Hi everyone, it's been quiet!
Scooby I've noticed your AF came, sorry hun
Babyteach glad your HSG went well! I've noticed your ticker though, sorry your got no follies this month

When do you start Metformin?
How is everyone else? I am so sick of the clomid, it's turning me into a mad woman!

I'm so snappy at DH and we're arguing a lot which isn't like us. We almost didn't BD last night, I said I was going to sleep as he had a go at me, and he said if I waste the opportunity then we're to give up TTC for 6 months as he can't cope with me any more

We've made up now, and did DTD, well inseminate, but I really need to stop this clomid. 1 more month and we'll see what happens. I've got my next FS appt through, yay!! 25th April, 9 weeks tomorrow and counting, I feel as if a weight has been lifted!
Sending everyone lots of
