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42+ pregnant?

Wow guys- totally inspiring and giving me hope! I love it. I'm 9 DPO now, temps rising, don't know if any weight to that, but I'm hoping! I love being on this board! Congrats to all, and best wishes to rest of us!

41 is not too old to conceive. Assuming everything else is fine, it is just a matter of time. I conceived without help at 41 but I just couldn't keep the babies... but that was because my immune system was attacking them. Had that not been the case, I would have 1 kid every year!

Thanks! We're only in our 5th month, I'm 11 DPO now and I *think* AF is on her way....ugh... BOOOOO!
Hi Kismit,

I'm in the medical field and I can only imagine the distress another pregnancy test can bring on for you, so I totally empathize. I'm NOT going to suggest that you do that. However, from your history of ectopic pregnancies, the scarring etc. I do think you should at the very least call your OB/GYN. They'll most likely ask you to come in & they will certainly run a urinalysis on you, but I coming from a standpoint of your health and the tube you have left.
And to answer your question, it is possible that this may be a pregnancy - there are women who spot and cramp all 9 months. I did for 13 weeks straight. I was a wreck, but ended up with a healthy outcome.

If your symptoms continue, please don't ignore them, and who knows what the reason might be. Stay optimistic but cautious and be sure to take care if yourself both emotionally and physically! I sincerely wish you the best possible outcome!!
Hello, may I join? I'm 41 and have been trying for a year. I'm 7 dpiui on IUI #5. My signature tells the gist of my journey with a fertility specialist.

I find the other boards frustrating because they are all so much younger and don't understand my issues. Plus DH has ejaculatory issues, so we have to use IUI to try. Our insurance doesn't pay for IVF let alone the injectables I've been taking. It's been a tough time!
Hello, may I join? I'm 41 and have been trying for a year. I'm 7 dpiui on IUI #5. My signature tells the gist of my journey with a fertility specialist.

I find the other boards frustrating because they are all so much younger and don't understand my issues. Plus DH has ejaculatory issues, so we have to use IUI to try. Our insurance doesn't pay for IVF let alone the injectables I've been taking. It's been a tough time!

Hi of course you can join! Welcome. We are a bit older here (well most of us) and been thru the lot.
Well, AF showed 10 dpiui :(

Had a scan today. Ovaries look good. Nurse saw how sad I was and said they look "young"--- not shriveled like she sometimes sees. Not that it matters if they won't produce viable eggs

Anyway, she found a cyst that was on the cusp of keeping us from trying this cycle, but my hormone levels were ok, so I got the green light to start Femara tomorrow. I'll take that through July1st and then move to 4 nights of 150 of Gonal F ( a little cheaper than Bravelle). Hopefully the follies will respond. I'll feel way less pressure as the cost is so much less. Maybe that will help me relax like everyone says I should (ha! easy for them to say).

How is everyone else doing?
Well, AF showed 10 dpiui :(

Had a scan today. Ovaries look good. Nurse saw how sad I was and said they look "young"--- not shriveled like she sometimes sees. Not that it matters if they won't produce viable eggs

Anyway, she found a cyst that was on the cusp of keeping us from trying this cycle, but my hormone levels were ok, so I got the green light to start Femara tomorrow. I'll take that through July1st and then move to 4 nights of 150 of Gonal F ( a little cheaper than Bravelle). Hopefully the follies will respond. I'll feel way less pressure as the cost is so much less. Maybe that will help me relax like everyone says I should (ha! easy for them to say).

How is everyone else doing?

Oh Kat I'm sorry, but at least you have a plan of action, it will all work out

I'm having a bad wk. my chart looks sad... I don't know if I'm even ovulating, when i thought i did, my temp went down again, and on top of it all I got sick and had a herpes break out so no BD the wk of O :(
Hello everyone, I'm 43 and just came back from my Dr.s appt after having my blood tests done.
It was like I was afraid...she basically patted me on the head and said - it will happen.
I was worried she would say that, because I don't have all the time in the world, do I? And I didn't know what to ask her if it came to that.

What should I have asked her for?
She said my test were normal - when in fact I know they are borderline :wacko:
FSH - 12
E2 - 332
LH - 6

Progestrone 50

She says I ovulate, so I should just wait for it to happen :wacko:
Feeling stressed now as I don't know what to do - I feel I'm going to need some help, and I can't just wait for 18 months for it to happen (she said that was how long it can take for young, healthy couples to get pg)
We've tried for 6 cycles already and this cycle we're going away on vacation so I won't chart/temp/opk and I hate not knowing what's going on >.<

Sorry for rant, but I feel like I'm just gonna lose my window here (if there ever was one open) faffing about and crossing my fingers when I should do something constructive against getting pregnant. Don't know what it would be then since my tests are "normal". :wacko:

Hope you all are having a better day. :flower:
Hello everyone, I'm 43 and just came back from my Dr.s appt after having my blood tests done.
It was like I was afraid...she basically patted me on the head and said - it will happen.
I was worried she would say that, because I don't have all the time in the world, do I? And I didn't know what to ask her if it came to that.

What should I have asked her for?
She said my test were normal - when in fact I know they are borderline :wacko:
FSH - 12
E2 - 332
LH - 6

Progestrone 50

She says I ovulate, so I should just wait for it to happen :wacko:
Feeling stressed now as I don't know what to do - I feel I'm going to need some help, and I can't just wait for 18 months for it to happen (she said that was how long it can take for young, healthy couples to get pg)
We've tried for 6 cycles already and this cycle we're going away on vacation so I won't chart/temp/opk and I hate not knowing what's going on >.<

Sorry for rant, but I feel like I'm just gonna lose my window here (if there ever was one open) faffing about and crossing my fingers when I should do something constructive against getting pregnant. Don't know what it would be then since my tests are "normal". :wacko:

Hope you all are having a better day. :flower:

im not sure if you are in UK or not...in any case i would be inclined to go back and say you have been trying for 6 months and that you have also been experiencing some pain in and around fallopian tube area and you are concerned you may have some blockages. Be quite insistent that you would like to have an HSG. explain you are becoming increasingly stressed.

lay it on in order to get the result you want because once you are referred it [if you are in UK using NHS] still takes a while. im sure you will get pregnant in the meantime but it is nice to know at least something is going on in the background! i was referred beginning of this year and am about to begin first round of clomid. i have spent 5 solid hours today trying to get through to someone to book a scan....the waiting is enormously frustrating!! i was fobbed of by my doc for a year or more and wish i had been more pushy.
Thanx for your reply.
I can't believe how patient and cunning you have to be to get what you need :wacko:
What I'm saying is - ok...so I wait the 18 months and what THEN? Then I'm gonna be even older and even more challenging to help :cry: Better get starting, yes?

I am in the UK yes, but I have only lived her for a year now and I dunno the rules. Can I ring the same surgery and ask for another GP? The one I have is very positive - she says the statistics lie all the time, that she has many patients in her late forties that are getting pregnant by themselves...but what if that is not me?? I think she is kinda anti-intrusive so to speak. I even told her my ovaries felt sore thru my LP (that's the two latest cycles) and she said it was a good thing, with O-pain. I don't think that's what it is though - its more like a constant dull ache throughout...
I'm afraid if I change, Ill end up with one that gives me the evil eye for ttcing at my age :wacko:

Well - in any case, July is gonna be spent away from all of this and even though BD-ing is gonna be difficult because of family all-a-round-24-7...we're gonna try and steal away enuff to at least have some swimmers up there to give us half a chance this cycle too.
Like I said - it's kinda scary though not having my chart and that to rely on - I didn't know how attached to it I've become.
Maybe the relax is good for me =)

Anyway - gl, dust and fx to all of us :flower:
Thanx for your reply.
I can't believe how patient and cunning you have to be to get what you need :wacko:
What I'm saying is - ok...so I wait the 18 months and what THEN? Then I'm gonna be even older and even more challenging to help :cry: Better get starting, yes?

I am in the UK yes, but I have only lived her for a year now and I dunno the rules. Can I ring the same surgery and ask for another GP? The one I have is very positive - she says the statistics lie all the time, that she has many patients in her late forties that are getting pregnant by themselves...but what if that is not me?? I think she is kinda anti-intrusive so to speak. I even told her my ovaries felt sore thru my LP (that's the two latest cycles) and she said it was a good thing, with O-pain. I don't think that's what it is though - its more like a constant dull ache throughout...
I'm afraid if I change, Ill end up with one that gives me the evil eye for ttcing at my age :wacko:

Well - in any case, July is gonna be spent away from all of this and even though BD-ing is gonna be difficult because of family all-a-round-24-7...we're gonna try and steal away enuff to at least have some swimmers up there to give us half a chance this cycle too.
Like I said - it's kinda scary though not having my chart and that to rely on - I didn't know how attached to it I've become.
Maybe the relax is good for me =)

Anyway - gl, dust and fx to all of us :flower:

Hiya Electricat, I do not think I can really give you any advice cos I am in similar position to you but think Blythe is right in what she says. I was asking in another thread and the biggest bit of advise I got was about time and not to hang about. Luckily we have been able to pay for some initial tests for my and my husband but will not get the results till next week, I am feeling panic at outcome and I have thought what if like you I do not have answers I can move forward with. So I really just wanted to say I know how you feel and to do what you can as soon as you can and if you need to tell wee fibs to get NHS help. Keep us up to date too xx :hugs:
Hello everyone, I'm 43 and just came back from my Dr.s appt after having my blood tests done.
It was like I was afraid...she basically patted me on the head and said - it will happen.
I was worried she would say that, because I don't have all the time in the world, do I? And I didn't know what to ask her if it came to that.:

you are not alone...I'm also 43 and have the same fears, It looks like I have a good OR , not sure if I ovulate, but I'm trying to do this naturally and fear I could just have A LOT of old eggs :(

my insurace doesn't cover fertility treatments...I have to just have faith

good luck to you...a cloud of baby dust for you!:flower:
Hello everyone, I'm 43 and just came back from my Dr.s appt after having my blood tests done.
It was like I was afraid...she basically patted me on the head and said - it will happen.
I was worried she would say that, because I don't have all the time in the world, do I? And I didn't know what to ask her if it came to that.:

you are not alone...I'm also 43 and have the same fears, It looks like I have a good OR , not sure if I ovulate, but I'm trying to do this naturally and fear I could just have A LOT of old eggs :(

my insurace doesn't cover fertility treatments...I have to just have faith

good luck to you...a cloud of baby dust for you!:flower:
Thank you - dust, dust to all of us, ey? :dust:
I feel so positive at the beginning of every cycle...then as the days pass my faith that it will happen subsides. It actually starts at the end of my period - if it is very light or short, it reminds me of my lessened fertility :cry:
TMI: I remember before I was on the coil (IUD), 10-15 years ago, I used to have to use massive pads during the night because I would bleed thru everything - now I sleep thru the night without having to use anything. Only use liners for the first two days =( And I know they say its a sign of your age when it gets lighter.

During the TWW I have loads of progesterone related symptoms that drive me nutz! And by 10 DPO the sore breasts go away and I know AF is coming :wacko:
I've never known my body this well before though - I have never payed attention to it like I do now ttc-ing :haha:

Maybe I'll get lucky in July - now that (I'm SUPPOSED TO) not pay much attention, just enjoy my vacation :thumbup:

TC, you girls!
I'm the same way. The first three days after my IUI I'm all Rah! Rah! It's going to work! but then by Day 4 piui, I'm convinced it didn't work.

I also noticed that my period is shorter and has less volume than it used to. However, this past period took 8 days to come to a complete stop! Until yesterday afternoon I was still regularly spotting! My period arrived 4 days early and just went on and on. I wonder if it was the high doses of Bravelle I had been on when we were trying to grow the follicles that caused that to happen? Part of me is hoping it's a sign that my system is responding in a "younger" fashion due to all the vitamins and supplements I'm taking (prenatals, DHEA, CoQ10). Also, I have had little pains in my uterus pretty much every day. I'm hoping it's because it's responding to the meds.

I have a scan tomorrow morning, so we'll see what we see.
I feel the same way!!! I have never payed so much attention to my body and now it's always disappointing. My periods are short and light and makes me sad and like you Kat S. I'm hoping all the supplements can help me with that. I only started 2 months ago when i got my mirena iud removed after a decade, so maybe they will start making a difference soon. My chart looks crazy and I just want to move on and start over. I call it the AF blues :(

Eletricat, I went to my Acupunture a couple of day ago and she said I'm trying to hard and sometimes end up interfering with the process... She gave me home work, to spend 5 minutes a day in meditation not thinking about anything. Maybe this vacation is exactly what you need, this is a blessing give yourself a break and enjoy the freedom... Let the universe take over for a bit :)
Well, I'm shocked! It would seem my new med protocol worked! Usually I go in for 2 to 3 follie checks before they are mature enough. I went in for my first one today and I already have THREE mature follicles all at 18mm!! WHOA!! :happydance:

Sadly, when I came home to tell DH, he informed me he had a "private" moment after I left for my appointment. RATS!! They like his swimmers to be 48 hours old, so now I'm afraid his sample will have a rather low count tomorrow. Well, I have three follies, so maybe that will help counter balance a low sperm count. I guess I can't have everything work out perfectly. Murphy's Law.

So IUI tomorrow morning at 9:30am. Maybe 6th time is the charm?
Well, I'm shocked! It would seem my new med protocol worked! Usually I go in for 2 to 3 follie checks before they are mature enough. I went in for my first one today and I already have THREE mature follicles all at 18mm!! WHOA!! :happydance:

Sadly, when I came home to tell DH, he informed me he had a "private" moment after I left for my appointment. RATS!! They like his swimmers to be 48 hours old, so now I'm afraid his sample will have a rather low count tomorrow. Well, I have three follies, so maybe that will help counter balance a low sperm count. I guess I can't have everything work out perfectly. Murphy's Law.

So IUI tomorrow morning at 9:30am. Maybe 6th time is the charm?

Thats still exciting news! Good luck !
I'm wondering if the fact that I was so relaxed during the stimming process has anything to do with anything? I was very zen this time...not thinking about it every second, hoping as hard as I could, etc. Just said to myself, "Well, there's really nothing you can do. Either a viable egg will show up or it won't." And that's still true. These three follies might not have anything viable inside. But I am excited to have three at 18mm :)
I believe that very much, I can't tell you how many stories I have heard of people getting BFP after giving up or adopting. We are too hard on ourselves... I'm excited for you. Keep us posted!

:) :) :)
I feel the same way!!! I have never payed so much attention to my body and now it's always disappointing. My periods are short and light and makes me sad and like you Kat S. I'm hoping all the supplements can help me with that. I only started 2 months ago when i got my mirena iud removed after a decade, so maybe they will start making a difference soon. My chart looks crazy and I just want to move on and start over. I call it the AF blues :(

Eletricat, I went to my Acupunture a couple of day ago and she said I'm trying to hard and sometimes end up interfering with the process... She gave me home work, to spend 5 minutes a day in meditation not thinking about anything. Maybe this vacation is exactly what you need, this is a blessing give yourself a break and enjoy the freedom... Let the universe take over for a bit :)

I have been taking Black Cohosh last two cycles and i have to say that the last 2 periods since taking it i have had a really good bleed [i never thought i would say that!!] but it makes me think it really has had a positive effect on my lining and my post ovulation temps have been high and nice and steady as i believe it helps with post ovulation prog levels. i will be taking it this cycle with the clomid to try and counteract clomids effect on lining but will not be taking it CD1-12 but probably CD4-11 or something like that as i haven't got as many pills left as i thought.
Blythe, good luck with the clomid! Keep us posted

This was my first cycle with BC and its good news it help you with AF. Mine is coming soon so let's see what happens.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you too :)

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