42+ pregnant?

DHEA helps with the quality of the eggs. I have done a lot of reading on that, dunno if you have but it helps in the process when the chromosomes problems start plus the Co Enzyme Q10 also helps with it with mitochondria of the cell (egg). I reckon you really should invest in a very good DHEA, again, Fertinatal is endorsed by one of the best IVF clinics in the world in NYC. I have spontaneously conceived on DHEA but I do it too early and I read that if it is done before the 12 weeks, you have a risk of MC... This time was 10 weeks... fingers crossed.. .
I'm in micronised now, so hope it reverses the age of the eggs ;)
I also just switched back to micronized. Figured saving $18 wasn't worth it if any chance non-micro were less effective.

I've never consciously noticed any effects from 600mg CoQ10 or 75mg DHEA, but for some reason have a lot of faith in them. And I am a ridiculously skeptical type. I wonder if I notice feeling better on some subconscious level.
I used Natures Plus micronized DHEA, plus has an added herb for better absorbtion. Comes in 10 mg or 25 mg strength, can get on Amazon, very reasonably priced. I definitely noticed testosterone effects w/50-75 mg, so to me that meant it was working, plus my tested DHEA was quite high after being on it a while. I used mainly the 10 mg in multiple doses The Fertinatal is REALLY expensive by comparison... From what I've researched, I wouldn't use 7 Keto DHEA, that is more for body building/weight loss...

Here's a pic of micronized DHEA I used...

Hi all I'm 46, almost 11 weeks, conceived naturally (spontaneous) at 45 (last egg before I turned 46). Just saw my ob/gyn, she says I am her record holder so far, and so far so good. I have two kids already 13 and 16. So there will be a gap : D.

Good luck to all! Scans thus far have been good, and baby appears healthy.

Congrats notrustyet! Girls are so much fun.

Rashaa, are you going to get the Harmony blood test to check for trisomies? It can be done early, like 11 weeks, and tests for Down Syndrome etc. I had it, showed normal fetus, but I ended up getting amnio too just in case (I have an older sister who is blind/autistic spectrum, she was very premature, just under 2lbs, whom I will care for full time when my parents no longer can, so DH was very nervous about us having a baby with disability, NEEDED that amnio certainty...) Amnio showed same thing, got the extra microarray testing too., 100% normal, so really risk of amnio MC wasn't necessary, as Harmony was accurate. Since it is relatively new, MD didn't trust as well as amnio, (but Harmony claims 99% accuracy)

PS from name, I'm assuming you are Indian? I want to get one of those neat looking Indian baby hammocks (ghodiyu) are you familiar with them? My first DD needed to be rocked/bounced/held ALL the time in early months, this looks like the solution..


Also, what was your FSH level, AMH level at 45?????
Hi notrustyet, actually I'm American, raised in the Middle East, Rasha is an Arabic name. No idea on the hammock, but it looks interesting, will investigate it :). My FSH was between 9 and just under 11 (was done when I was 44), RE said I was much younger reproductively than my age, have no idea what AMH was, it was done but never asked. Has good number of antral follices per cycle, so took her word for it. Am looking into testing with bloodwork over Amnio. Son has ADHD/Aspergers but we will not terminate whatever the outcome. Just need to find the test in Canada!

Hi all I'm 46, almost 11 weeks, conceived naturally (spontaneous) at 45 (last egg before I turned 46). Just saw my ob/gyn, she says I am her record holder so far, and so far so good. I have two kids already 13 and 16. So there will be a gap : D.

Good luck to all! Scans thus far have been good, and baby appears healthy.

Congrats notrustyet! Girls are so much fun.

Rashaa, are you going to get the Harmony blood test to check for trisomies? It can be done early, like 11 weeks, and tests for Down Syndrome etc. I had it, showed normal fetus, but I ended up getting amnio too just in case (I have an older sister who is blind/autistic spectrum, she was very premature, just under 2lbs, whom I will care for full time when my parents no longer can, so DH was very nervous about us having a baby with disability, NEEDED that amnio certainty...) Amnio showed same thing, got the extra microarray testing too., 100% normal, so really risk of amnio MC wasn't necessary, as Harmony was accurate. Since it is relatively new, MD didn't trust as well as amnio, (but Harmony claims 99% accuracy)

PS from name, I'm assuming you are Indian? I want to get one of those neat looking Indian baby hammocks (ghodiyu) are you familiar with them? My first DD needed to be rocked/bounced/held ALL the time in early months, this looks like the solution..


Also, what was your FSH level, AMH level at 45?????
I also just switched back to micronized. Figured saving $18 wasn't worth it if any chance non-micro were less effective.

I've never consciously noticed any effects from 600mg CoQ10 or 75mg DHEA, but for some reason have a lot of faith in them. And I am a ridiculously skeptical type. I wonder if I notice feeling better on some subconscious level.

Hi, when I was taking online bought DHEA, which was apparently also micronized, I was taking 75mg and no side effects, until I started taking the Fertinatal one, then I got might headaches and high blood pressure which tells me that that one is much stronger and perhaps better then store bought or online bought. It is endorsed by one of the top IVF clinics. Some of you have spent lots of money in treatment, I know I keep trying to push this fertinatal, lol, believe me, I don't have any affiliation with them lol... but I really think you guys should look into it and it is some heavy duty stuff...
I also just switched back to micronized. Figured saving $18 wasn't worth it if any chance non-micro were less effective.

I've never consciously noticed any effects from 600mg CoQ10 or 75mg DHEA, but for some reason have a lot of faith in them. And I am a ridiculously skeptical type. I wonder if I notice feeling better on some subconscious level.

Hi Lucky, I don't think that Coq10 has any bad side effects, I think it only gives you energy. I got my hubby to take it along with me and he noticed the difference... hopefully his spermies got really good lol... not that they were bad, but I mean, you know, healthier.
I used Natures Plus micronized DHEA, plus has an added herb for better absorbtion. Comes in 10 mg or 25 mg strength, can get on Amazon, very reasonably priced. I definitely noticed testosterone effects w/50-75 mg, so to me that meant it was working, plus my tested DHEA was quite high after being on it a while. I used mainly the 10 mg in multiple doses The Fertinatal is REALLY expensive by comparison... From what I've researched, I wouldn't use 7 Keto DHEA, that is more for body building/weight loss...

Here's a pic of micronized DHEA I used...

Hi Notrusty... I would agree with not using the 7Keto as it is not for fertility like you say and if you noticed changes with higher dosage, than that means that it was working all right. I know Fertinatal was expensive but at this point I was willing to try whatever I had to... and if it meant a was going to get a baby out of it, then I was going to try. Compared to fertility treatments, or heartaches of another miscarriage, or the intralipids that now I have no choice but to do, or even all the blood tests I have been subjected to, the fertinatal was the cheapest of it all!
Happypregnant-yes, I get it. All this stuff adds up though...the CoQ10, is $$ too but nothing compared to IVF or even weekly accupuncture which was going to be my next move if I didn't conceive...
Hi notrustyet, actually I'm American, raised in the Middle East, Rasha is an Arabic name. No idea on the hammock, but it looks interesting, will investigate it :). My FSH was between 9 and just under 11 (was done when I was 44), RE said I was much younger reproductively than my age, have no idea what AMH was, it was done but never asked. Has good number of antral follices per cycle, so took her word for it. Am looking into testing with bloodwork over Amnio. Son has ADHD/Aspergers but we will not terminate whatever the outcome. Just need to find the test in Canada!

Hi all I'm 46, almost 11 weeks, conceived naturally (spontaneous) at 45 (last egg before I turned 46). Just saw my ob/gyn, she says I am her record holder so far, and so far so good. I have two kids already 13 and 16. So there will be a gap : D.

Good luck to all! Scans thus far have been good, and baby appears healthy.

Congrats notrustyet! Girls are so much fun.

Rashaa, are you going to get the Harmony blood test to check for trisomies? It can be done early, like 11 weeks, and tests for Down Syndrome etc. I had it, showed normal fetus, but I ended up getting amnio too just in case (I have an older sister who is blind/autistic spectrum, she was very premature, just under 2lbs, whom I will care for full time when my parents no longer can, so DH was very nervous about us having a baby with disability, NEEDED that amnio certainty...) Amnio showed same thing, got the extra microarray testing too., 100% normal, so really risk of amnio MC wasn't necessary, as Harmony was accurate. Since it is relatively new, MD didn't trust as well as amnio, (but Harmony claims 99% accuracy)

PS from name, I'm assuming you are Indian? I want to get one of those neat looking Indian baby hammocks (ghodiyu) are you familiar with them? My first DD needed to be rocked/bounced/held ALL the time in early months, this looks like the solution..


Also, what was your FSH level, AMH level at 45?????

I never posted it, but my DD is Asperger's/ADHD too, hence the great need for all the vestibular input. The amnio and Harmonty CANNOT check for ASD or ADHD, even if they could wouldn't have been a reason for us to terminate either, just worried about the more serious stuff. Fulll blown classic autism would be horrible of course, but My DD is VERY high functioning, a joy to us, though the early years were tough, dealt with some major tantrum/meltdown behaviors. She's on Intuniv now, has been great.

PS how old were you when you had your son? Is he your only?
Hi notrustyet, actually I'm American, raised in the Middle East, Rasha is an Arabic name. No idea on the hammock, but it looks interesting, will investigate it :). My FSH was between 9 and just under 11 (was done when I was 44), RE said I was much younger reproductively than my age, have no idea what AMH was, it was done but never asked. Has good number of antral follices per cycle, so took her word for it. Am looking into testing with bloodwork over Amnio. Son has ADHD/Aspergers but we will not terminate whatever the outcome. Just need to find the test in Canada!

Hi all I'm 46, almost 11 weeks, conceived naturally (spontaneous) at 45 (last egg before I turned 46). Just saw my ob/gyn, she says I am her record holder so far, and so far so good. I have two kids already 13 and 16. So there will be a gap : D.

Good luck to all! Scans thus far have been good, and baby appears healthy.

Congrats notrustyet! Girls are so much fun.

Rashaa, are you going to get the Harmony blood test to check for trisomies? It can be done early, like 11 weeks, and tests for Down Syndrome etc. I had it, showed normal fetus, but I ended up getting amnio too just in case (I have an older sister who is blind/autistic spectrum, she was very premature, just under 2lbs, whom I will care for full time when my parents no longer can, so DH was very nervous about us having a baby with disability, NEEDED that amnio certainty...) Amnio showed same thing, got the extra microarray testing too., 100% normal, so really risk of amnio MC wasn't necessary, as Harmony was accurate. Since it is relatively new, MD didn't trust as well as amnio, (but Harmony claims 99% accuracy)

PS from name, I'm assuming you are Indian? I want to get one of those neat looking Indian baby hammocks (ghodiyu) are you familiar with them? My first DD needed to be rocked/bounced/held ALL the time in early months, this looks like the solution..


Also, what was your FSH level, AMH level at 45?????

I never posted it, but my DD is Asperger's/ADHD too, hence the great need for all the vestibular input. The amnio and Harmonty CANNOT check for ASD or ADHD, even if they could wouldn't have been a reason for us to terminate either, just worried about the more serious stuff. Fulll blown classic autism would be horrible of course, but My DD is VERY high functioning, a joy to us, though the early years were tough, dealt with some major tantrum/meltdown behaviors. She's on Intuniv now, has been great.

PS how old were you when you had your son? Is he your only?

Notrusty, try and find a book called Gut and psycology. It is an amazing book and how many practitioners are treating children with certain conditions. It would sound mumble jumble if I started telling you about it... research the GAPS diet for your daughter, just google it... you will be amazed. It should help her condition lots and lots!
Notrustyet I have two kids, DD is 16, I had her at 29, DS is 13 and I had him at 32. We eat a very modified diet, all organic (meats and veggies), no dyes, no refined sugars. And DS is doing amazingly well. We mainstreamed him' and he's on the honor roll at school! He's a bright kid, and high functioning...we have the odd tantrum, but he has Lerner much better how to express himself. Has friends, is socially growing etc..

I am not overly concerned with deformities. Of course we pray for a healthy child, but will love what God gives us. It's truly a miracle and we feel blessed.

Any screening we do will be to jus prepare the meical team, should we need them. But I a a. Fervent believer that HE only gives us what we can handle :)

My husband is also younger than me, which probably works in our favor against Aspergers etc... Or so the research says..we'll see.
I got pregnant naturally in October but MC at 11 weeks. Pathology said there was no genetic issues and my gyn said it was OK to try again. He put me on Clomid 50 mg to make sure I O'ed. I just had a 21 day blood test drawn today and I will post the results when I get them. Just to let you know....I am 46 and my DH is 52. I have 2 boys but he has no children so this pregnancy would be a great blessing.:dust:
My Gyn just called and said my progesterone levels were 11.4. He said that anything over 10 was good. He said that I definitely O'ed. :happydance:

I will take a pg test on Thursday and see what it says... I am very hopeful. Baby dust to everyone. :dust:
Oh yes...everyone appears to be a fertile myrtle in my family, except me. My grandma had my uncle at 46 (grandpa was 57)! This was back in 1968...no fertility drugs.

I also have a cousin who got pregnant not once, but twice in her 40s (Unplanned!) . Her two other kids were in high school at the time, and in fact, her 17 year old daughter was pregnant at the same time (unplanned, of course). Talk about irony.
Hello ladies, how is everyone doing. You'all have been quiet for a while? Any news from anyone? I am still pregnant so to me that is a good thing. I feel odd popping all these pills religiously every day. Been the calmest, laziest ever last week. Got first ultrasound booked for Saturday so fingers crossed and wish me luck ladies. Baby dust to all xx

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