5 days til testing anyone?


mummy of 5!
Mar 28, 2008
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.............i've been testing already!:rofl:
yesterday my cervix felt a bit tender when i got up or sat down too quick,wierd feeling,like i had been holding a wee in too long!:rofl:
and this morning i burst in to tears cos my son was late for school (14) and decided to stand and talk to his mates at the bus stop in front of our house!so i saw my arse and shouted at him to move it or i would be driving him to school!he gave me a dirty look,and i started :cry:
i think this ttc lark is getting to me!
sorry for my rant!
i know ive just this mintue been the same...honesley ive been crying cos am having2use garys laptop and his aint got my stuff on obviousley,and im thinkling av defo been ripped off with buying this laptop off net, thinking the hard drive has burnt:( but im crying over this...mind u if i had 2 get a new one its £200 we just dont av,but part from this ive felt really emotional2day:( will be testing in 7days as i wont test b4 af is at least due!!
wish u luck hun x x
Oh god it's awful isnt it. I'd love to fast forward 4 days, take the test & then go back again! I shoudn't really be testing until monday/tuesday, but have already as well!

I wouldn't mind but this is my second 2ww this cycle (two OPK surges!):hissy:
Hey everyone!

I tested today (10 dpo) and I think I got a faint BFP on a Target brand test. So I will be testing in 5 days to see if its a true BFP!!!!!

We will see what happens. It could just be my eyes, :dohh:

I hope we all get a true BFP in a couple days. I wish u all the best
Hey im due to test a week tomorow but today I have noticed more Creamy White CM than usual, slight twinges in my belly, yesterday I was bloated and very irritable!!! Couldnt stand by OH to touch me! Today boobs have started to feel tender too....what you think girls??:hug:
iam about 5 days away and bbs are killing sisns be4 o and got a stinky cold now boooo!
.............i've been testing already!:rofl:
yesterday my cervix felt a bit tender when i got up or sat down too quick,wierd feeling,like i had been holding a wee in too long!:rofl:
and this morning i burst in to tears cos my son was late for school (14) and decided to stand and talk to his mates at the bus stop in front of our house!so i saw my arse and shouted at him to move it or i would be driving him to school!he gave me a dirty look,and i started :cry:
i think this ttc lark is getting to me!
sorry for my rant!

Good Luck!!!! Lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

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