ooooh exciting!!!!
My 3 are ok, Logan and Hayley have a cold though.
Poor Hayley keeps coughing and every so often she coughs so hard that she spits up her milk....

Though her breathing is getting better, so I'm hoping we're nearing the end of this cold.
Lucas has started year 1 at school and Logan is doing 3 mornings a week at nursery. Also potty training Logan, which was going really well when he was naked, but kept wetting himself when he was wearing pants, though the past couple of days he's done pretty well! Fingers crossed he'll be dry properly soon! It's so hard not to just put a nappy on him if we go out though!
I'm taking Logan and Hayley to Holland for the weekend on Friday so I'm gonna put a nappy on him then, just because we got a 2hr drive to the airport and then an hour flight. I can't really take him to the toilet in the airplane while also holding Hayley on my lap.
Other than that not much interesting going on here. No more babies for us! Hubby wants to get a vasectomy next year. - which I'm happy with btw!
Oh one exciting thing though: I booked 2 nights away to Paris for me and hubby on the 3 days before Christmas!

He doesn't know, it's so exciting! I can't wait!!!