I'm not either. I've been so positive and today is the first day I'm starting to feel down. I had an HSG this past month too, on CD 7. Everything seemed normal here though, which is reassuring. I'm sorry yours did not. Was this your first month on Clomid?
I hope we are both pregnant this month, would be so fun to have a pregnant buddy close by, due the same day and everything!!
I wouldn't feel too bad about having no symptoms, mine have died down now and it's pretty much just the odd twinge or cramp. Plenty of women don't even know they are pregnant because they have no symptoms.
Sunshine you have major self control waiting until 14 dpo, well done! Has anyone heard of people getting a BFP earlier if its twins? I'm just wondering as I was 9dpo yesterday got a BFP with FMU. I'm sure I heard that somewhere, I thought I's ask!
Glowbug, where are you??!!!! How are you today? We need news!

PS- I'm on my laptop for once and not my iphone, and can actually use the emoticons for once....

<- sorry, I had too, thats just hilarious!!!