42 years old and don't want intervention!


Mother of 2
Jun 21, 2010
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This is my 3rd baby and I am 42 years old. Obviously I am extremely ancient!!! and therefore I am under the consultant. Not for any reason apart from my age. I have perfect BP, no illnesses etc.

My first baby 10 years ago was born on due date, I had to have oxytocin drip as labour was slow, I had gas and air, pethidine, epidural and episiotomy.

Second baby was 2 weeks overdue, had to be induced, had waters broken, oxytocin drip, gas and air, epidural, episiotomy.

But I feel so positive this time around and want a natural labour and birth.

The consultant said on my first visit that due to my age, I am to be booked in for a sweep at 39 weeks. However, in my opinion their dates are slightly out, so I will in fact be 38.5 weeks then anyway.

I really don't want a sweep, or induction etc but obviously want baby to be born healthily and I feel that I will be encouraged strongly to go against what I want, and will end up with another unsatisfactory birth. I want to enjoy this time, as it will be my last. So anyone one else my age and having a natural birth/home birth???? I think that one intervention leads to the next etc etc.
Hi :)

First off you're not ancient :haha:

Although you'll be booked in for a sweep at 39weeks, you can refuse if you don't want it, does seem a little early to me, regardless of your age. It's great that you feel positive about having a natural birth this time round (I do too, it's a great feeling isn't it). With me, intervention did lead to more intervention so I totally agree with you on that from my personal experience.

Be strong about what you want, and what you don't want, and keeping the positive state of mind will help to achieve the birth you want - well that's what I've heard and read many times and do truely believe it.

Good luck and congratulations on your pregnancy :flower:
Really agree with what Indigo has said. If you don't want something, refuse it.
Also, if you feel that you are being pressured into interventions that you don't feel you are indicated for and it also turns out that it is policy that is promoting your health advisors to recommend a plan of care for you - let them know that you are aware of what the real risks are, and that you are best placed to decide what care you would like, afterall, we are all experts in our own bodies. ;-) Also let them know if you feel you are being harassed, by constant suggestions you are perhaps going against medical advice - they can't do that to you.
You have rights and you also have the right to refuse a consultant lead approach and insist on a MW lead care (if that is what you want), So you can use a birth centre or a Midwife lead unit in the hospital. Speak to your MW about this, and then if you have no joy, speak to the head of midwifery at the hopsital. Take it on evidence on how you are are, and not just policy. It's ok to go against policy. I'll fully support you!

I had Gestational diabetes with my first, and insisted on my rights to a homebirth. Frankly there was no evidence that I was high risk. (I wasn't measuring big for dates and my blood sugars were all spot on.. even if they weren't, I'd still be insisting on my birth choice! ;-) It certainly can be done, they can't stop you from making the choices that you are comfortable with.

Need any support we are all hear for you!
Thank you so much for your replies. You have made me feel more positive. I have read a couple of books on natural birth, and have another one to go......
I also feel positive mentally this time - I have a new wonderfully supportive and loving partner (not like last time) - so am in a good place. I just know it's going to be fine and I am so looking forward to the whole birth.
I will speak to my midwife next week - whether I decide on home birth or hospital I want it to be as natural as possible. :)
Yup simply say no.

You can do what you want hun and still expect the same level of care as any woman.

My lovely MW has told me not to bother seeing the consultant again as they weren't exactly supportive -I'm under consultant care for having had an EMCS last time. He isnt keen on my homebirth plans LOL!

So I'm not bothering to see the consultant as I dont have a complicated high risk pregnancy.
Hi i am 13wks and 40yrs old this is my 3rd pregnancy last was over 18yrs ago
i told the doctor i wanted a natural birth at home he said i was 2 old
so we decided to go with an independant midwife who is going to look after me and support me thru this pregnancy and is quite happy 4 us to have baby at home
stick to your guns do what feels right 4 u
good luck

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