4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)


Mum to Lucas and Logan
May 3, 2010
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So I'm 4 DPO today. Checked cp this morning, low medium firm and closed. Checked again just now and it was sooo hard to reach and softer (still closed). Creamy CM, got a headache, feeling tired. I slept in till 10.20 this morning, but my eyes still feel really tired, not like they're heavy, but just feel tired like when you first wake up in the morning!
Hoping these are all good signs! Though I know it's too early for implantation and some people argue that you can't have symptoms before implantation.
Hoping my temp will continue to rise!

So I'm looking for a buddy to accompany me and symptom spot with :P haha

This is my first cycle trying after having first period in 4 months as i was on depo.

So my number of days until testing maybe little or more, looks like i may have ovulated in last 2 days.

fingers crossed for you x
Soooo I O'd on 03/19 - does that make me 4DPO or 3 lol... Either way, I'm with you and I suppose it's official - we're in the TWW. :)

(((I definitely meant Saturday 03/16---the day before St. Patrick's Day, lol)))
Well it's only the 19th today so that would mean you ovulate today making you 0 DPO. :winkwink:

MummytoAmber, congrats on having your first period again! :) Fingers crossed you'll stop having periods soon again! haha cause that would mean you have your bfp!! :)
Ugh... Not happy with my temp this morning! I woke up around 3am to go pee, which I never do!! And then around 4.30 my son woke me up cause he was giggling away in his room :haha: (heard it through the babymonitor) Didn't sleep very well after, woke up again at 6.30
Hubby was getting up with our son this morning so I set my alarm for 10 instead so I could take my temp then, instead of 7am cause obviously I hadn't had enough sleep to take my temp properly. But then I had a hard time sleeping again, woke up at 9.30ish and heard my son outside and HAD to run to the window to make sure my husband was with him. Got back in bed with the intention to go back to sleep for a bit (didn't know what time it was then - only looked at the time after I couldn't get back to sleep) Took my temp but it's obviously not very reliable! So I'm a bit gutted cause I won't be able to tell anything from it!! Hopefully I'll have a better one tomorrow!!

Can't wait to test already! Crazy, I know!!
Eltjuh---When I originally posted, I meant 03/16. So my chart says I'm 4DPO :)

Sorry about your temp this AM, that's been happening to me as well. I usually get up multiple times to use the restroom, and I'm good to go back to sleep and get my 4hrs before waking to temp, but not lately. It's been so dark in my room that I wake up and get up (thinking it's only 2-3a) when it's 7a! (Temp time) so, I've been stopping mid move to check the time and ultimately temping before moving anymore. LOL, darn spring, I thought it was supposed to be lighter, earlier.
Oh haha, I thought you must've meant a different date! I O'd on the 15th so we're only 1 day apart!

Hopefully the restless nights are a good sign for us!! :)
I really hope we can get a better temp tomorrow though so we can tell what's going on. Or have some sort of idea anyway, cause my temp was the same today as it was yesterday and I just can't trust it!

Are you having any symptoms???
As long as I remain above that coverline, I'm a happy camper :). I really feel like we did our due diligence this cycle and praying for the best. With me being on 28-29 day cycles and O'ing on CD19, that concerns me, but I'm trying not to put too much thought into it...Trying to stay positive! :D I'm hoping this is a **positive** month for the both of us.

How old is your DS?

No symptoms yet, other than very tired (that seems to be a theme lately), you?
Yeah i feel like we did enough this cycle aswell. Read an old thread i posted before i found out that i was pregnant with my son and that one said we only dtd 3 and 4 days before O and the day of O and the day after. This time we dtd 3, 2 and 1 day before and on the day of. So i'd say we've got a pretty good chance!

My son is 25 months today, so 2 yrs and 1 month! :) gone so quick! I wanted to have a second by the time he turned 2 or soon after but well that's not happening now. I was pregnant in october but had a mc at 7 weeks so lucas would've only been 2 and about 4 months when the next one was due. But now if we conceived this cycle he'll be coming up to 3 already so i really want to be pregnant again!

Not having too many symptoms. Tired and backache but that can also be normal for me. did have some af like cramping earlier though, only light though!
So I'm 4 DPO today. Checked cp this morning, low medium firm and closed. Checked again just now and it was sooo hard to reach and softer (still closed). Creamy CM, got a headache, feeling tired. I slept in till 10.20 this morning, but my eyes still feel really tired, not like they're heavy, but just feel tired like when you first wake up in the morning!
Hoping these are all good signs! Though I know it's too early for implantation and some people argue that you can't have symptoms before implantation.
Hoping my temp will continue to rise!

So I'm looking for a buddy to accompany me and symptom spot with :P haha

Hey! I'm 5-6 DPO today. Ive been trying to google my symptoms...The past few days after O my cervix has been low and closed alittle firm well this morning i checked and its high, I can barely reach it and its softer???? So glad I'm not the only one!!! My temps been rising too!!Cm is been very creamy since O and last cycle i was dry after O!! Oh and I added you as a friend on FF!!

Can I join you ladies? Looks like I O'd on the 16th so would be 4dpo. It was cycle day 12 so confused me for a while... but had inseminations 2 and 1 day before, hopefully that was good enough :) :spermy:
Ofcourse you can join us! The more the merrier and it'll give us something to do/someone to talk (or moan) to haha.
Awesome :) How are you? Any symptoms for yah?
Nah not much. Been having some backaches and been tired, but that could be normal for me, cause I get that sometimes when I'm not pregnant. And have been having headaches almost every day.
Feel like maybe I'm peeing more often but not sure... I did have to go to the toilet last night though at like 3am and I never get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet!
Had some cramps in my cervix yesterday but nothing major, it was only 1 or 2! So probably reading too much into that! And have a little bit of cramps today but I'm scared I might be trying to find symptoms too hard and making myself believe there's something when there's not!! :S So annoying this 2ww!!!

I'm gonna test on sunday (will be 9dpo) So only a couple more days to go!! FX they'll go fast! And hoping I'll get some more symptoms!
I'm going to try to wait until the 29th which will be 13dpo... but chances are I will test on 11dpo hahaha :) I have been bloated the last few days and peeing more for what I regularly do today. Not much more but I normally go four to five times in an entire day and am at five already... and is excess saliva a symptom? Hahaha...
yeah apparently it is... Well it's one of the symptoms you can tick on countdown to pregnancy, so I'm guessing it is! :P haha
I would love to wait to test but I just can't!! I know what I'm like!! I'm a serious POAS addict!!

Got my bfp at 10dpo with my son and with the mc in October I got it at 11dpo (only cause I didn't test before that, I managed to wait, somehow!)
And I just want to see whether I can get a bfp at 9dpo :P Cause when I tested when pregnant with my son I got a bfn at 8dpo and a bfp at 10dpo, never tested 9dpo so I'm gonna try that - because I'm weird like that :haha:

Feel free to leave if I make you feel uncomfortable :winkwink:
yeah apparently it is... Well it's one of the symptoms you can tick on countdown to pregnancy, so I'm guessing it is! :P haha
I would love to wait to test but I just can't!! I know what I'm like!! I'm a serious POAS addict!!

Got my bfp at 10dpo with my son and with the mc in October I got it at 11dpo (only cause I didn't test before that, I managed to wait, somehow!)
And I just want to see whether I can get a bfp at 9dpo :P Cause when I tested when pregnant with my son I got a bfn at 8dpo and a bfp at 10dpo, never tested 9dpo so I'm gonna try that - because I'm weird like that :haha:

Feel free to leave if I make you feel uncomfortable :winkwink:

Hey! I will be right there with you on POAS! I may start on 8 DPO not sure i can resist any longer. I am 5-6 DPO today...:happydance:
I would say I'll join you at 8dpo but I'm too honest when it comes to hubby... I'll think to myself: I'll do a test and then throw it away, hide it under other stuff so he won't notice... And then I tell him about it!! :haha:
I told him I'll test on sunday and he was like: I thought you were gonna wait till your dad's birthday (which is on tuesday).
I guess we'll see what happens on saturday! :P hahaha Maybe I will.... I'm just thinking I'm gonna be the one getting up with our little boy, cause I always do on saturday's so I bet I'll end up testing anyway! :P I think I've still got 9 tests left so that should tide me over until AF shows - if it does, fingers crossed it doesn't! haha.

Your chart is looking pretty good atm, at least your temp has gone higher than your first post O temp! Mine has just gone lower and then this morning stayed the same - though that one isn't totally accurate. So hoping tomorrow it'll shoot straight back up... unless I get an implantation dip :winkwink:
With my son I got a bfp at 11dpo. And it is actually a funny story, AF likes to wait and toy around with me until I test and get a bfn, so I figured that was what was happening after two days of spotting. So I took a test to get it over with and mentally relax so AF would hurry up and get it over with,then was dancing to the radio and putzing around, looked back and my jaw hit the floor seeing the second line :D
haha that's good!! I did my first test (10dpo) with an IC dipstrip and thought it was negative. Then I saw online that the lines on those are usually really faint, so I took it back out the bin to check again and both me and hubby thought we could see something really faint! Hubby went to work and I was just sitting there thinking, am i or am i not?? So I HAD to run out to the shop to get a better test and it was positive!! But I still didn't want to believe it, just in case! Then I did another test 2 days later and a CB digi 2 days after that!
And that's when I finally relaxed and believed I was actually pregnant!! haha

Now I usually just test and if I think there's a line I do a CB digi and then that's it! haha.

I see so many girls testing after they're pregnant to see if the lines progress and things like that, but I think it just causes unnecessary stress to be honest! (sorry if you do that too! Each to their own ofcourse, but I don't do it) I only tested again once I already knew I was pregnant last time because I started bleeding and wanted to see whether it was still positive (or as dark) so I could prepare myself for what the ultrasound was gonna say.

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