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42+ pregnant?

hi i am 46 and have been trying for 6 years now, alas with no help as we were too old according to all the specialists we have had the unfortunate pleasure to meet, although my last bloodtests came back really good and no where near menopause so that put a smile on my face. This cycle i had the strongest ov sign ever very stretchy egg white and was very active and now im 1 day late , very wet, sore nipps and boobs, so tired, and worryingly i have a really sharp pain in my groin on the left and wondered if anyone else have had this and what it is its really sharp at times and comes and goes.
thank you for reading , oh and im not testing until 7 more days have past just to make sure its not a late af.
I would test now and if it is a BFP go see a doc right away as they can give you progesterone if needed etc
Hi notrustyet, actually I'm American, raised in the Middle East, Rasha is an Arabic name. No idea on the hammock, but it looks interesting, will investigate it :). My FSH was between 9 and just under 11 (was done when I was 44), RE said I was much younger reproductively than my age, have no idea what AMH was, it was done but never asked. Has good number of antral follices per cycle, so took her word for it. Am looking into testing with bloodwork over Amnio. Son has ADHD/Aspergers but we will not terminate whatever the outcome. Just need to find the test in Canada!

Hi all I'm 46, almost 11 weeks, conceived naturally (spontaneous) at 45 (last egg before I turned 46). Just saw my ob/gyn, she says I am her record holder so far, and so far so good. I have two kids already 13 and 16. So there will be a gap : D.

Good luck to all! Scans thus far have been good, and baby appears healthy.

Congrats notrustyet! Girls are so much fun.

Rashaa, are you going to get the Harmony blood test to check for trisomies? It can be done early, like 11 weeks, and tests for Down Syndrome etc. I had it, showed normal fetus, but I ended up getting amnio too just in case (I have an older sister who is blind/autistic spectrum, she was very premature, just under 2lbs, whom I will care for full time when my parents no longer can, so DH was very nervous about us having a baby with disability, NEEDED that amnio certainty...) Amnio showed same thing, got the extra microarray testing too., 100% normal, so really risk of amnio MC wasn't necessary, as Harmony was accurate. Since it is relatively new, MD didn't trust as well as amnio, (but Harmony claims 99% accuracy)

PS from name, I'm assuming you are Indian? I want to get one of those neat looking Indian baby hammocks (ghodiyu) are you familiar with them? My first DD needed to be rocked/bounced/held ALL the time in early months, this looks like the solution..


Also, what was your FSH level, AMH level at 45?????

I never posted it, but my DD is Asperger's/ADHD too, hence the great need for all the vestibular input. The amnio and Harmonty CANNOT check for ASD or ADHD, even if they could wouldn't have been a reason for us to terminate either, just worried about the more serious stuff. Fulll blown classic autism would be horrible of course, but My DD is VERY high functioning, a joy to us, though the early years were tough, dealt with some major tantrum/meltdown behaviors. She's on Intuniv now, has been great.

PS how old were you when you had your son? Is he your only?

My daughter is 17, I had her at 29, had my son at 32. My downs odds with this baby was 1 in 10000, not ad for an old lady :). Morph scan was good, no soft markers met. Makes me think the chiro and acupuncture helped good quality eggs .
I would test now and if it is a BFP go see a doc right away as they can give you progesterone if needed etc

thank you for your reply and i will be testing in a few days just to make sure im past day 31, as i have had an emmc at this stage already, my acupuncturist recommended using natural progesterone cream at night on my foot after ov which i have done so hopefully this has been helping too, but i will get to doc asap after i find out and if neg test will go and get blood test done too. as of today im 2 days late and have a medium height cervix which feels like a closed slit, and am very wet like a watery cm so i hope this is all good , oh and boobs hurt at times under my arms :shrug:
Tryin2make1, I used NP cream too until I made it to MD then got on Provera just in case. My OB checked my level and it was 29 (he said if was anything over 24, he wouldn't feel need to give me Provera, but I really said it would put my mind at ease for first tri (and I was using A LOT highly concentrated NP cream to have that level 29...) so he said, "can't hurt, might help", and wrote RX. Basically he felt though that a healthy egg, produces healthy corpus luteum, which then produces healthy level of Prog. to sustain a preg but i wasn't taking any chances!

I always applied my NP cream to face, inner arms, inner thighs, breasts. Did your acupuncturist say it's better to apply to bottom of feet? Did you rotate areas or always use foot soles?

PS one of early signs for me (though it was AFTER my BFP test which I did kind of early) was horrible painful cramps (CD 28 of usually 26 day cycle), they woke me/prevented sleep. I don't usually get such painful AF cramps, but it must have been embie implanting, also, I couldn't stand to wear any bra, not even my comfy sports one halfway into luteal phase.

Some of my other TWW signs: CD 17 brief jabbing pains L side near ovary (O'd CD 13) 7dpo, very intense and lingering cramps after orgasm (self-induced :) LOL. The mild continuous cramping lasted 30 minutes, NEVER had that happen before, totally stopped having any O's after that as I was cautiously suspicious something was up, and I might dislodge. 11 DPO had tiny (size of pinhead) red dot on am TP, had this dot also with Chem preg. BTW, took a test CD 25, 12 DPO and got a BFP

So hopefully good signs for you! buckets of baby dust!
thank you so much for your post, i was recommended to put the proges cream on boney areas of feet alternate feet every day twice a day , so if i put on back of heel on right foot in am , i put it on side of right foot at pm, and alternate foot the next day although i have been putting a bit just above hairline too for the last week and it seems to be helping, i wanted to test tomorrow but am too nervous of a neg test but i will have to be brave and do it as i really need to know and get to the docs quick coz of my age and get seen , dont want to lose this baby if i am pregnant for anything took me too long to get this far !
thinking hard of you!! :hugs: sooo happy for you.

I have my first ultrasound in two days and I`m absolutely petrified - reading your story gives me hope :flower:

Thanks... no need to worry, just try to enjoy one day a time. Keep me posted with the results.
Hi Everyone. I had posted in another thread in error. I had the Harmony test and to my horror it came back inconclusive!!! Not good, not bad, just inconclusive. So they made me go back in and I had "The authority on fetal medicine, Doctor Nicolaides" the inventor himself of the test... see to me. He did the nuchal fold scan and when i saw the size of it, I knew right away it was normal. It was 1.7mm... but for my age and background the risk was 1 in 25! With the bloods and everything else it went to 1 in 200 which I thought not bad but he said I should have a CVS and I didn't know what to do as it carries a 1% risk of miscarriage... He said that with him it was more like 1 in 500 and that other doctors made errors, if anything bad was to happen, we would know it straight away... I went ahead and had a CVS. They called me the following day to say everything was perfectly normal and it was a boy!!! I was nervous for a few days as the big long needle really hurt and it was sore and paranoid that something was going to go wrong... but it didn't. That was a week ago and today I had another scan and baby is well and happily kicking. I have made it! I finally made it!!! I am over the moon! So so happy! I have been feeling well and truly pregnant, sick as a dog, moody, sleepy and have gained 10lbs in 12 weeks, have pumped myself full of steroids, started to develop a moon face (going away now that I am weaning off them) other numerous tablets, intralipids, and I have neglected my business and loss some money but... I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER! I wish you ladies lots of luck, lots of baby dust, and would love to hear other happy ending stories. I am here if you want to ask questions... now I only have to play the waiting game... xx
well i tested and it came up straight away as a very faint pink line but ended up looking grey in the time scale, so im discounting that one i used a boots home test, but am thinking of getting my moeny back of the pack unopened and getting a early response instead or finding one that picks up low hcg, i have had no real bad cramping hardly any at all boobs hurt when they feel like it, more when i wear a bra which i have hated wearing for over a week now, today im cd29 so three days late and cervix is higher and closed and softish lots of watery wet cm so keep checking cos i get that huge wet feeling but nothing and having to go to sleep at 8pm and then waking at 6/7am is a night mare but hey if im pregnant then im not complaining lol , will let you know test result tomorrow
Hi ladies...
Do you mind if I join in?
I had my son at 42 and he's a healthy happy 7 year old.

And......I am TTC at 49!! :happydance:

I am currently 6 days late for my AF and temps are high. But,
bfn this morning. :wacko:

I am Never ever late, so we will see.
I have appt this afternoon for bloodwork.

Wish me luck!! :winkwink:
Hi ladies...
Do you mind if I join in?
I had my son at 42 and he's a healthy happy 7 year old.

And......I am TTC at 49!! :happydance:

I am currently 6 days late for my AF and temps are high. But,
bfn this morning. :wacko:

I am Never ever late, so we will see.
I have appt this afternoon for bloodwork.

Wish me luck!! :winkwink:

GOOD LUCK! :happydance: We're only as old as we feel, and I say just keep doing what we want to do, you never know. I'm TTC #1 at 41- took me this long to find Mr Right - didn't want to have a baby without support, but I do so want that little bean!
Hi Everyone. I had posted in another thread in error. I had the Harmony test and to my horror it came back inconclusive!!! Not good, not bad, just inconclusive. So they made me go back in and I had "The authority on fetal medicine, Doctor Nicolaides" the inventor himself of the test... see to me. He did the nuchal fold scan and when i saw the size of it, I knew right away it was normal. It was 1.7mm... but for my age and background the risk was 1 in 25! With the bloods and everything else it went to 1 in 200 which I thought not bad but he said I should have a CVS and I didn't know what to do as it carries a 1% risk of miscarriage... He said that with him it was more like 1 in 500 and that other doctors made errors, if anything bad was to happen, we would know it straight away... I went ahead and had a CVS. They called me the following day to say everything was perfectly normal and it was a boy!!! I was nervous for a few days as the big long needle really hurt and it was sore and paranoid that something was going to go wrong... but it didn't. That was a week ago and today I had another scan and baby is well and happily kicking. I have made it! I finally made it!!! I am over the moon! So so happy! I have been feeling well and truly pregnant, sick as a dog, moody, sleepy and have gained 10lbs in 12 weeks, have pumped myself full of steroids, started to develop a moon face (going away now that I am weaning off them) other numerous tablets, intralipids, and I have neglected my business and loss some money but... I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER! I wish you ladies lots of luck, lots of baby dust, and would love to hear other happy ending stories. I am here if you want to ask questions... now I only have to play the waiting game... xx

Hi ladies...
Do you mind if I join in?
I had my son at 42 and he's a healthy happy 7 year old.

And......I am TTC at 49!! :happydance:

I am currently 6 days late for my AF and temps are high. But,
bfn this morning. :wacko:

I am Never ever late, so we will see.
I have appt this afternoon for bloodwork.

Wish me luck!! :winkwink:

Of course you can join in!!! Welcome to the thread!
Thank you. I agree that it's only a number. But, I am made to feel like I may be out of my mind. LOL. My doctor says that if I become pregnant that most likely it will MC. :nope: I don't believe that, so I just carry on.

Anyway, I am glad I found this forum.
Thank you. I agree that it's only a number. But, I am made to feel like I may be out of my mind. LOL. My doctor says that if I become pregnant that most likely it will MC. :nope: I don't believe that, so I just carry on.

Anyway, I am glad I found this forum.

Seriously, you are are 41 not 51! Your doctor is an idiot!
Thank you. I agree that it's only a number. But, I am made to feel like I may be out of my mind. LOL. My doctor says that if I become pregnant that most likely it will MC. :nope: I don't believe that, so I just carry on.

Anyway, I am glad I found this forum.

Seriously, you are are 41 not 51! Your doctor is an idiot!

Not that I disagree but she said 49 lol
Thank you. I agree that it's only a number. But, I am made to feel like I may be out of my mind. LOL. My doctor says that if I become pregnant that most likely it will MC. :nope: I don't believe that, so I just carry on.

Anyway, I am glad I found this forum.

Seriously, you are are 41 not 51! Your doctor is an idiot!

Not that I disagree but she said 49 lol

Woops! Doctors a twit anyway!

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