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42+ pregnant?

Hi Ladies!

Just dropping in with a success story for you!

I'm 42, and am 8 weeks pg! We tried for over a year. I know everyone always says when you stop trying it works and it sounds crazy, but we had basically given up and decided it truly was okay either way. We only had sex once in May, as I was out of town for 3 weeks helping my mom with a hip replacement. I thought it was too late when DH joined me, we bd'd because we hadn't seen each other in 3 weeks instead of the "HONEY, it's TIME" routine we've had for the last year or so. I even went off all of my supplements to give my body a break for the month.

Sending much babydust and luck to you all! Keep me in your thoughts if you don't mind, we're still in the very scary first trimester and haven't "seen" baby yet!
Congratulations Whitesoxfan! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!!
How sweet!!! Congratulations!!! I'm on a similar path... Teen kids DF no kids

Exciting! I'll keep you in my prayers :)
Good luck to you!! :) It's funny, I feel so much more ready to have kids at 42. In my 20's it was just fly by the seat of your pants and GO. It's pretty cool!
Hi Ladies!

Just dropping in with a success story for you!

I'm 42, and am 8 weeks pg! We tried for over a year. I know everyone always says when you stop trying it works and it sounds crazy, but we had basically given up and decided it truly was okay either way. We only had sex once in May, as I was out of town for 3 weeks helping my mom with a hip replacement. I thought it was too late when DH joined me, we bd'd because we hadn't seen each other in 3 weeks instead of the "HONEY, it's TIME" routine we've had for the last year or so. I even went off all of my supplements to give my body a break for the month.

Sending much babydust and luck to you all! Keep me in your thoughts if you don't mind, we're still in the very scary first trimester and haven't "seen" baby yet!

CONGRATS......I am also 42 and just got my BFP 7/1/13. Our stories are so similar - we have been trying since my last m/c in September and in May I had enough....so I stopped 'trying'. No more temps, opk's, times sex, waiting for 30 minutes with my hips in the air....
We had sex two times in June because we were both recovering from illness and I am pregnant....
Hoping for a sticky bean - good luck to you and everyone trying!!!!
I am also 42 and just got my BFP 7/1/13. Our stories are so similar - we have been trying since my last m/c in September and in May I had enough....so I stopped 'trying'. No more temps, opk's, times sex, waiting for 30 minutes with my hips in the air....
We had sex two times in June because we were both recovering from illness and I am pregnant....
Hoping for a sticky bean - good luck to you and everyone trying!!!!

So crazy! Congratulations on your great news! A nurse at my fertility office said to me that ladies our age don't drop a "good" egg each month, but eventually you will, so just keep trying until it does!! You never gave up and it paid off!! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!

CONGRATS......I am also 42 and just got my BFP 7/1/13. Our stories are so similar - we have been trying since my last m/c in September and in May I had enough....so I stopped 'trying'. No more temps, opk's, times sex, waiting for 30 minutes with my hips in the air....
We had sex two times in June because we were both recovering from illness and I am pregnant....
Hoping for a sticky bean - good luck to you and everyone trying!!!![/QUOTE]

Congratulations to you as well!! :happydance: STICKY for you!
Hey, guys. You can see the short version of my story in my signature. To add a little info, my husband has an ejaculatory disorder and can't during intercourse. He can "by hand" so there's at least that. So our only hope each month is an IUI. We also do Softcups, of course, but I'm not sure how successful that really is. So we can't just "relax" and let nature takes its course. I have to take hormones and do the IUI, etc.

Anyway, IUI #6 just failed (well it was the 3rd since my miscarriage). Got my period 3 hours before my beta. I'm 41.5 and getting really scared. We can't afford IVF or private adoption, and don't want to squeeze our finances by taking out a loan and dealing with more debt. I'm just venting, so I pose the rhetorical question: Will I ever get my baby? Will I ever get to be a mom and experience the joys of motherhood or will I live the rest of my life with involuntary childlessness? I'm just feeling so lost.

Here I am a great weight, perfectly healthy, and other than age, my reproductive system is working gangbusters. What the heck is going wrong? I see other women in their early 40s getting pregnant. I got pregnant once only 6 months ago. Why can't I do it again?
Hey, guys. You can see the short version of my story in my signature. To add a little info, my husband has an ejaculatory disorder and can't during intercourse. He can "by hand" so there's at least that. So our only hope each month is an IUI. We also do Softcups, of course, but I'm not sure how successful that really is. So we can't just "relax" and let nature takes its course. I have to take hormones and do the IUI, etc.

Anyway, IUI #6 just failed (well it was the 3rd since my miscarriage). Got my period 3 hours before my beta. I'm 41.5 and getting really scared. We can't afford IVF or private adoption, and don't want to squeeze our finances by taking out a loan and dealing with more debt. I'm just venting, so I pose the rhetorical question: Will I ever get my baby? Will I ever get to be a mom and experience the joys of motherhood or will I live the rest of my life with involuntary childlessness? I'm just feeling so lost.

Here I am a great weight, perfectly healthy, and other than age, my reproductive system is working gangbusters. What the heck is going wrong? I see other women in their early 40s getting pregnant. I got pregnant once only 6 months ago. Why can't I do it again?


Let me just say...this is not a hopeless situation. I don't think you need to resort to IVF yet, especially since you had a successful pregnancy, however miscarried. Statistically, your odds are lower than the normal 25%, so it will take more months to try and get pregnant; it's all a numbers game. That said, you are healthy, so you still have time, but realistically it will take more time. Our eggs age (unfortunately) so they're not as easy to fertilize and not as many healthy eggs come out, so it's a matter of catching the right one at the right time. My grandmother had my uncle at 45; a very healthy boy. Don't get discouraged...but keep trying!
I agree with melly - don't get discouraged. Last year ( I was 41) I got pregnant twice without 'trying' and although both ended in m/c, I believe it was due to the MTHFR mutation I have. And now I am pregnant again and this is the first time I have had nausea, constipation, gas, burping (all the nasty stuff) and fatigue - never happened with the other 2 because the stopped growing at 4and 5 weeks.

Just keep trying and I hope you get your :bfp: soon.
My husband said this morning, "We can try one more time." I'm hoping I can soften him up to try longer, but I'm not sure. He can't take much more of this heartache.
Hey, guys. You can see the short version of my story in my signature. To add a little info, my husband has an ejaculatory disorder and can't during intercourse. He can "by hand" so there's at least that. So our only hope each month is an IUI. We also do Softcups, of course, but I'm not sure how successful that really is. So we can't just "relax" and let nature takes its course. I have to take hormones and do the IUI, etc.

Anyway, IUI #6 just failed (well it was the 3rd since my miscarriage). Got my period 3 hours before my beta. I'm 41.5 and getting really scared. We can't afford IVF or private adoption, and don't want to squeeze our finances by taking out a loan and dealing with more debt. I'm just venting, so I pose the rhetorical question: Will I ever get my baby? Will I ever get to be a mom and experience the joys of motherhood or will I live the rest of my life with involuntary childlessness? I'm just feeling so lost.

Here I am a great weight, perfectly healthy, and other than age, my reproductive system is working gangbusters. What the heck is going wrong? I see other women in their early 40s getting pregnant. I got pregnant once only 6 months ago. Why can't I do it again?

Kat, don't be so hard on yourself! It will happen :flower:

I understand your frustration, I dated a guy once that had the same issue as your DH only difference I wasn't TTC. Immediately after reading your post I started to think what I would do in your place, I know you are just venting and didn't really ask for advice, but with just a quick search I found a thread right here with someone who did an at home insemination/softcup with success. Take some advice from lesbian couples they do just that a lot of times.

I believe softcups do work. I got pregnant once on pre-come alone I'm 100%sure as my boyfriend never ejaculated inside of me as I was not on BC... I was also 20years old. The point is: it will work!

You can also put a little preseed in the softcup before inserting and I would try to have an O with it inserted just to open and relax the cervix also adding more of your own CM :winkwink:

Don't lose hope:thumbup:
Notrustyyet, when did you have your baby?
Hello everyone!
I wanted to give you a word of positivity today. I was recently in Malta meeting with my European team. I met with one of my ladies out of Munich. She married "late" in life, and they had their first baby at 40. They then began trying for a second, and she said it wasn't happening. She figured she was getting too old. After two years of trying they gave up and decided one was good enough and sold all their baby stuff back in December. Well, sure enough two months later she ended up pregnant naturally at 43! It's a perfectly healthy pregnancy and she is due in one more month.

Like I said before, the challenge is it will take more time because there just aren't as many healthy eggs; however, keep persistent every month, and assuming everything is working correctly, then it can happen!

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