping, tingly bb, creamy CM, sugar rush
cd 19 5dpo- REALLY sharp stomach pains (as I write this in evening), cramping, tingly bb, watery CM...........

How are you all feeling? Also bloated all the time and tired. Hopefully next week will fly by! I want to hold off testing as long as possible but the way I feel now won't be surprised if it isn't friday (11dpo)....
31 Dec (O Day on NYE!) No symptoms.
1 Jan (1 DPO) No symptoms.
2 Jan (2 DPO) DF leaves for overseas job (we BD every night for five days before that). Weird fluttering cramps on right side. Almost like a nervous tic, but on and off ever since.
3 Jan - (3 DPO) - Cramps, fluttering. Really vivid dreams. Can't sleep well, but not sure if it's DF being gone?
4 Jan - (4 DPO) - Cramps, fluttering. Really vivid dreams. I noticed my cervix was extremely high and soft, more so than usual.
5 Jan - (5 DPO) - Cramps, fluttering. Really vivid WEIRD dreams. I was canoeing down a river while dinosaurs and video game monsters fought in the shallows. What the hell? I'm in my 30s. This is not a normal dream for me, haha.
6 Jan - (6 DPO) - Weird lotion-like CM. Serious cramps. So bloated at work I can't button my pants. In all fairness not certain if the latter is the fault of a baby, or the twelve NYE cupcakes I ate...but I'm sure my coworkers do not appreciate it.
7 Jan - (7 DPO) - Cramps off and on. I felt slightly sick at lunch, but not sure if that's all in my head. One WEIRD new symptom--my cervix is apparently trying to disappear into my body now. I can barely feel it anymore, it's all retracted and flat. Yes, I know I shouldn't be mucking around in there haha, but I can't help it.

FX to everyone!
Hey ladies! Yes, we're having a nice little list going now!

It's a bit scary how all of our symptoms sound promising lol. It's scary because I know statistically that we will not all get our BFPs this cycle. GRRRR!!

Me today:

7 Jan (6 DPO) - significant temp dip this morning (by 2 degrees! but I was sleep deprived)
hot flashes
cramping (more like twinges)
frequent urination
itchy and tender nipples
lower backache
CM is white and creamy

The only reason why I think this may be it again is because my breasts NEVER EVER ache, nor do my nipples EVER feel tender.

Does anybody actually feel quite confident this cycle?
Thank you, rrecio! You know even with my symptoms, its still hard.

I take Vitex and Baby Aspirin to aid with my cycle and ttc. 2nd month
on both. I noticed some spotting on CD13, last month I ovd on 13, but
what was new was the spotting. Never had this before.

Sorry, this may be long. That happened days 13-15 with another brown spot,
just one spot on CD16. OMG!!! Ovulation bleeding? So I BD'd during the
spotting! Its supposed to be a good sign of fertility.

1) on n off cramping, feeling good
2) still cramping, on and off twinges in bbs, a little nausea in evening.
3) still cramping, and heartburn, nauseous feeling
4) no cramps, am nausea and dry puking
5) few cramps again, bbs twinging again
6) little cramps, bbs warming feel to them, I think slightly dizzy
7) feels like implantation cramping, only on one side, heartburn,
a little dizzy this morning but short lived.

Don't really feel optimistic because I don't have any sore, tender boobs and I'm not bloated.
Then again FF says I'm only 7 dpo. FXD for you ladies!
Oh yeah I have been really thirsty. Cramps upto 4 dpo, felt like AF was here.
Hi can I join too? I am 5dpo due 16th January. 2WW is a killer.

cd 10 Thurs 29th Dec - BD pm
cd 11 Fri 30th Dec - OPK -
cd 12 Sat 31st Dec - OPK - BD pm
cd 13 Sun 1st Jan - OPK am + OPK pm + Eggwhite CM BD pm
cd 14 Mon 2nd Jan - Ovulation OPK - BD am BD pm
cd 15 1dpo- uti - spotting - no BD!
cd 16 2dpo- stomach flutters, tender bb
cd 17 3dpo- stomach flutters, tingly bb, creamy CM, sugar rush
cd 18 4dpo- cramping, tingly bb, creamy CM, sugar rush
cd 19 5dpo- REALLY sharp stomach pains (as I write this in evening), cramping, tingly bb, watery CM...........

How are you all feeling? Also bloated all the time and tired. Hopefully next week will fly by! I want to hold off testing as long as possible but the way I feel now won't be surprised if it isn't friday (11dpo)....

Hi Gemmy, Welcome to our group :flower:

You symptoms sounds just as promising as all of ours!! Personally me, I started having my irritable symptoms start on the 2nd ( the ones that stuck out the most where the cramping & allergies ). They all kinda simmer down just yesterday but the ones that stuck around where my increasingly bad lower back pains and bloating.. Ive also notice today I had a sharp pain out of nowhere poke me on my left side OUCH :dohh: But it went away pretty quick right after! Im am with you to on the holding out as long as possible to test but you cant help but get excited and want to test as soon as possible lol I plan to test on the 20th but may test on the 18th(when my AF is due). I wanted to wait till the 20th though if it hasn't shown by then to kinda feel a bit more assured? we shall see :)

(TinaTin) I know what you mean about thinking sometimes "is it all in my head, because I want so bad" :wacko: But you never know!! So about your cervix?.. Have you looked up what it could mean? Is a cervix suppose to sit a certain way when your pregnant?
(Lovebotlass17) I know, I love how we're getting more ladies in the group and it does make me want to go GRRR too about us not all getting BFP :growlmad: I have been having some hot flashes out of no where which has been odd to me at times!! Your tender BBs could be a good indication of a :bfp: especially if you dont normally get pains?! Keeping my fingers crossed for you :hugs::dust:

(sakari06) Thanks for joining the group and any and all what you want to discuss on here is welcome :flower: Your symptoms sound relatively common to the rest of ours, and don't for a minute think just because you aren't feeling bloated or BB pains that its not looking good. Because me and TinaTin are right there with you, we haven't been feeling and so what pains, twinges.. NADA in the BB area.. lol!! :dust:
Thanks I look forward to talking with you ladies.
Hi can I join too? I am 5dpo due 16th January. 2WW is a killer.

cd 10 Thurs 29th Dec - BD pm
cd 11 Fri 30th Dec - OPK -
cd 12 Sat 31st Dec - OPK - BD pm
cd 13 Sun 1st Jan - OPK am + OPK pm + Eggwhite CM BD pm
cd 14 Mon 2nd Jan - Ovulation OPK - BD am BD pm
cd 15 1dpo- uti - spotting - no BD!
cd 16 2dpo- stomach flutters, tender bb
cd 17 3dpo- stomach flutters, tingly bb, creamy CM, sugar rush
cd 18 4dpo- cramping, tingly bb, creamy CM, sugar rush
cd 19 5dpo- REALLY sharp stomach pains (as I write this in evening), cramping, tingly bb, watery CM...........

How are you all feeling? Also bloated all the time and tired. Hopefully next week will fly by! I want to hold off testing as long as possible but the way I feel now won't be surprised if it isn't friday (11dpo)....

Hi Gemmy, Welcome to our group :flower:

You symptoms sounds just as promising as all of ours!! Personally me, I started having my irritable symptoms start on the 2nd ( the ones that stuck out the most where the cramping & allergies ). They all kinda simmer down just yesterday but the ones that stuck around where my increasingly bad lower back pains and bloating.. Ive also notice today I had a sharp pain out of nowhere poke me on my left side OUCH :dohh: But it went away pretty quick right after! Im am with you to on the holding out as long as possible to test but you cant help but get excited and want to test as soon as possible lol I plan to test on the 20th but may test on the 18th(when my AF is due). I wanted to wait till the 20th though if it hasn't shown by then to kinda feel a bit more assured? we shall see :)

(TinaTin) I know what you mean about thinking sometimes "is it all in my head, because I want so bad" :wacko: But you never know!! So about your cervix?.. Have you looked up what it could mean? Is a cervix suppose to sit a certain way when your pregnant?

Oh yeah, I googled the crap out of it. It seems that these are the answers the Internet feels fit to bestow on me:

(1) If it's high and soft, you're pregnant!
(2) If it's low and hard, you're pregnant!
(3) If it's medium level and neither soft nor hard, you're pregnant!
(4) You idiots, you can't tell anything from cervix position.

I am duly chastened :)
additional symptoms girls:

January 07 = too sleepy and tired.

I slept in until 10am but come 3pm still too tired and nauseous. CM was also white and creamy like lotion since yesterday...

and of course sensitive nipples bloating and gassy

will keep you updated.....

Thats how my CM is, I've read that after OV your CM goes back to that kinda texture! So your CM sounds like its back in the regular stages. Whats your DPO?

hi i am currently7dpo (+/- 1) and still bloated and cramped (never went away)... my jeans and bra had been a bit tighter than normal. nipples too sensitive. heavy breasts and tummy = (
also thinks my hips have gone thicker.... just feels very pregnant....

Hi can I join too? I am 5dpo due 16th January. 2WW is a killer.

cd 10 Thurs 29th Dec - BD pm
cd 11 Fri 30th Dec - OPK -
cd 12 Sat 31st Dec - OPK - BD pm
cd 13 Sun 1st Jan - OPK am + OPK pm + Eggwhite CM BD pm
cd 14 Mon 2nd Jan - Ovulation OPK - BD am BD pm
cd 15 1dpo- uti - spotting - no BD!
cd 16 2dpo- stomach flutters, tender bb
cd 17 3dpo- stomach flutters, tingly bb, creamy CM, sugar rush
cd 18 4dpo- cramping, tingly bb, creamy CM, sugar rush
cd 19 5dpo- REALLY sharp stomach pains (as I write this in evening), cramping, tingly bb, watery CM...........

How are you all feeling? Also bloated all the time and tired. Hopefully next week will fly by! I want to hold off testing as long as possible but the way I feel now won't be surprised if it isn't friday (11dpo)....

Hi gemmy!

we have the same symptoms....if I get a BFP this January then I can conclude I don't have problem conceiving.

Your symptoms were like mine and the bloadting and tender BBs never went away.

Oops and I forgot to mention that I have been too hot bed https://www.babyandbump.com/images/smilies/sex.gif
to the delight and pleasure of my DH.
OK LADIES :flower:

Jan.7- (5DPO) Less cramping (noticed a sharp pinch for a minute on my left side, then it was gone)/Still excessive lower back pain/mild head ache/Bloated stomach (uterus area)/A little gassy/CM is regular/Agitated with the littlest things/Tired

These symptoms are what Ive been feeling this morning.. Im going to update on how I felt through out the day and night later on tonight :winkwink:


Ok buddies, Im back to report my nightly symptoms!! :hugs:

So I kept getting that pinching pain, kinda towards my left side but definetly in the lower pelvic area. Im wondering could this be implantation? I HOPE [-o< I havent really had any cramping anymore just those out of nowhere pinches. Haven't felt them since earlier but they lasted for only awhile and would come and go! Definetly bloated :dohh: I put on some jeans to go outside an shovel some snow and they were fitting snug, usually doesnt happen to me. Im petitie so I notice right away when I gain weight or am getting ready to start AF (cause all my jeans fit uncomfortably snug).. and AF isnt due for another 2w! I only get bloated too when I get AF. I started testing my temperatures last night as well. Last night it was 99.1, this morning it was 97.7 and tonights was 98.8 so it went up down up lol!! Is that normal? Have my lower back aches, their dull but their there. Tention in my back, in desperate need of a back rub :blush: lol!! Slight head ache and Moodiness. Oh also I did get really emotional earlier after I came back in from shoveling the snow :shrug: I never cry from shoveling snow thats a first LOL!! I miss my Hubs but not so much to cry all like "WOAW IS ME" :haha:

hi all.. hmm don't have any symptoms at the min except bloated not long been up and working today so wil update tonight. can't believe i am still only 6 dpo. is that where u are mummyr? funny have same symptoms.

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