Thanks girls, I had a nice long cry yesterday.. its bumming me out because my doctor was being very nice and trying to say the right things and said that he has seen where theres 2 fertilized eggs and one miscarries when the other goes on to be healthy... i dont want to hear these things because the odds of that happening are so slim... I hate having a feeling of hope when deep down I know what has happened. I just want it to be over so I can find out why this is happening and fix it!
Hey frisbee - so sorry to hear you're going through a rough time when it should be the best time ever for you, I can't imagine what it must be like. Hope you're ok, xx
Im doing ok, I havent been doing much the past few days. I lit two candles yesterday for pregnancy and infant loss rememberance day.. I also walked a mile at the 5k. I wish I couldve walked more but I am still in slight pain and bleeding. The good news is that my bleeding as finally started slowing down today so We are just waiting for the ok to try again!
He didn't let us hear it, he said it wasn't good for the baby. I never knew that...
I'm getting early ultrasounds because of my missed miscarriage and because I'm seeing an RE. He made an appointment for me for two weeks, but said if I absolutely can't stand it to come back next week. I'm going to try to hold out though!
Thanks girls sooo much
How are you girls doing on Clomid? What's going on??
I'm I think 6 dpo?
My nipples
Hurt like crazy on fire hurt BUT I don't really consider that a symptom. Since about twice a year after I ovulate my boobies get super duper sore. But it always makes me
Suspicious. When did ur nips start to hurt espacey????
After this cycle I'm gonna save up my chlomid and really focus on losing weight. Be healthy and take a break from TTC for a few months so if we don't get pregnant at least I have a plan
thats kindof what Im going for too Glowbug, Im not going to take the clomid this cycle and just start working out and taking it easy. My DH just got us memberships to a gym around here so we are going to start getting in a routine
Yay frisbee mom! Hopefully that routine will take your mind off things.
How are you feeling today? I really wish you lived here. I would treat you to lunch hug you listen to you ;(
Anyones nipples on fire with chlomid? With BFP or no BFP?
Omg they hurt bad bad. If the pain goes away. Does that mean I'm not pregnant?
Glowbug, my nipples were sensitive for sure after O on Clomid. I figured it was because of it that they were, but who knows now... Probably from about 3dpo they were sensitive.
I started working out with a trainer 5 days a week before this, it got my mind off of all this TTC stuff. It was taking such a toll on everything.
Im feeling rather good today actually my bleeding has all but stopped (occasional spotting) and Im in no more pain. I go tomorrow and get my blood drawn again to make sure my hcg is back down to zero and then tomorrow night my DH and I are going on a double date with another married couple to go dancing and getting a few cocktails He was so awesome, he bought me new shoes to go with my new dress and got himself a new outfit to wear so we look AMAZING. Im so very excited!! This is the first time hes taken me out dancing and dressed so fancy!!
Im sorry your nips hurt so bad glowbug! I hope the pain goes away soon!
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