4-5 DPO Cramping & Lower Back Pains.. JOIN ME PLEASE 2WW


Your symptoms sound promising! Oh, and also about your temperatures, it is normal for women to have a "fall back rise." This is from FertilityFriend.com:

Fallback rise: A normal ovulation pattern when your temperature rises then drops slightly immediately after ovulation and then rises again.

That could be you. ^^ If you honestly have never even had some of your symptoms before, wouldn't you be jumping for joy? lol I know it's bad to jump the gun, but do you think you caught the egg this cycle?

AFM, I was pretty disappointed with yesterday's morning temp (97.3). That is the lowest I have been! I was stressing and praying that my temp shoots back up and not decrease anymore. Thank God my temp shot up to 99.3! I also woke up with loads of watery cm. And I was sweating like a whore in church. Horrible!

Morning! I'm working today as well. It's going to be busy at work since we are participating in an exercise. Whoo! lol I just woke up 30 minutes ago and the only symptom I truly noticed was the pulling/tugging feeling like cramps. And it's still going on. Hope you have a good day at work!
OK LADIES :flower:

Jan.7- (5DPO) Less cramping (noticed a sharp pinch for a minute on my left side, then it was gone)/Still excessive lower back pain/mild head ache/Bloated stomach (uterus area)/A little gassy/CM is regular/Agitated with the littlest things/Tired

These symptoms are what Ive been feeling this morning.. Im going to update on how I felt through out the day and night later on tonight :winkwink:


Ok buddies, Im back to report my nightly symptoms!! :hugs:

So I kept getting that pinching pain, kinda towards my left side but definetly in the lower pelvic area. Im wondering could this be implantation? I HOPE [-o< I havent really had any cramping anymore just those out of nowhere pinches. Haven't felt them since earlier but they lasted for only awhile and would come and go! Definetly bloated :dohh: I put on some jeans to go outside an shovel some snow and they were fitting snug, usually doesnt happen to me. Im petitie so I notice right away when I gain weight or am getting ready to start AF (cause all my jeans fit uncomfortably snug).. and AF isnt due for another 2w! I only get bloated too when I get AF. I started testing my temperatures last night as well. Last night it was 99.1, this morning it was 97.7 and tonights was 98.8 so it went up down up lol!! Is that normal? Have my lower back aches, their dull but their there. Tention in my back, in desperate need of a back rub :blush: lol!! Slight head ache and Moodiness. Oh also I did get really emotional earlier after I came back in from shoveling the snow :shrug: I never cry from shoveling snow thats a first LOL!! I miss my Hubs but not so much to cry all like "WOAW IS ME" :haha:


Looks like I have ovulated around the same time as many of you, Jan 2nd to be exact, so I am now 6DPO... and oddly enough I have been having cramping and backache as well, but nothing else. It is kind of discouraging, but I have heard of :bfp:'s with very little symptoms, plus I am only 6DPO.

As for you ladies curious about temping, temping is useful to indicate that you have definitely ovulated, as some women have ovulation signs but don't ovulate... I am a great example of this, my body geared up to O twice this cycle and didn't.

It is ideal to start temping at the beginning of each cycle, but you can start whenever, it just won't give you the full picture. It is also important to temp first thing in the morning everyday, before you do anything... including speak; temps at any other time of the day are irrelavant, only first morning temps should be recorded. I will attach my chart so you ladies can have a look, enjoy.

Btw, sorry it is such a long post. Here is my chart My Ovulation Chart
hi all.. hmm don't have any symptoms at the min except bloated not long been up and working today so wil update tonight. can't believe i am still only 6 dpo. is that where u are mummyr? funny have same symptoms.

I'm at 7dpo (+/- 2) but i have so many symptoms that never went away....and somehow even smptoms are adding up like just a while a go i cant stand too much smell in the grocery store ( in the detergent and fabric conditioner section coz it was too perfumy).

my shirt hugs my tummy and my boobs too but a few weeks ago it wasnt.

I feel a wacko at times...

Morning! I'm working today as well. It's going to be busy at work since we are participating in an exercise. Whoo! lol I just woke up 30 minutes ago and the only symptom I truly noticed was the pulling/tugging feeling like cramps. And it's still going on. Hope you have a good day at work!

Hi Lovebotlass, thanks, it went quite fast, hope you had a good day too! Pulling/tugging cramps sound similar to me. More so now that I have sat down for the evening. Actually I have not felt so much throughout the day but lots of creamy CM.

MommyR sounds promising with the smell at grocery store. i am not experiencing that at the mo anyway.

Well I hope that everyone in this group are going to all get BFP's - wouldn't that be something! Let's this next week goes fast!
Hello Ladies.. Jan. 8- (6DPO)

So I wanted to talk about some out of no where stuff that happen to me last night that I thought was pretty funny also of course my morning symptoms! So Im watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding and out of nowhere I smell the stench of a sour pickle WTH lol!! I freaked out and laughed it was like when you take a quick whiff of something and you pull back because it stinks!! I tried to find where the smell came from but nothing? Oh I also did get really emotional at many of the parts in the movie funny or sad lol!! So silly!!

As for todays morning symptoms.. My pinching pains on my left side arent around anymore. Still bloated. My back pains are there but I believe Im more sore due to all the snow I shoveled yesterday :dohh: Cramps are on and off, but not bad.. Ive been feeling real hot on and off at times. CM is light. Very mild head aches. Super exhausted but caught my second wind after I ate a little something :winkwink: And thats about it, Ill get back on tonight to follow up on the rest of the day!!


(ittybittycoy) Welcome to the group :flower: Thanks for all your input so far!! Jan.2 was what Im guessing was my OV day too. Looking forward to hearing more about your symptoms and anything else you'd like to share. :dust:

(Lovebotlass17) "Sweating like a whore in church" LMAO :haha: I just so happen to use that fraise last night from how HOT I was feeling too!! Thanks for the info on fallback rise, my temp did stay up this morning @ 98.3 it went down a little from last nights (98.8) but not by much. Hope thats a good sign! To be honest with my past 2 pregnancies I had no problems during my 2ww, didn't even know I was pregnant! Nothing compared to this one. I mean even in my past (not TTC) I've only been able to feel a slight cramping sensation a few times, from Im guessing OV for a few days but after that Im back to my normal self. Don't have any such uncomfortable feelings before I expect AF. Till AF is due is when I get menstrual symptoms, always (only) just pelvic cramps and bloating. But then I was like what if its all in my head? Me and my Hubs took the time to try and plan things this time around, thinking well if we plan it and catch it right before then we should have a real good chance. We've really been blessed to not have any problems with getting pregnant. My 2 pregnancies only came to be because we had unprotected sex at that time, we are very careful most of the time but in some occasions you just go at it without thinking :haha: resulting in bun in the over!! HAHA.. But I feel like because we acturally went all out to plan this one, its not gonna happen :sad1: Idk Im having lots of mixed emotions right now.. part of me feels like jumping for joy and the other part feels like nah I dont think it happend :dohh: I guess only time shall tell.. next Wednesday is when :af: is suppose to show herself if she doesnt ill be taking a :test: next friday on the 20th and praying I do see that :bfp: me and my hubs are longing for :flower: :dust:
Hi my lovely co-crazies!

At 8 DPO I have no symptoms at all now it seems other than mild cramps. Stupid boobs still do not feel sore, despite a bunch of stern glares from me. No nausea, no heartburn, no exciting things like spotting.

I do have to say, though, that this thread is entertaining the hell out of me. I seriously cracked up laughing at least ten times. I love that we're all so irreverent and snarky about everything. Great group :happydance:
Totally understandable and cool if people don't feel like responding in kind, but in the interests of science here is the quickie background info on me:

Me: 35, TTC first child
DF: 37, TTC first child

I haven't had any fertility testing (and never pg before, although in all fairness I was a mad birth control fanatic until last year), but he was tested after an invasive hernia operation in Fall 2010, and his :spermy: were just fine.

And we're off to the races :)
I'm 28
DH 31 and we have been at this too long. LOL!
Its nice to have to place where whatever is on your
mind, say it.
Totally understandable and cool if people don't feel like responding in kind, but in the interests of science here is the quickie background info on me:

Me: 35, TTC first child
DF: 37, TTC first child

I haven't had any fertility testing (and never pg before, although in all fairness I was a mad birth control fanatic until last year), but he was tested after an invasive hernia operation in Fall 2010, and his :spermy: were just fine.

And we're off to the races :)

(Me) 25
(HB) 25

TTC (boy) #3- Haven't run into any fertily problems so far.. All my friends poke at me with calling me "fertile mertile" :dohh: lol!! The only time I was on BC (mirena) was after my first child, I was on it for about a 1 1/2 then when we decided to try and get pregnant with our second child I had it removed. The doctors told me not to be discourage if I couldn't get pg right away, that it could take me anywhere from 6mos to a year to conceive after coming off the mirena. Well.. it only took me 3mos and we were pregnant with #2. Both of my pregnancies where not pre charted or planned and happened specifically because "out of the blue unprotected BD". But during this 2ww Im hoping for this month to be our first of actual pregnancy planning. HENCE, Why I guess I feel like I may not have achieved getting pregnant :dohh: Idk why Im thinking like that, I just feel like because we put so much effort into actually trying to pinpoint ovulation and BD on certain days that we'd have a really good chance hitting our mark? But you just honestly never know!:shrug:

(sakari06) Im glad you like the group and feel like you can express whatever you feel, thats the main reason I made this group because I knew there had to be other women out their like me and could probably use a friend in this 2ww journey :hugs:

Hey ladies.. Back to report the rest of my symptoms for the day/night :thumbup:

Had about the usual... I got a gaging reflex out of nowhere, that was fun :/ Very mild cramping on and off. My temp went up higher (99.4) tonight? Hips feel a bit sore. Excessive lower back pains. Bloated of course! Oh and I've noticed this for awhile but today I was like ok now I know Im not seeing things but my BBs feel swollen :holly: <- Yup just like that :haha: .. Their not at all tender or sore, just bigger than usual. My BBs never get swollen or tender before, during or after AF so of course this is a new feeling! Kinda like it cause my BBs are small lol!! (TMI) My urine has a sweet smell and I can especially smell it on my panty liners? I don't know what that could mean, any of you think you may know..? :shrug:
Hi ladies,

great to read yr updates!

nothing much new from me - 7dpo is much like 6dpo. Slight occasional light cramps, creamy cm... half way through the 2ww!!

Hi my lovely co-crazies!

At 8 DPO I have no symptoms at all now it seems other than mild cramps. Stupid boobs still do not feel sore, despite a bunch of stern glares from me. No nausea, no heartburn, no exciting things like spotting.

I do have to say, though, that this thread is entertaining the hell out of me. I seriously cracked up laughing at least ten times. I love that we're all so irreverent and snarky about everything. Great group :happydance:

I'm 8 DPO today and the symptoms I have are: entire body ache, lower back pain, constant cramping, tugging/pulling sensation, somewhat sensitive and tender nipples. Meh.

I love this thread too. Lot's of funny women that keep me entertained! Feel like I should start paying all of y'all lol.

Hey ladies.. Back to report the rest of my symptoms for the day/night :thumbup:

Had about the usual... I got a gaging reflex out of nowhere, that was fun :/ Very mild cramping on and off. My temp went up higher (99.4) tonight? Hips feel a bit sore. Excessive lower back pains. Bloated of course! Oh and I've noticed this for awhile but today I was like ok now I know Im not seeing things but my BBs feel swollen :holly: <- Yup just like that :haha: .. Their not at all tender or sore, just bigger than usual. My BBs never get swollen or tender before, during or after AF so of course this is a new feeling! Kinda like it cause my BBs are small lol!! (TMI) My urine has a sweet smell and I can especially smell it on my panty liners? I don't know what that could mean, any of you think you may know..? :shrug:

Hey, rrecio, crazy lady. Dude, I seriously think you're pregnant. But that's just me. Yesterday, at 7 DPO, I noticed a bit of blood while brushing my teeth. Yay, bleeding gums. Both yesterday and today's CM is watery...okay...don't understand that one. My temp yesterday was 99.3, and at 8 DPO, it's 98.7. I've noticed that lately my urine has been looking yellow, like bright yellow. Damn glaring at me from the commode!

So I tested this morning...hehe. :bfn:

Oh well, it was to be expected.
Hi ladies,

great to read yr updates!

nothing much new from me - 7dpo is much like 6dpo. Slight occasional light cramps, creamy cm... half way through the 2ww!!


Isn't it exciting that we are halfway there? Well, I'm testing on Friday the 13th...although I did one today. That didn't count. I just wanted to pee on something!! The thing that is so weird to me is that for yesterday and today, my CM is watery. For the first few days after ovulation, CM was mostly creamy white. I don't know what's going on. But we :sex: last night just in case lol.

When are you planning on testing?
ohh is sore gums a good sign too? Not bleeding but sore in the roof of my mouth. Yes it is very exciting. Ohh hadn't realised that friday is the 13th..I could test then as will be 11 dpo but if I get enough will power I will try to make it to due date - Mon 16th. Told dh that I would wait until monday - he just did a sarcastic laugh as if yeah right! We will see. Your symptoms sound more exciting than mine. However I do feel like I did in the 2ww when pregnant with no.1 - but I did in November and December just gone, particularly Nov and I just got af on time :(

I am ttc no2 - 33. DH - 34.
If you usually don't have sore gums, I would say that is a good sign. One spot on my gum is sore as well. Kind of inflamed and swollen. I tried checking out your chart but you only have one temp. Do you not chart everyday?

Okay, so since 5 DPO, I've been having frequent urination. My bladder would feel full too. I'm trying to think about all the reasons, other than pregnancy, that could cause frequent urination. I don't have a bladder, kidney, etc, infection. And I'm not sick. So...yeah lol.
Hey ladies.. Back to report the rest of my symptoms for the day/night :thumbup:

Had about the usual... I got a gaging reflex out of nowhere, that was fun :/ Very mild cramping on and off. My temp went up higher (99.4) tonight? Hips feel a bit sore. Excessive lower back pains. Bloated of course! Oh and I've noticed this for awhile but today I was like ok now I know Im not seeing things but my BBs feel swollen :holly: <- Yup just like that :haha: .. Their not at all tender or sore, just bigger than usual. My BBs never get swollen or tender before, during or after AF so of course this is a new feeling! Kinda like it cause my BBs are small lol!! (TMI) My urine has a sweet smell and I can especially smell it on my panty liners? I don't know what that could mean, any of you think you may know..? :shrug:

Oh my god, the boobie icon just made me laugh SO hard! That sounds like everything is falling right into place for you as far as symptoms go. So exciting! My bbs are still being lame and not doing anything, although I'm within about a week and a half of AF by now so if they do I won't trust it :haha:
If you usually don't have sore gums, I would say that is a good sign. One spot on my gum is sore as well. Kind of inflamed and swollen. I tried checking out your chart but you only have one temp. Do you not chart everyday?

Okay, so since 5 DPO, I've been having frequent urination. My bladder would feel full too. I'm trying to think about all the reasons, other than pregnancy, that could cause frequent urination. I don't have a bladder, kidney, etc, infection. And I'm not sick. So...yeah lol.

That sounds good too :)

No I only just started my ff, i haven't been temping but wanted to chart everything else. I need to get the proper thermometer as the one I have used just messing around with it) is not the recommended one. I am hoping that this is my month and I don't need to temp! It is interesting looking at other peoples charts though :)
9 dpo today and after today AF Is expected. I might test tomorrow b/c my left side feels heavy and I can't sleep on that side when I usually do.
9 dpo today and after today AF Is expected. I might test tomorrow b/c my left side feels heavy and I can't sleep on that side when I usually do.

If AF is due tomorrow you should absolutely test! Come on. Let us live vicariously through you. Do it do it do it :D

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