4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Oh wedding dress!! Awesome!! So exciting!! Can we see it?? Can we see a picture, please, please, please????
I love wedding dresses! When is your wedding again?? Soon isn't it??!!

Jay had his job interview today, it went really well! He's got a 2nd interview with them tomorrow! Good thing is that the guy interviewing him used to be in the army aswell so he knows what their work-ethic is like so that'll help! Jay got told that he had gotten lots of cv's in (100's) and they were all crap, so the guy asked an agency to send in a few cv's, they sent him 8, he was only gonna pick 3 as there are 2 jobs available, but when he got Jay's cv yesterday he decided to invite him for an interview aswell! So that's a really good sign straight away! :thumbup: So exciting! Really hope he gets it!

How's the bump growing Caitlyn?? We want bump pics!!!!
So happy your hubby got the job, Ella!

And yay wedding stuff! :D

But really, I came to congratulate Kristy on having her little Liam!! So exciting! Just me left :) The countdown is on :D
Ahw yay congrats Kristy! Didn't know you had had your LO!! Would love to see a picture! :)

Only 10 more weeks to go Caitlyn!! Then it's your turn! :)
Hi ladies. Sorry it's been a while since I've been on (I really need to catch up) but I've been struggling with the irritable uterus, had family member pass and the funeral lots of antenatal visits and finally the birth of my baby boy. :happydance::cloud9:

Baby Liam Thomas was born at 10:35pm on the 11th of July (Australian time). I was 39+6weeks and my waters broke (while shopping) at 12:30pm I went home had lunch and arrived at hospital at 2:00pm to discover yah there was meconium in my waters so I was placed onto the drip to help speed up labour a little. At 9:45pm I was told to start pushing. His heart rate started dropping and the doctors said they'd have to use the vacuum to help. While they were trying to find the right spot to attach it I'd managed to start crowning. As they needed him out as quick as possible I was cut to give him extra room and he was out with 3 big pushes.

Because of the meconium in the waters and we both had a one off high temperature after birth Liam has had to have antibiotics through a canular in his right hand. We find out just before 1am (3hours) if he will need more or if we can go home tomorrow afternoon providing his temp stays down.

My husband and I are so in love with him.


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Ahw he's gorgeous!! Sorry to hear he's having to have antibiotics, but I'm sure he'll be ok!
Hopefully you'll get to go home tomorrow!
Congrats kristy!! Sucks about the antibiotics and all that, we had to go that route too!

Can't believe you only have 10 weeks left!!

Hahah I don't even have pics of the dress! I'll try to get one off my friends phone!

Jay got the job though right? From FB? Or was that just the second interview?! Either way fingers crossed for him!
Yeah he got the job!! :) He's starting on wednesday, so he has 2 more days of weekend and then starting his new job! Looking forward to getting everything in our life settled again.... getting regular money, hopefully every month, though every week is good too, but I find it easier to have it monthly as you can have everything in one place and pay all your bills and food and whatever is left or whatever other money you get throughout that month you can just spend on whatever.... Rather than having to work out how much you've got and when you can spend it or when the new money will come back in etc.
Hope you ladies are well, and that wedding planning is going perfectly for you, Talia, and that hubby's new job is perfect, Ella :) And that you're settling in after having Liam, Kristy :)

Sorry I've been quiet. Not much to say, not much new going on. Waiting to play musical bedrooms, Dereks son James has to move out of the basement, as he also has the largest bedroom at his mother's now and that isn't fair to Erika. She has to move to the basement, which she may not want to do now because James tried to commit suicide there a few years ago... and then Rowan needs to be moved in to her room as her walls are painted red, black and white so I could make it a comic book/ super hero room for him... and finally Maple will have his room. And all this needs to be done in about 5 weeks, as my midwife is coming to check out the place and I plan on giving birth in the nursery, as it will be the only room upstairs with space for the pool. Big sigh of frustration.

Anywho, how are all the beautiful babies doing?
Oh wow lots of things going on then!! Busy busy!! Hope you're well :hugs: How is little Maple doing in there? Ribs getting sore yet?? :winkwink:

I haven't had too much to tell either.... I've just found out that I have hypothyroidism, had a bloodtest done and got told that all my thyroid levels are low and same for my iron and vit D aswell! So I'm on medication for that and iron tablets aswell. Will need to get my levels rechecked in about 6-8 weeks to make sure the meds are doing what they're supposed to and my levels are up enough, otherwise I'll need a higher dosage ofcourse! Obviously with low thyroid levels it tends to be harder losing weight, but I still managed to lose 1kg in the past week, which is good cause I really wanna lose weight and get slimmer again cause I feel so fat!!
Other than that, Jay's job is going well, they were already talking about getting him a promotion soon-ish and he was like: wow! let's wait and let me get used to the job first and then I'll think about supervising other people :haha: but it's a good sign!
Logan is doing good, getting WAY too big! 4 months already, weighing 7.5kg and rolling from back to tummy and starting to roll the other way aswell now, he's even trying to move (crawl) aswell, by pushing off with his legs etc whilst on his tummy, so I'm sure he'll be off before we know it! :winkwink:

How is everyone else doing???
Glad you found an answer to why you're always tired and you can now work on getting balanced again :) That's awesome that you've already lost weight. And aww Logan is growing so fast. Glad hubby is liking his new job and sounds like they like him, if they're already talking promotion :)
ha, there was a girl who got hired at the same time as him and on her 2nd day, after her lunchbreak she said: I can't do this, It's too hard! and then walked out! Jay went to tell them about our holiday (or ask them if he could have some days off for it) and as he walked into the office, before he even said anything they said: you're not allowed to go anywhere!! :winkwink:
Well I am glad they already like him so much :D And he is enjoying working there?
Yeah he's pretty happy, would still rather do something else like bordercontrol or something like that, but they're not hiring for the next 2 years or so.... so it's a good job for now! :thumbup: Apparently there we 2 people that took the day off sick on friday, probably because the friday before Jay told them how to unload the massive container with stock more efficiently and his boss backed him up and they had to work very hard! He let them do it their way yesterday just to see how they do it and he said he can see why they like doing it that way, cause they basically stand there doing nothing most of the time! But that's what he was hired for, to make everyone work harder/more efficiently! :)

How are you??? Getting closer!!!! Won't be long now!!
Tired of writing out long replies and the mobile site glitching and erasing the whole thing. Sigh. So baby washing is done for newborn, 0-3 months and 3-6 months :D So excited for her to come now. It is both going super fast and super slow at the same time haha. Ah well, I am enjoying it while I can. People are still not even realizing I am pregnant, and that always confuses me... had a salesman over yesterday and he asked if I had kids (Rowan was napping). I replied with one and a half and he asked what I meant; I had to stand up and point to the belly lol. And I had let him in and was standing around prior to sitting for his demo, so I figured it was obvious. Ah well. I wish I carried bigger and OUT of my back! Crazy girl likes to nestle up in there all the time.

Aaaanyways, what's new with you ladies? Wedding is almost here, Talia! You must be thrilled. How are the babies?
oh my goodness, some people can be so stupid! I'm sorry, but it's obvious you're pregnant! And that's from me seeing it on a picture!
So exciting you're getting things ready for little Maple! :) Wheeeeee!!! :happydance:

Not long now!!! And not long for your wedding Talia!! I saw the picture of Royen with her headband/headpiece to go with her flower girl dress :)
Very cute! I'm excited to see wedding pictures!!
Hi. Took me a while to catch up- figured I'd read it all when we weren't sleeping at night but Liam seems to like his sleep and will sleep anywhere from 4-6 hours in one go, then I change him and feed him and he's back asleep for another 4-6 hours. He usually has 3 of those naps (usually 1 6hr and 2 4hr ones).
He has just had a growth spurt so I need to take him to be weighed but he's already grown out of 0000 clothes and almost out of Huggies new born nappies.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Ooh all the little squishy clothes! We are almost in years over the growing box of stuff that no longer fits. Wedding planning is going good, lots of stuff getting finalized and stuff! Royen is getting pretty mobile, I've been meaning to post a video but keep forgetting she's like 90% crawling, she sure gets around but not really forward, but more and more each day'! Omg Ella I almost fell over at how Logan got far off his mat!
But what I'm really falling over for is, did I read that right about Liam's naps? 4 and 6 hour naps? A day??? Jeez that must be nice!!!! I know they sleep more than Royen does now when they're wee but not like that! Wow! Just a warning the 4 month regressions and teething might kill ya!
haha Talia, I think Kristy meant he sleeps a 6 hour stretch at night and then 2x 4hr stretches..... I doubt he has naps THAT long during the day! He'd be asleep most of the day! haha - I know they sleep a lot, but not that much!!

Yeah, Logan is definitely on the move - ALREADY!!!!- he keeps doing it! Guess he's just a determined little bug who just wants to get what he wants, cause he's usually after a toy that's a little further away from him. I can't believe he's doing it either, he's not even 5 months yet!!
And well done Royen!! Hope to see a video soon, would be great to see her getting her move on!!! - I will try and post a video of Logan soon, getting my new phone today so it'll be much easier for me to take pictures and videos (and it also has a 20 megapixel camera, so it's gonna take some good pictures!)

How's things Caitlyn?? I saw a lovely picture of you with some friends or family on FB! Getting so big!!!!
Sorry Talia, yea I meant sleeps- those big ones start in the evening and finish around 10am. They're not on a perfect schedule so it ranges from earlier in the evenings and wake up earlier in the mornings to later in the evenings and late sleep in's.

Can't believe Royen and Logan are already on the move. It's gone so quick!
Glad Liam is sleeping nice for you! That's awesome. Rowan was a great sleeper as well :D

And the picture was of some of Derek's family, was a nice get together :)

That's crazy that both your littles are on the move! So awesome. And I heard having an older sibling makes the younger ones want to play catch up :D So my Maple will probably get mobile quick as well... eek! Lol!

It's only just hit me that I will be term in three weeks... due in six and max of roughly eight weeks. That is so flipping soon! Crazy. I may be panicking a little lol.

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