4 dpo crampy on chlomid?

Oh goodness Im feeling GREAT Im very excited to start trying again! Yea my DH is did a great job getting my spirits up. There were a few days where we fought because of some things that were dredged up from the past.. his ex and another girl who had a hardcore crush on him when I was pregnant with our DD. BOTH of them decided to try to contact him during the week I had the miscarriage.. NOT AWESOME. He didnt even respond to the girl who had a crush on him but then he actually had a conversation with his ex.. which REALLY bothered me. ANYWAY we talked through it (which we are Really good at) and it all got worked out :) I love him, no matter how many fights or arguments we get into.
Our double date was AMAZING. We went to a nightclub that actually had a group called Whos Bad, a Michael Jackson tribute band! We didnt plan to even go there. Im so glad we did though!! It was a BLAST! I hope you ladies are doing well
Awe frisbee! That's awesome! That sounds like a ton of fun
I wish my hubby and I communicated like that more. He barely talks.... Like ever.
Haha! glad to hear you're doing so much better. How old is your daughter ?

Well ladies. Say a prayer ( or thought) for me today. Am doing a photo shoot at a baby shower today  it's ok cause I'll be busy. But some baby showers really bother me!

Still sore nipples. I have been nauseous today! Which is totally not in my head!  I thought I ate something bad. Then hubby was like maybe morning sickness ??
Is 9 dpo too early? For morning sickness?

What do you guys think?

How's everyone's day so far?
Yea he is pretty awesome, we were best friends for YEARS before we dated, got married and had our DD. She is 3 haha AHH! its crazy how big she is now!! I sometimes wish she was my sweet precious little baby again :(
I can't do this emotionally anymore. My body and my mind and my crazy emotions need a break. Am soooooo sick of BFNS all the time! All the time
I guess what's sad is I've tried so hard to not be jealous of anyone. To keep my heart right and pray. Surely God will hear me and answer my prayers. I think its time to accept the fact that I am not meant to be a mother. Stop clinging to false hope and move on with my life. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted. I'm sick of crying. Touching my nipples. Wondering. Worrying. Congratulating everyone around me!!!!
Watching friends have two or three babies in the timeframe we've been trying. I hate it. Enough is enough. No more trying. I'm not going on a break. I'm done.

It seems on this site time works in people's favor. I did a prayer list for ladies TTC. They are all almost pregnant. For some of us. Time does NOT work in our favor.
Staring at one line this morning. I feel angry for letting myself feel hope.
I know I'm not out till the witch shows but it's time for me to face the facts. I'm out for good!!!!!!!!!

Please forgive me of this negative and ugly rant. I'm obviously pmsing and very full of pain. 
Glowbug, I'm tearing up reading that, and I say that not to make you feel guilty but because I, and all of us, wish SO MUCH there was something we could do to help. You've been so friendly and supportive and such a lovely person that I'm so angry that this hasn't happened for you yet, you deserve it so much. I honestly didn't know whether it was right to come back here after I got my news but you've been amazing and this group of ladies are seriously fantastic and I wanted to keep in touch. I hope that was the right thing to do. As for you thinking you're not meant to be a mother, the fact that you've been through so much hoping and praying proves that you are meant to be and will be an amazing mother. Maybe a little break might be good, just to focus on being nice to you. Then, hopefully, you will feel revitalised and ready to tackle this again, and succeed, OR to properly look at the next stage: more aggressive treatments, different treatment options and, if it comes to it and it's something you'd consider, maybe adoption? I honestly think it will happen for you, I just feel so sad that it's taking so long. I may have asked this but what treatments have you tried so far? Have you tried IUI? This is definitely not the end and you are DEFINITELY not out for good. I can only imagine how hard this must be and I hope you don't feel I'm out of line in what I'm saying as I've not been there, I just can't stand the thought of you giving up. We are always here for you, and I hope you feel more positive very very soon. Thinking of you Glowbug XxX :hugs:
Breathe in. Breathe out. Haha. Thank you LILLYFIRE. Of coarse I want my pregnant friends to stay here!!! I love this group of ladies. I wrote a poem about bitterness and am feeling quite better. Thank you for your kind words LILLYFIRE. You're so sweet. Chlomid is really the only thing we've tried so far :)
I feel really emotional the past two days and I hate thAt. I ne'er want to feel sorry for myself and feel genuinely happy for those who do conceive. Im just exhausted :)
When my period comes. I will take a 2 to 3 month break from all things trying to conceive :) thanks again dear!!!
Lilyfire said it perfectly. I'm sooo sad and ANGRY this hasn't happened for you too. It's unbelievable and I can't tell you how sorry I am. I hope this is your month, but if it's not and a break is what you feel like you need, do it. Take some time to breathe and work with hubby. I have a great book I would love to mail to you that my doctor helped write, I gave one to hubby and have an extra. It's called what to expect when she's not expecting. It's a great book and really helps men see the other side I think. I hope this happens for you soon, and I truly hope you don't give up forever before you consider all your options. I love what a great friend you've been to me, and I feel lucky to have met you. XO :hugs:
Glowbug, maybe give yourself permission to feel sorry for yourself or bitter or jealous and anything else. Nothing you're feeling is 'wrong' and perhaps allowing yourself to feel it will be cathartic and you will feel a little better. I know youre genuinely happy for your pregnant friends but feeling the other side sometimes is OK too. If you've only tried Clomid you have a whole host of options open to you :) Has your hubby been tested too? Please dont give up, but a break might be good. And you never know, theses things can happen when you're not even trying!! :hugs:
Glowbug, I'm so sorry to hear your pain. I was sorta feeling like that, I'm v impatient so I had all the tests done. Latest was my hsg which showed adhesions and a polyp. I got a polypectomy and a lap. Dr also removed the adhesions. Sometimes its an easy fix, mine was one of the harder fixes. Why don't you get an hsg? It may even clear up your tubes even if you just have mucous clogging it.

Just my two cents. :hugs:
Glowbug Im so incredibly sorry youre feeling so horrid :( I have had so many of those days that I cant even count. As awful as this sounds I would much rather have a BFN than have suffered these miscarriages.. It gets your hopes up to see that BFP and then see all the blood and have the horrid cramping.. Im thinking of you Glowbug, Im hoping you feel Better soon! Those feelings are not fun and keep you from thinking positively.. :hugs: we are here for you girl! <3
Espacey. That made me teary. I would love love love that book. I feel so supported by you all. Thank you so much. I feel bad for my crazy post. Especially since frisbee is going through so much right now. I wish we all lived close.

You all taking time to comfort me has truly liftedy heart Amd I'm thankful to have you all!!!
Sunshine. Thank you! I'm going to ask my doctor ASAP about that. :)
After your procedure. Did they tell you that your chances went up alot?
Awe hugs frisbee. It's so true. I need to county blessings because I couldn't handle a miscarriage. Would be so so soooooo painful. Thank you for caring. Wrote apoem today. Am thinking of sharing with you girls ;)

How is everyone else doing today?

ThNk you again to ALL of you for the love and support!!!
Oh dont feel bad Glowbug! I went a little crazy on my DH this past week.. we all have our crazy days :)
and yes miscarriages are awful and I wouldnt wish them on my worst enemy, but not ever seeing a BFP is also awful and I wouldnt wish it either. I feel for you and I am crossing everything and praying that one day you will get that precious little baby you deserve. My DH says that if we cant have another baby on our own we will adopt.. just an option :)
Im doing ok today.. as I said I went a little crazy on my DH.. He had a conversation with his ex last week and it got to me.. not because there was anything in the conversation (he let me read it as it was online) but just the fact that I think hes amazing and I know other women notice.. but he told me that I need to stop thinking like that because he loves me and married me and that he will be spending the rest of his life with me because he wants to. He also said that he wont talk to her again because it bothered me so much.. that he didnt care if he talks to her or not, he was just being nice.. It kindof made my day! I know men get a bad rep sometimes because they say things they dont really mean.. but my DH is one of a kind and was my best friend all through high school before we even dated.. so we know each other better than anyone else. Its weird. I know :haha: i hope you pretty ladies are all doing well. Im actually going to bed because I have a headache and my WONDERFUL three year old DD threw a massive fit just a little bit ago :wacko:
OH I was wondering if you girls know anything about when I might possibly ovulate since I stopped bleeding last week from this mc. Or maybe how I can find out besides opk's :)
Sunshine. Thank you! I'm going to ask my doctor ASAP about that. :)
After your procedure. Did they tell you that your chances went up alot?

After the lap, dr realized that my tubes are completely surrounded by adhesions so my chances would have been 0 before. Anything would be better right?
Frisbee, I would count your first day of bleeding as cd1. At least that's what I was told after my D&C to count that as cd1...

HSG is a great suggestion, it will definitely give you more insight on what's going on Glowbug. You're allowed to feel the way you do. I was there too before this month, ready to give up and then I got my bfp. It's hard to see everyone around you getting theirs, and when you're TTC it's like you can't avoid pregnant people in public. It's crazy. I wish we lived closer too. I'll PM you to get your addy and put the book in the mail tomorrow!
Frisbee :) I agree with espacey. I know you already know this but they say you're more fertile after miscarriage. I hope this proves true for you!!!:)

Ya that makes sense sunshine! What cd or dpo are you?

I'm 11dpo today well almost cause it's midnight. ;)
Thaaaank you espacey.
You are sooooo sweet. I appreciate that whole heartedly!!!!
Oy I agree sunshine ;) I forget. Are you on chlomid?

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