4 dpo crampy on chlomid?

:hi: ladies, how are you all?? It's gone quiet. Around 1dpo here & not sure ive told you but I'm trying the insemination & softcups method this month. Feels good to try something different :thumbup: x
Oh, Mrs. PTTC, can't wait to hear if you get your BFP!! I am 4dpo today, 3rd round of Clomid. I too am afraid now if I go off of it, I won't ovulate. We are in the TWW together!!

Fingers crossed!:happydance:
Yay wendy! :happydance:. 2ww buddies! FXd for us both! x.

are you going to test early? I am debating, might test at 10dpo. I just noticed you are from Washington, UK, and I am from the state of Washington. Didn't know they had a Washington in the UK-cool.

Anyhoo can't wait for us to get our BFP's!!! It is about time!:happydance:
3DPO for me today... assuming that I O'd like my FM said I did... The readings are a bit erratic though so I may not have.

This cycle is a natural one for me. I did 4 on clomid and decided it was time for a break. I'm kind of thinking that if we don't get a BFP in the next few months, we will have to wait until 2013. Life/work/moving/etc circumstances. At that point I will be around 32... But I don't think we have much of an option. I'm the big breadwinner in my family, so... there ya go. Sucks when all you want is to have a baby.

How are you ladies doing? I haven't been thinking too much about the baby thing this month. Trying to give myself a mental break along with the Clomid break. Although I HAVE been checking this forum regularly. :) Want to stay updated on whats going on with everyone.

Hi Wendy - my Washington is where George Washington was born and where your Washington gets it's name from!! :rofl: But your Washington is huge whereas ours is just a town with lots of villages. We have Washington Old Hall here which was George Washington's family home, it's nice to live somewhere with a bit of history :).
No I'm not testing early after my crazy POAS'ing last month! I'll wait til next weekend and if my spotting doesn't start I will test, otherwise it would be after AF is late. I've not taken any random temps so not sure how many DPO other than 2-4, but I actually feel more relaxed cos I don't.

Hi 30! :hi: Sorry you've had a break, but maybe it'll do you good. I really hope you get your BFP soon and you don't need to put off TTC :sad1:

I'm on 2nd round on clomid 100mg this month and been crampy for about a week and a half. Got a positive opt yesterday and today. BDing like crazy lol
Hi Jessie :wave: welcome to the thread! Enjoy your :sex: and hope you catch that eggy! x
Hi ladies glad to see your still around!! FX'd cross for everyone, hoping for a BFP 2012 year :)

So I took a round of provera to induce a period and 12days later no AF and negative blood test I had to start ANOTHER round of provera!!!! I took my last pill of the second round today and hoping and waiting for AF to show. It was so weird b/c I have taken it 5-6 times before and it always worked?!?! If I do not get it after this round I will have to take BC pills for a month to get some estrogen and progesterone in my body to get a period, ugh! Seems so against what I want! It would put us into March to do another round of clomid 150mg and a trigger shot. I was really looking forward to the next round since I will be adding a trigger shot, I feel like I could actually ovulate with it! Hope I get AF soon!!!!!
Hi babyteach, sorry you're having a rough time with the :witch: I hope she flies in soon for you so you don't need to go on the pill & take a break x

Sunshine, scooby, glowbug, any news from you ladies, you've not been on in a while? x
Hey guys, I'm back after a TTC hiatus! Doing round 2 of Clomid 50mg, we conceived with round one but then miscarried. Hoping we'll get lucky again, and get a sticky one!
Yay you're back scooby! You been WTT for a while? Hope you're ok x
So my no BD and only AI didn't pay off! :witch: came this afternoon after a hellish 6 days of spotting. No tears - first cycle in a while! Just thinking ahead to my FS appt after round 6 as neither DH or I have any faith in getting a BFP before then! :dohh: Think this cycle we will mix BD and AI. I need to order some more pre-seed, softcups & OPK's. I was considering upping my clomid to 100mg then going au naturel the cycle after but DH said no, I do agree with him, it was just a thought. How is everyone? x
Sorry the witch got you MrsPTTC, fx for next cycle! I'm doing well, thanks for asking. We decided to WTT after the miscarriage because I had the opportunity to enroll in short term disability coverage at work, but if I were to have conceived before January 1st it wouldn't have been covered. So here we are again. I'm 6dpo, and hadn't really felt any symptoms until this evening when I felt a little crampy. I cramped quite a bit after ovulation and up until my M/C when I was pregnant before, so I'll look at this as a good sign. I'm trying not to get too excited though.
Hey girliez!

Was hoping some1 could shed some advice...I recently had my day 23 Progesterone blood test results back and they were 57!!!!!
I understand that anything above 40 when you are on Clomid (Which I am) is a sign of Ovulation??

Does this indicate wot day I ovulated?? My last cycle was 32 days so my FS suggested going in a little later than the standard day 21 for my blood to be taken??

I have had a low back ache for the past week,not sure if this has any relevance or is just a sign of my period coming??

Any answers would be much appreciated xx Thanku xx
Thank you Scooby hun, it's all sounding promising for you, FX'd!!

Hi candifloss, I know nothing about progesterone results sorry, I have had mine checked before clomid, was told I didn't ovulate but he didn't give me the figure.

Sorry Candifloss, I'm no help in the progesterone department. The backache might be a symptom though, fx for you!

AFM, serious symptoms today! I woke up super dizzy, and have been nauseous on and off all day. More cramping, and some watery discharge. I want to test sooooo bad!!!
Hey ladies sorry I have been MIA been really busy with my job and always seem to be doing things on the weekends. Good though keeping my mind off of things... So, I took another round of progesterone and 2 days after the last pill I have a very light bleed but anything counts I guess. Scoobly I also tried the parsley the day before, I thinked that helped too, thanks!! CD 1 was Jan 30th. On day 5 I had an HSG done and my tubes are clear and uterus was shapped good, so thanks good! But oh my it was a bit painful good thing it was short lived! Days 5-9 took 150mg of clomid, fast forward to tomorrow I will have an ultrasound done to see if my follices are growing and if they are I will get a shot of novarel to hopefully force ovulation. Then for the following three days we are going to have timed intercourse (we decided to try this round natural before IUI). I am a little nervous my follicles are not growing but I am just hoping for the best. My doc said if all goes as planned I should ovulate on Valentines Day :). FX'd we feel like it might happen soon, not sure exactly when but soon!

Sounds like everyone is making progress! I would be so thrilled to have multiple BFP's this month!!! FX'd for us all!!!
Hi everyone, it's been quiet!

Scooby I've noticed your AF came, sorry hun :hugs2:

Babyteach glad your HSG went well! I've noticed your ticker though, sorry your got no follies this month :hugs2: When do you start Metformin?

How is everyone else? I am so sick of the clomid, it's turning me into a mad woman! :grr: I'm so snappy at DH and we're arguing a lot which isn't like us. We almost didn't BD last night, I said I was going to sleep as he had a go at me, and he said if I waste the opportunity then we're to give up TTC for 6 months as he can't cope with me any more :cry: We've made up now, and did DTD, well inseminate, but I really need to stop this clomid. 1 more month and we'll see what happens. I've got my next FS appt through, yay!! 25th April, 9 weeks tomorrow and counting, I feel as if a weight has been lifted!

Sending everyone lots of :dust: x
Sorry the clomid is making you crazy, it did to me my first cycle also. Fx that this is your month and you won't have to worry about it after this!

The witch got me yesterday :( but I'll be starting 100mg clomid (previously been on 50mg) tomorrow, so at least I can be excited about that!

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