The I am fat and proud movement forgets the health aspect sometimes.
Wow, ummm... maybe there is some overcompensation with the pride because when you are overweight everything around you tells you its something to be ashamed of.. from supermodel advertisements to finding clothes that actually fit you right etc...
But you know what? I'm overweight, so are my parents, and we're all HEALTHY. I don't eat McDonald's every day, no, I don't run marathons...
but my blood pressure, cholesterol etc are all terrific and even better than some of my skinny friends.
There are plenty of health conditions that are not visible. There are skinny people with serious cholesterol problems, but nobody glares at them when they buy a hamburger and fries.
Just because you're fat doesn't automatically mean you are unhealthy. Just because you are skinny or at a 'healthy' weight doesn't mean you are healthy.
Its the automatic labeling that gets to me, sorry.