4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Wow Caitlyn, I just realised your due next month. Where did the last 2 go?!
Can't believe I've been doing this mum stuff a month already. It goes really quick. I had Liam weighed the other day and he's now 5kg (11lb) no wonder I had to buy him bigger clothes and nappies the other day.
haha Kristy..... even when they're like 3 years old it still hits you every now and then that you're a mum! haha
I had to take Lucas for a trial at the nursery the other day and I was like: wow! I'm a mum! You know one of those, that takes their kid to school and stuff! :haha: I've been doing it for 3.5 years but it still hits me sometimes....

Not long now Caitlyn!!! Can't believe you're due in 6 weeks!! :happydance:
It still hits me as well, it's crazy, isn't it? Time is going by so fast, though... five weeks and I am due. Five! Two weeks and I am full term. I didn't quite make it to Rowan's due date, so I don't know if I even have five weeks! That's crazy. People in my group are giving birth left, right and centre! So crazy. Any guesses on birth date? I think 09/09 would be cool to match my 08/08, but it might be a bit early lol.

And how are your babies? I saw that Logan is army crawling now just like his brother was at 7 months! You're in trouble :P
WOW!! 5 weeks!!!! I don't think 9/9 would be too early, but then again, 38 weeks might be a little early. I'm thinking 15/9 (or do you write it at 9/15?) - she'll be exactly 6 months younger than Logan then :winkwink: that would be nice! :haha:
Are you getting fed up yet??

Logan is getting so big! He's crawling around like crazy! He won't lay still for 2 seconds! The other day he was getting into a basket with wii nunchucks (and some other stuff) in it and obviously I couldn't let him play with that - in case he decides to wear it as a necklace ;) - so I turned him around and put the basket back and about 5 seconds later he was back there!!
His first tooth popped through today aswell and I reckon number 2 isn't far behind, maybe tomorrow!
I just can't believe how fast Logan is with the crawling, he's doing exactly what Lucas did at about 7 months. Lucas was walking at 10 months so I wonder how quick Logan will be!! :dohh:
Hey! Oh man Logan and Royen are like the same just across the pond. She got her first tooth sometime yesterday! She let out two god awful yells at random intervals and that was it, later that night my friend ( who has a 9 month old, Oakley ) said hey there's a tooth in there! She's getting so big and she is definitely army crawling wherever she wants to go lol. I'm due to post some vids for sure! It's so funny you guys talking about 'actually' being a mum, it hits me almost never! She's just my tagalong! Goes everywhere with me and I clean up the mess she makes haha! She's also getting better at some of her baby signs for soother, milk and waving hi!

Caitlyn wow the time has been flying? Seems to be treating you pretty well, I'm sure you're rocking it! Can't believe it could be so soon! 09/09 would be soo neat. Sorry if tmi but did your midwives ever have any concerns over your cervix tear? I'm part of this 'special scars' group re: my extension csection scar and just wondered if they cared about it.
My files from the hospital were very incomplete, so it didn't mention the tear... and it didn't mention Rowan had meconium in utero... and it didn't mention how many stitches I had... and if you read it chronologically, I gave birth three minutes before I arrived. SO... I don't even know whether or not I had a tear after all. Anyways... I guess we'll see. I am trying not to get nervous over the birth... I hope I stay relaxed.

That is crazy that your Littles are both already getting teeth. It seems like they were just born ♡ Insane how fast they grow! And Talia, I think it took a year for me to really feel like his mum. Around the time he started walking lol. Anyways, what have you ladies been up to?
Not been upto much. Been trying to lose weight, just by eating less crap haha. I was 112kg when I was pregnant with Logan, went down to about 103 and a month later I'm now 99.6kg So I'm happy that I did well so far, hoping to get down to 85 by valentinesday - cause my reward for losing weight will be mainly buying nice underwear :winkwink: and probably new clothes in general considering I should - hopefully - go down a few sizes!
Other than that, we're just trying to work out our finances properly, once and for all so we know what's coming in and what's going out. And it seems we're better off than we have been in the past 5 years we've been married! So finally getting on our feet being able to go out and not worry about money all the time! :thumbup:

Sounds like your hospital didn't do a very good job at keeping track of your paperwork/records! Sounds like a joke really!
Do you find you're starting to think about giving birth more now that you're getting closer, or worried about anything??
Hey! Jeez it went quiet on here! My fault in part! That's crazy how your records were so off but it looks like you had no issues with Maple's birth, I hope! I do want to hear all about it if you'll share! She's so sweet I just saw the dimple pic, adorable, she looks a lot like Rowan, it'll be so sweet to see them together when she outgrows the 'newborn look', ykwim? You must be so happy! Congrats again

And Ella it's so crazy all the things Logan and Royen are doing!
Haha yeah, it had gone quiet!!! I had already asked Caitlyn for more pictures on FB yesterday, hence the picture 'overload' :winkwink: Just kidding! You're allowed to post more pictures Caitlyn!! Everyone should see your little :baby: !!!

I agree Talia, it's crazy how much they can do and also eat now! Logan loves blw! I wasn't going to do blw but then decided to give it a go as the health visitor said they can have almost anything now and he seems like a baby who likes to grab things, so I was like: ok, let's give it a go! It's very messy, but well, we'll deal with that!
As you've probably seen on FB he's pulling himself up like crazy, on his knees, onto his feet, everything!
Hey ladies! Sorry it took me a few days to pop in here :) Your Littles are so sweet! And I am amazed at how quickly Maple is growing already. I will try to remember to write her birth story... it won't be long as she was born in 2 hours 8 minutes haha.
haha yeah, I think the thread has kinda died with the birth of our babies! :haha:

We're good, counting down to Christmas, we're going to Holland - to see my family - on the 23rd and coming back on the 3rd of January so we'll be there for newyears aswell!
Can't wait!! Haven't been in 2 years! And apart from my parents no one over there has seen Logan yet!

Logan is getting so big now, he's 10 days away from being 9 months old!!! He's cruising along the furniture, starting to walk with his walker, doesn't like sitting.... he can sit, but he never does unless he's in his highchair. Whenever we sit him down on the floor he'll be straight off, crawling away and when he looks at things or plays with toys he'll just lay on his belly rather than sitting up playing with it.....
He's a very happy boy usually! Still not sleeping through the night all the time, most nights he'll wake up once but every now and then he'll sleep all night! :)

Oh, and he has 5 teeth now, with number 6 on it's way! (and yes, still breastfeeding!)
Here's his latest monthly picture (8 months)

How's everyone else??


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5 teeth!! Ugh we're still waiting for the top!! It's been 4 months! I think I can finally feel the top left one! Royen has started balancing on her own and taking steps. Also crawling and cruising at top speed!!
We just decorated our house for Christmas this weekend and this morning has been a lot of ' no touching' 'look with your eyes' and distraction from the tree lol!

I'm excited for Christmas but I just want time to stand still after!! She's getting too big already!
Well, Logan is just over 10 months, Royen has less than a month until her birthday and Maple is 4 months today. How time has flown! I miss talking to you ladies daily lol. I hope you and your littles are well.

Derek is away for 8 weeks, but we only have 6 to go now. It was hard at first, but we are managing. He came home (5 hour drive each way) this weekend to surprise us, so might be hard when he leaves again tomorrow afternoon, especially on Rowan.

What is new with you ladies?
Crazy how fast time is going!!!

Oh and Happy Birthday Talia, I know it was yesterday, but forgot to say it on FB! Hope you had a nice day!

Just saw that I said Logan had 5 teeth at the start of December, he's got 8 now! haha and I'm sure he's probably working on more :P
He's finally sleeping through the night now, been doing it for about 2 weeks now, apart from last weekend cause I was away for 2 nights (had to go to Holland for my aunt's funeral) and apparently both kids were a nightmare for daddy...:dohh:

It's hard when your OH goes away for a long time isn't it Caitlyn?? Especially if you have to look after kids, though I've only experienced it with 1 child. I used to get sick of Lucas by the end of the day if he was in a wonder week so I used to bring his bedtime forward when Jay was away :haha: I'd be like: yeah...time for you to go to bed so I can relax cause I can't stand your crying anymore! :haha:

How's Royen doing with her walking???
Logan still isn't really interested in trying to stand by himself, let alone walk! It's weird for me, as Lucas was already walking at this age, so it's hard to have patience eventhough I know it's perfectly normal!
Whenever I try to stand him up and balance him so I can let go he steps backwards so he is leaning against my hands again, he keeps doing it! :haha:
Ella, Talia posted a video of Royen walking today. So cute. We actually bumped in to each other at Best Buy on Sunday while Derek popped in town for the day. The only other time Ive seen Royen was when I did her newborn photos :) We should change that, Talia!

Sorry to hear about your aunt, Ella. But it is totally normal for Logan to not be walking. Rowan took until a year. But i bet Maple does it real quick... she is starting to get more mobile than Rowan ever was at four months lol. Little turkey ♡

So Rowan needs surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids. And I am terrified. But i can't show him that I am terrified. But i am. I just want to cancel the appointment and hide under my blankies with him and Maple and never come out. That's acceptable and responsible, right? Lol...... anyways... blah. Kids are both asleep so I'm going to try and sneak a shower. Hugs! Miss you ladies.
Oh! I'll have to have a look at that video!!
And yes, you two should meet up more often since you actually live (semi?) close to each other!!

I know it's totally normal for Logan not to walk yet, and there are plenty of kids that even take till almost 18 months before walking, but I am impatient! Especially because of what you said: Logan has been quicker than Lucas with everything so far! So we were expecting/hoping for him to be walking already aswell.... Hopefully he'll start soon and that takes the attention off climbing on the sofa! OMG!! I cannot sit on the sofa without him crawling all over me or telling him no all the time cause he tries to eat the pot-pourri that's in the window or other ornaments! Not to mention typing on your laptop becomes a challenge with a 10 month old crawling over you and smashing your keyboard haha!
As long as I stay off the sofa he doesn't climb on it as much! (mummy's boy :winkwink:)

Sorry to hear Rowan has to have surgery!! I know how hard it is! Lucas had an inguinal hernia when he was about a year old and I wasn't too scared to start off with but when he was in hospital and they were putting him to sleep it was awful cause he was screaming!!!! And then he was gone for like an hour or so and that just seemed to be the longest time!!
It's scary, but he'll be fine!! Be strong mumma!! :bodyb:
Do you know when it's gonna happen yet??
Lol I know it is an annoyance in the moment, but Rowan not wanting to snuggle very much ever makes me wish they would crawl all over me forever haha. They just rush to grow up, it is crazy.

And yeah, Rowan's surgery is booked for the 11th of March. I don't even think Derek will be done his job so I will need to stay overnight alone with him and Maple and just wow lol.

Okay so I know grocery delivery is normal there, but it isn't at all here... and I just signed on to a program that delivers organic, gmo free, mostly local food ♡ I am excited haha. Still have to get everything but my produce at the store, but it is nice to know I will at least have fruits and veggies around all the time :D
Hi! I can't believe how big these bubs are getting!! Liam is 6.5 months and is crawling backwards which he gets frustrated with as he wants to go forwards towards something. He also gives the best hugs and kisses and he has 2 teeth with a few more thinking of cutting soon. He's a big boy too weighing in at 11.5kgs! The picture is this morning in our bed while watching cartoons.

Sorry Rowan has to have surgery it would be a scary thought.


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Hey girls!!! What's going on?? How are you??

Logan has just turned one and he took some first steps yesterday (I'm sure you didn't miss the video on FB :winkwink: ) He doesn't seem to want to do it again today though, so I'm not sure whether he'll actually start walking yet!
Maybe he's just not in the mood today!

I've stopped breastfeeding now, well.... about a week or so before his birthday! And my AF returned on the 2nd of March.... started with spotting, couldn't make up it's mind for the first week, then started properly but light and it's still here!! Starting my 4th week!!!!!! GO AWAY!! Leave me alone!!!! :trouble:

Anyway, how are your little ones doing?? Need some new pictures!!!

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