Thanks (assuming you were talking about my temp??)
My hubby is my voice of reason, but it's kind of annoying sometimes... Whenever I ask him or talk about it he just says: we'll have to wait and see.... And I'm like: you're supposed to tell me what you think!!!

I didn't tell him I tested cause I know he's gonna say: 'I thought you were gonna wait till sunday?' haha But he knows I suck at waiting haha
Don't give up yet Naaxi (oops typed Naazi then

x and z being next to each other is not a good thing when it comes to typing your name

You're not out till AF shows, as you know!!!
Though I know how hard it is to keep being optimistic! I find it better to be down about it cause if you do get a bfp you can be extra excited and if you don't you won't be so disappointed!
When are you gonna start testing??
SmplyBlessed, not sure what temp you should put in... I've done that before but not known which one to put in either, so I just put the one in that I like best haha

maybe research it, FF might have some info that'll help in their Q&A about charting.
Good luck!!