If you are overwieght - especially if in the obese range - it is better to try to get as fit as possible if planning to get pregnant. It would be better for your future baby. Children whose mothers were overweight while pregnant are more likely to be bigger babies and overweight as children.
Ok I'm sorry I have to call BS on you here, besides you haven't even read your own link, when reading it, it states "Increasing evidence indicates that the trouble often starts in the womb, when women gain more weight than is needed to produce a healthy, full-size baby. Excessive weight gain in pregnancy, recent findings show, can result in bigger-than-average babies who are prenatally programmed to become overweight children — who, in turn, are more likely to develop diabetes, heart disease and cancer later in life."
That means that if you GAIN too much weight DURING pregnancy you baby will become overweight, not if you are already overweight. I have seen more tiny women give birth to overweight babys than I've seen in large women. It all depends on what you eat, if you eat a bunch of junk and gain a bunch of weight, why wouldn't your baby be overweight? But if you eat healthy and only gain the required amount of weight for your size then there shouldn't be a problem unless the baby is born with a problem.
My friend Hannah was 130lbs and last year gave birth to a 9lb 11oz baby girl(premature) with a bunch of health problems that she is still dealing with to this day, as much as I love Hannah I hated how she was when she was pregnant. "The doctor says if I have a craving, just eat it" you don't always have to give in to that craving! She gained the right amount of weight she just ate crap all through her pregnancy, pizza, burgers, sweets, bread.
So no, if you start out overweight you are not going to give birth to an overweight baby, if you gain too much you will. Women with a BMI of more than 26 should gain atleast 15-25lbs while pregnant.
The I am fat and proud movement forgets the health aspect sometimes.
The I am fat and proud movement forgets the health aspect sometimes.
Wow, ummm... maybe there is some overcompensation with the pride because when you are overweight everything around you tells you its something to be ashamed of.. from supermodel advertisements to finding clothes that actually fit you right etc...
But you know what? I'm overweight, so are my parents, and we're all HEALTHY. I don't eat McDonald's every day, no, I don't run marathons...
but my blood pressure, cholesterol etc are all terrific and even better than some of my skinny friends.
There are plenty of health conditions that are not visible. There are skinny people with serious cholesterol problems, but nobody glares at them when they buy a hamburger and fries.
Just because you're fat doesn't automatically mean you are unhealthy. Just because you are skinny or at a 'healthy' weight doesn't mean you are healthy.
Its the automatic labeling that gets to me, sorry.
If you are overwieght - especially if in the obese range - it is better to try to get as fit as possible if planning to get pregnant. It would be better for your future baby. Children whose mothers were overweight while pregnant are more likely to be bigger babies and overweight as children.
Ok I'm sorry I have to call BS on you here, besides you haven't even read your own link, when reading it, it states "Increasing evidence indicates that the trouble often starts in the womb, when women gain more weight than is needed to produce a healthy, full-size baby. Excessive weight gain in pregnancy, recent findings show, can result in bigger-than-average babies who are prenatally programmed to become overweight children who, in turn, are more likely to develop diabetes, heart disease and cancer later in life."
That means that if you GAIN too much weight DURING pregnancy you baby will become overweight, not if you are already overweight. I have seen more tiny women give birth to overweight babys than I've seen in large women. It all depends on what you eat, if you eat a bunch of junk and gain a bunch of weight, why wouldn't your baby be overweight? But if you eat healthy and only gain the required amount of weight for your size then there shouldn't be a problem unless the baby is born with a problem.
My friend Hannah was 130lbs and last year gave birth to a 9lb 11oz baby girl(premature) with a bunch of health problems that she is still dealing with to this day, as much as I love Hannah I hated how she was when she was pregnant. "The doctor says if I have a craving, just eat it" you don't always have to give in to that craving! She gained the right amount of weight she just ate crap all through her pregnancy, pizza, burgers, sweets, bread.
So no, if you start out overweight you are not going to give birth to an overweight baby, if you gain too much you will. Women with a BMI of more than 26 should gain atleast 15-25lbs while pregnant.
Actually, the link is one example - there has been research around for awhile that being overweight can have a negative effect through the generations. Eating too little can have a negative health effect as well. Both common sense really. No one said a smaller person, who eats too much in pregnancy cannot have a big baby - of course they can.
I imagined the topic of weight would be contentious but it is for your future childs health not just your own. The I am fat and proud movement forgets the health aspect sometimes.
Yes well no one on here is saying "I'm fat and I'm proud" the question was "is it possible to get pregnant when you are overweight"
I appreciate that you think that we are all saying "I'm fat and I'm proud so I dont care what happens to my baby" but we're not, I was just trying to figure out if anyone else was going through what I am going through and if there was people who got pregnant while being overweight without any problems. I continued to look around and anytime weight was brought up as an issue with pregnancy is when you gained too much weight or lose too much. No problems otherwise(dont get me wrong I'm sure there are some people who have problems regardless) unless you have diabetes or something, a lot of people assume that because someone is overweight that they have diabetes or some other problems. But thats not true, there are some very healthy overweight people. But it all boils down to the fact that I just wanted to know if anyone is pregnant or ttc and overweight, just trying to connect with people like me, but thanks for your input anyway.
The I am fat and proud movement forgets the health aspect sometimes.
Wow, ummm... maybe there is some overcompensation with the pride because when you are overweight everything around you tells you its something to be ashamed of.. from supermodel advertisements to finding clothes that actually fit you right etc...
But you know what? I'm overweight, so are my parents, and we're all HEALTHY. I don't eat McDonald's every day, no, I don't run marathons...
but my blood pressure, cholesterol etc are all terrific and even better than some of my skinny friends.
There are plenty of health conditions that are not visible. There are skinny people with serious cholesterol problems, but nobody glares at them when they buy a hamburger and fries.
Just because you're fat doesn't automatically mean you are unhealthy. Just because you are skinny or at a 'healthy' weight doesn't mean you are healthy.
Its the automatic labeling that gets to me, sorry.
Thank you for saying this, the same comment really upset me too, I am very healthy. I'm vegan, I don't eat sweets and I exercise! But I am still overweight, oh well I'm very healthy and I'm working on it! I hate being stuck into "your fat so that must mean your unhealthy and don't care"
We have a national health crisis and saying I am obese/overweight and healthy is an oxymoron - not really possible. You can be a vegan - eat as healthy as you like now - but something obviously went wrong somewhere for someone to become overweight or obese Being fat is not healthy. I do not understand the push from some in the US to say it is.
We have a national health crisis and saying I am obese/overweight and healthy is an oxymoron - not really possible. You can be a vegan - eat as healthy as you like now - but something obviously went wrong somewhere for someone to become overweight or obese Being fat is not healthy. I do not understand the push from some in the US to say it is.
Wow... seriously? I'm just repeating myself here, but it is not impossible to be overweight and be healthy!!!!! It is not an automatic thing to be overweight therefore unhealthy!
Being skinny doesn't automatically make you healthy.
YES there is a HIGH correlation between weight and health... but it is not a 100% given truth.
And the worst part is the assumption that making someone feel bad about their weight is going to make them suddenly lose weight.
While we're at it, lets go and make all those too-skinny people feel bad and shame them into putting on more weight. Lets go tell everyone who has bad breath that they just need to brush their teeth.
Lucky you.. there was a medical condition that was fixable for your weight issue.
My body simply loves to put on weight and fights to keep every pound it has... so one month of less-than-stellar diet choices means 12 months of strict dieting to lose maybe half of what I put on.
I am not unhealthy ... don't lump me in with those people who are.