40 Preg with No2

Clueless so sorry about your mmc, they really are awful and tbh scare me even though I have never had one. I have 2 friends who have, so will get a scan in 2 weeks hopefully.

I can't say about the extra scans with thyroid problems as I developed mine 5 months post partum, so with dd I had no thyroid problem, but it does make sense.

How are you doing minimin? I am full of cold with a horrible dry cough. I have it since Monday and I am so over it now!
Hey clueless an Charlie! Hope you ladies are well as having a good weekend :)

Clueless- sorry to hear your MMC. I've had a few and whether you have or haven't te worry is intense :cry:
I am also so tired. Are you taking prenatal vitamins? Mine have iron in them and so I don't want to take anymore on top. When do you go for your scan? lee? You mustn't be too far from me. I'm in Greenwich nearer to bexley welling area though. :)

Charlie- hope you're doing well too! Any more symptoms?

I'm supreme tred and today I skipped brekkie and am feeling so nauseous for it. Just had a boiled egg and feel queasy. Wish I can tell what's going on inside. I'm a little worried that something is wrong, though nothing to base my suspicions on. Still sinuses and he aches come and go.

I have my scan this Thursday- seems like time has slowed right down ATM :-(
Hey clueless an Charlie! Hope you ladies are well as having a good weekend :)

Clueless- sorry to hear your MMC. I've had a few and whether you have or haven't te worry is intense :cry:
I am also so tired. Are you taking prenatal vitamins? Mine have iron in them and so I don't want to take anymore on top. When do you go for your scan? lee? You mustn't be too far from me. I'm in Greenwich nearer to bexley welling area though. :)

Charlie- hope you're doing well too! Sorry to hear of your cough. Are you taking anything? Ginger honey and lemon? Any more symptoms? You mentioned a scan around 8 weeks... Have you booked that in yet?

I'm supreme tred and today I skipped brekkie and am feeling so nauseous for it. Just had a boiled egg and feel queasy. Wish I can tell what's going on inside. I'm a little worried that something is wrong, though nothing to base my suspicions on. Still sinuses and he aches come and go.

I have my scan this Thursday- seems like time has slowed right down ATM :-(
Sorry double posted. True to edit first to ask you Charlie if your cold was better- darn iPhone!
Hi Charlie15 and Minimin,

C, hot water, lemon and honey helped me. Hope your cough gets better soon, it's horrible especially when you can't tAke anything. I had it for 2 weeks but it was worse at night. Doctor prescribed me an inhaler to relieve it - it did help.

M, was nauseous and vomiting a lot during 1st trimester, thought it'll get better in 2nd but puked up dinner today. When it's bad the good side is I know the hormones are still there and then days when I feel good, it's great but then I'm worried. You can't win, for me having symptoms are good,....I'm based near Blackheath...I'm taking pregnacare pills but feeling super tired, worse than 1st trimester, like I'm taking sleeping tablets all day, can't keep my eyes open - really hoping doctor can find out why.

Take care xx
I am almost 41 and preg with my third child, I have a 14 yo and a 1 yo.
I am worried too. but in a way happy. Just think positive and look after your self . take vitamins and rest.
I am almost 41 and preg with my third child, I have a 14 yo and a 1 yo.
I am worried too. but in a way happy. Just think positive and look after your self . take vitamins and rest.

Congrats preg mama. You're right, best to think positive and take care of yourself.
Hi ladies,

Congrats preg mama and yes trying to be happy is a good idea. I am trying to let myself be, a little!

Clueless,sorry you are feeling so lousy and in 2nd tri. I remember that drugged feeling, horrible. I hope they find out what's causing it, if it's not hormonal and can do something about it.

Minimin, how are you feeling? Still nauseous and tired? Haven't you a scan in 2 days? Looking forward t hearing your news.

AFM, yep still sick as with this cold, have been knocked sideways by this one and still have this awful cough so lots of honey and lemon toddies for me! Today I developed a constant lower back pain on my left side, so went to the GP about it, concerned about it's one sided nature and ectopics. She has referred me to EPU, so should hear from them tomorrow. My GP doesn't think it is an ectopic, but veering on the side of caution. I don't think it is either tbh, it's more of an ache and it went away totally this evening, so more than likely muscular.
Charlie15, fingers crossed hope it's nothing serious. It's always best to get it checked.
Hey Charlie, Clueless and Welcome PregMama!

Charlie- Did you see the epu? I hope they managed to alleviate some of your worries and all is ok. How is that cold going. Rest rest and rest hun :)

Clueless- I hope you also get some answers to your sickness :( You're not to far from me hun. We are always in Blackheath and the park! In fact, now I am pregnant I will be going to see the acupuncturist in Blackheath :)

PM- Congrats and good advice. I wish it was easy to relax.

AFM- Scan set me at 7w 5d today. Little unclear but the tec said HB there. Didn't do doppler so no idea to the rate. I know the rate can indicate how well the pregnancy is going so a tad annoyed. I am looking into private scans as I am sure I will not be able to wait until the 13th week scan (7th of April).

Was initial shocked and excited that the scan showed all was ok. Now I am back to worrying! ugh!
Good news aboit scan M yes the 12 wk scan seems too far away!

I did go to EPU yesterday and saw a consultant gynae doc. All good measured at 5± 6 whci is a few days less but I know early scans cans be out by a few days. Saw heart beat, don"t know rate either. Pain that is was having is a cyst. Big relief and pretty amazed at what you can see so early! Have booling appt on 17th.

Pardon typoas in dd room in dark on phone!
Nice one on the scan and wow to see the hb so early. :). I hear you on typos. I'm doing the same so shall keep it short. Have my booking in tomorrow so will up date then x
Hey Minimin and followers :hi: Congrats on your news! Its all very exciting!
I got a :bfp: only yesterday for number 2. Just turned 39 last month so delighted to be here and thought I'd stalk someone who might have similar issues to me!
On a selfish note, I'm having serious 'early days' worries! The dark voices are at play lol! I did about 10 ic tests over the past week and they were all negative but just before I was due to go for an xray (unrelated!) my 6th sense sent me in to a cemist to buy some proper tests and there it was 'Pregnant' Of course I did the second one straight away and confirmed it so no xray for me! Worrying every since though that my hcg levels might just be too low and thats why the ic's didn't pick it up! Gonna try and be positive now though!

I guess I'm in the aging Mummys gang now!! :lol: Is that positive enough?!!! I reckon we're the best! Lots of life experience and adaptability! Bring it on! Hope you have a very happy and healthy few months ahead!
Hmmmm! Just reread that and see I'm basically hijacking your journal! Sorry bout that! Once I believe its all really happening I'll go and set one up myself and hopefully you can swing by for :coffee: :lol:
Hi chilly willy and congrats! Love your name by the way! :)

How was your booking appointment minimin? How are you feeling... Still tired with ms here!
Hello and welcome chilly willy- no worries on hijacking, though it wouldn't call it that. Just a thread where ewe can voice our thoughts. I am totally with you on worrying about everything. I used tons of IC and the first few were very faint too. Hope you're well and have had some more reassurance :) please grab a seat and join us older mamma's for the ride :)

Hey Charlie!!! How are you doing- sorry been a little AWOL recently. Work seems to have gone a little manic recently.
My booking was fine Hun! Took two hours though! I had to cancel work in the end as it was running an hour behind as well! She just took details from my history and that in itself is epic! Referred me to consultant for BP. Although it is fine at the moment they want to keep me monitored. Just back from consultant today - another grand three hour wait!! To be told not much to worry- just take aspirin as precaution. They will to growth scans after 20 weeks. Probably around the beginning of June!

Other than that- missing symptoms some days- thirst has gone, sinuses ok( still doing salt nasal spray thingy) and still tired- though mainly mornings. No sickness but nauseaus after eating or the end of eating.

I have recently had a throbbing pain in one eye socket and the consultant today says it's sounding like migraines. To keep an eye on it but not concerned. Same with slight swelling and itchy feet. Again to keep an eye on it. Ad finally I just can't seem to get comfy for sleeping so been up quite late- probably why so tired lol!

That last bit makes me feel like a hypochondriac :-(

How are you all doing? Has your MS resided Charlie?

M x
Good to hear from you M. Sorry about your insomnia, I had that with my dd, for me I think it was stress and worry. I don't have it this time though, not to say I am not worrying, I so am! And the migraines, did they advise you what to take for it? So when will you next see the obstetrician?

I had my booking appt today, went well, will be obstetric led as I thought with age and thyroid problem. My first appt will be at 14 weeks, so after scan. Was a bit crazy with a 16 month old running around the place pulling all the speculums out of the trolley! The midwife was pretty relaxed about it though!

Still considering a private scan at 9 weeks, so next week, but as much as I want either reassurance or bad news I am scared to book it! Nuts!
Lol. I know what you mean about little ones. I took iPad with me so my dd was occupied. I made sure I only brought out the bug guns once inside lol.

Glad their keeping a close eye on you. I have something similar. Once I hit 20 weeks I will get some extra growth scans to make sure baby is growing ok. With DD u had IUGR and Placental previa so they want to keep a close eye on me.

Next appt is 12 week in on 7th April. It's three weeks away!!! Like you I'm looking at private ones but haven't yet booked. For several reasons really- not really cheap, and then thinking nothing really has indicated anything wrong so maybe I should chill (acupuncturist has told me to not do it an just let nature take its course) and then I think- well maybe nothin g wrong but it may not surface until later (MMC) ugh! Then I think I can bank the scan and so one between 13-20 week one. Maybe get a Doppler now?!? So hard. Wish I was pared and can do both. Ha ha ha ha.

Can't believe 9 weeks for you already tomorrow! How's your MS?

Btw- the dya I had acupuncture I slept well. So maybe your right. It's o do with relaxing!

Let me know what you decide on scan wise- may help me decide too xxx
I miscarried I'm afraid so prob won't be hangin around here for a bit. Good luck with everything.

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