I don't have a chart online

I just use an app on my phone. I wish I created one.
Definitely counts for something!
I had a bunch of follicles on day 9, my biggest on my left measuring 13mm
Then on day 13 I only had two, on my right! The one on my left went away, they were measuring 15/16mm
Then on day 15 they were 17/18mm
Positive ovulation test at 9:30PM (I was testing O EVERY TIME I went pee, I know I'm crazy)
Then day 16 they grew to 19/20
No trigger shot or anything, just felt ovulation I think, I woke up to a SHARP pain on my right side at 6am! Had to be it!
My doctors are truly amazing, Dr. Gregory Rosen and Dr. Andy Huang. Google them, they have the best reviews. You really feel like you're their only patient! I never wait for my appointments and they never make me feel rushed. Once he told me he thought from my lining that I had already ovulated, and I was sure at that point I missed O and broke down crying, Dr. Rosen sat there with me and comforted me, he told me we would take blood to be sure (turned out I didn't O, I just have a lush lining

). But he was there for me, told me to call if I needed anything, and to try not to worry. Dr. Huang called me from his personal cell once to answer questions I had. And after you achieve pregnancy they monitor you to make sure everything is good before they release you back to your OB, you get all the scans and blood draws your little heart desires! haha
OHH AND ANOTHER PLUS: You get your blood results back the same day! You go in the morning and they get you your results after 2pm that day!!!