I'm really excited.
Betty your little girl is so cute. I can't believe it has been over a month since you had her. Time sure does fly doesn't it.
Does any one really understand temps??? I sooo confused
I know I don't post on this thread very often but I wanted to let you ladies know that I got my bfp this morning
Thanks Ladies
Betty the time goes way too fast with the little ones. My baby is now 2 1/2 and it feels like just yesterday she was a little baby in my arms
I don't know I'm thinking boy for you but a lot of times I base that on my symptoms with my son and daughter which are not the same for everybody. I think the ms that lasts longer is boy related also I craved healthy things with ds and junk with dd and actually wanted to eat certain things with ds and pretty much everything seems gross with dd. I guess we'll find out in just a few more weeks