5 dpo symptom spotting!! Anyone need a waiting buddy? :D


Me - 21.
Sep 17, 2011
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Hi everyone!

Ok, so I am 100% sure of my O date. It was the 14th (Wednesday) and I am currently 5 dpo. I am a definite POAS-aholic, so I'm going to try to really wait it out until 12 dpo this time, so that I don't have the chance of getting a false BFN from testing way too early.... like, oh, I don't know... 5 dpo? :blush: haha!

SO, that being said, here are my symptoms thus far:

O day: intense O pain! :cry: It was so strange for me, because I have never had the pain in my life (just came off the pill after being on for 2 years). So Hubby and I are super new at TTC. This is only our second month trying, so hopefully it will be quick and easy! (yeah, right!) Anywho, I literally doubled over from the pain when I O'd. It lasted about 30 seconds and then it was over.

1 dpo: Nothing at all... the only thing I felt was butterflies in my tummy. Those tingly little feelings have stayed with me so far! Hubby and I BD'd like rabbits for the 3 days before and the day I O'd :blush:

2 dpo: Still have the butterflies. :kiss: Woke up in the middle of the night from heartburn, something else I have never had in my entire life (Hubby figured out it was heartburn since the way I explained it matched up precisely with his chronic heartburn symptoms).

3 dpo: Butterflies still fluttering about. Checked CP this morning and it was super high (I could barely reach it!) (Sorry, :blush: TMI), hard, and CM was super creamy and white.

4 dpo: Didn't notice anything because Hubby and I went to a football game and were gone most of the day. The only thing that I even remotely noticed is that I was very tired-feeling most of the day. :sleep:

5 dpo (today!): CP is very high and has gotten really hard! I've read that's a good sign? :shrug: Also, persistent heartburn, hot flashes and the two things that have really gotten my attention are

1.) These AF-like cramps! AF is not due until around 9/29 or so (my cycle is slightly irregular) and I never, EVER get cramps until literally, hours before she flies in to ruin my day :dohh: So this could be a great sign... which leads me to the second thing:

2.) I had a rather substantial drop in my temp this AM. It went from 98.1 to 97.0 (I suspect I have naturally low temps to begin with). I've read that it could either be a second estrogen surge in the luteal phase, or implantation. Now, with all the research I've done, MOST sources state implantation takes place between 7-12 dpo. HOWEVER, I stalked FF and found quite a great number of girls who had a big drop around days 4, 5 or 6 and wound up with a BFP! :happydance: So, that has really caught my attention and frankly, my hopes are sky high! :cloud9:

Now I just have to keep myself from caving in and POAS, haha![/SIZE]
Haha good luck in not POAS I wont be doing that until the 29th for sure. I am 4dpo and would love a buddy! I currently have only 2 symptoms and had these since 2-3dpo which is milky creamy cm and small cramps. I feel like thats normal for me though. I hope you get your BFP all your symptoms sound very promising!

Hmm... Well, the 29th it is then! That will put me at 15 dpo. I don't know if I can hold off that long, but I certainly will try! That's a good day anyways since AF isn't due till then...

As for your symptoms, that sounds like a good start! :thumbup: Do you check cp at all? Or chart your temps? I just recently started charting so I really have no clue as to what it's supposed to look like, haha. :shrug: How long have you been TTC?

Mucho babydust coming your way! :dust:
I tried to chart but I don't wake up the same time every day and I have no idea how to check my cp. I mainly just do OPK's and CM. This is our second month or TTC.

Oh and one more symptom today that is so not like me. Everything my DH has done tonight has made me annoyed/mad. Yet he has done nothing. lol Don't know if this is a symptom or just a mood swing lol
This was my first time getting a confirmed ovulation, and that was the 15th! So I am 4 dpo. I think I am going to wait until October 3rd to test, because that is hubby's birthday and our anniversary. That is if I don't start before that time.

I had my thirtieth birthday party this weekend, so I am not symptom spotting until Wednesday or Thursday :)
I tried to chart but I don't wake up the same time every day and I have no idea how to check my cp. I mainly just do OPK's and CM. This is our second month or TTC.

Oh and one more symptom today that is so not like me. Everything my DH has done tonight has made me annoyed/mad. Yet he has done nothing. lol Don't know if this is a symptom or just a mood swing lol

That could be a really good sign!! As mean as it makes us sound, I've been like that for the past 2 days with my DH as well. He would say something so innocent and not meaning anything by it and I have been getting so worked up over NOTHING! So, hoping that's a positive (though not fun) sign :D

I had no idea how to check cp either, but I finally just thought "Why not?" and dove in (hahahha). According to what I've read though, it's not a very reliable "sign" of pregnancy... kinda like charting. I think it's only useful (checking cp and temping) if you actually are like, textbook perfect in what you're supposed to feel/be temping like. So yeah, I'm not relying on it too heavily (which will save my sanity a tad, because my temps were down yesterday and today and "apparently" they're supposed to be climbing higher every day... meh. We will see. If it's in God's plan, then we will get our BFP's, regardless of our temperatures and womanly bits, HA! :D

So today is 7 dpo, and the POAS monster is lurking around every corner, just tempting me :dohh:

I will not, I will not, I will not... I just have to keep on telling myself that it's highly unlikely and blatantly unrealistic to get a BFP this early. Unfortunately, I'm trying to also convince myself that it's impossible to get one until 12 dpo, even though I know you can (shhh, don't tell me that). :dohh:

I feel right now as though I would be willing to pee on any stick that will hold still.
Hi ladies,

I had two peak days on a CBFM on 14th/15th September and we BD'd for two days before and on those two days- so pretty sure we gave ourselves the best chance possible. Will be testing on 29th or 30th unless AF gets me first.

This is our second cycle of trying and just so desperately want that BFP, as a June baby would be so lovely. A small part of me just keeps thinking that it isn't going to be that easy for us and that getting my hopes up is just silly. Not sure why I think this, as my family are notoriously fertile. Just feel like it won't be easy or that we'll miscarry - think these forums and experiences with friend's miscarrying has convinced me it will happen to us!

Good luck to us all.
Hi Ladies - I'm going to join you if that's ok... I'm 6dpo today and here's my symptoms/story from another thread:

My symptoms so far:
3DPO - upset tummy
5DPO - Tons of CM - like whitish on my finger but yellow tinge on the TP. Kind of chunky/creamy (not like I've got an infection though). Kind of crampy, felt slightly nauseous on my way home from work. High/Firm Cervix
6DPO - HUGE temp drop - but I did have a wonky night's sleep and felt uncomfortable temperature wise all night. So who knows. So far today also the same kind of CM as yesterday (and tons of it again!) and high/firm cervix. Also since lunch I hvae been feeling kind of crampy/fullish in my uterus region.

The lots of CM is weird for me I don't usually have that, but this really could be my first cycle ovulating at all after getting off of Depo in Jan - so this might be normal in an ovulatory cycle for me. Trying not to get my hopes up, but boy being pregnant in time to put some baby supplies on our Christmas list sure woudl be nice :winkwink:

So I'm probably testing on Monday 9/26 that's 11DPO - I know it's still a little early but I am a total addict... let's be honest I'm probably going to test before then too :blush:

Good luck to you ladies I hope this cycle is it for all of us!!
Hi can I join you all? I'm 5dpo today and I am hoing to try not to test early, but I have some ic's so who knows if I'm strong enough to wait!

6DPO - HUGE temp drop - but I did have a wonky night's sleep and felt uncomfortable temperature wise all night. So who knows. [/QUOTE]

How big was your temp drop? I had a huge one today .8 degrees and has caused a dip below my coverline. This is only my first month charting though so could be I've done it wrong. What do you think? Good or bad?
jamhs mine was by 1 whole degree. How many DPO are you? It could possibly be an implantation dip, although from what I've read that's more common for days 7-12. We've just got to wait until tomorrow and see if our temps go back up! if they stay down it's no good :(
Hey ladies and you are all welcomed to join the more the better! All of your symptoms sound so good. I have been having a few more like:

More white creamy cm
Heartburn that won't go away ugh
Nauseas last night while trying to fall asleep and this mooring until after breakfast
Sore boobs last night which is so weird since af isn't due for 9 days
My teeth/gums hurt last night which I never have and I know I have nothing wrong as I went to the dentist last month and they were perfect (no cavities!)

So hopefully these are all good! I still feel crazy for thinking I could be pg but you never know. I just hope I don't work myself up over these symptoms to just get a bfn......
jamhs mine was by 1 whole degree. How many DPO are you? It could possibly be an implantation dip, although from what I've read that's more common for days 7-12. We've just got to wait until tomorrow and see if our temps go back up! if they stay down it's no good :(

I hate the waiting game! I'm 5dpo and am praying my temp rises(and yours!) tomorrow and it really is a sign leading to our bfp's! Read loads of stories of people getting early bfp's with charts like ours and I've been chart stalking too and seen a few that were similar! Fx'd! :thumbup:
I have the runny nose symptom that a lot of people talk about and I feel heavy in my boobs, not sore per se.

Fingers crossed for everyone!
I am 6 dpo, with no symptoms yet, not sure if this is a bad sign, hoping not
I am 6 dpo, with no symptoms yet, not sure if this is a bad sign, hoping not

I don't think it's a bad sign some girls get all the symptoms and a bfn, some girls get no symptoms and a BFP, As well as some girls getting all symptoms with a BFP and some girls have no symptoms and get a bfn. None of us until af is late with a +hpt.
jamhs mine was by 1 whole degree. How many DPO are you? It could possibly be an implantation dip, although from what I've read that's more common for days 7-12. We've just got to wait until tomorrow and see if our temps go back up! if they stay down it's no good :(

I hate the waiting game! I'm 5dpo and am praying my temp rises(and yours!) tomorrow and it really is a sign leading to our bfp's! Read loads of stories of people getting early bfp's with charts like ours and I've been chart stalking too and seen a few that were similar! Fx'd! :thumbup:

Temp went back up today to higher then it was the day before the drop! Really hope this is a good sign! What was yours like today? I'm having slight cramps as well.
jamhs mine was by 1 whole degree. How many DPO are you? It could possibly be an implantation dip, although from what I've read that's more common for days 7-12. We've just got to wait until tomorrow and see if our temps go back up! if they stay down it's no good :(

I hate the waiting game! I'm 5dpo and am praying my temp rises(and yours!) tomorrow and it really is a sign leading to our bfp's! Read loads of stories of people getting early bfp's with charts like ours and I've been chart stalking too and seen a few that were similar! Fx'd! :thumbup:

Temp went back up today to higher then it was the day before the drop! Really hope this is a good sign! What was yours like today? I'm having slight cramps as well.

Yay!!! I'm so glad yours went back up. Mine went up some - by .3 but that's still .7 less than it was on Tuesday, and still .2 below my coverline... FF didn't take away my crosshairs yet but we'll see... I am feeling very crampy today so hopefully it's not AF on her way early :( I am not feeling very optimistic about it today, but what can you do? :shrug:

It's probably a good thing my temp didn't shoot up this morning bc if it had I think I woulda taken an HPT :blush:
jamhs mine was by 1 whole degree. How many DPO are you? It could possibly be an implantation dip, although from what I've read that's more common for days 7-12. We've just got to wait until tomorrow and see if our temps go back up! if they stay down it's no good :(

I hate the waiting game! I'm 5dpo and am praying my temp rises(and yours!) tomorrow and it really is a sign leading to our bfp's! Read loads of stories of people getting early bfp's with charts like ours and I've been chart stalking too and seen a few that were similar! Fx'd! :thumbup:

Temp went back up today to higher then it was the day before the drop! Really hope this is a good sign! What was yours like today? I'm having slight cramps as well.

Yay!!! I'm so glad yours went back up. Mine went up some - by .3 but that's still .7 less than it was on Tuesday, and still .2 below my coverline... FF didn't take away my crosshairs yet but we'll see... I am feeling very crampy today so hopefully it's not AF on her way early :( I am not feeling very optimistic about it today, but what can you do? :shrug:

It's probably a good thing my temp didn't shoot up this morning bc if it had I think I woulda taken an HPT :blush:

I'm sorry yours hasn't gone up any higher, but at least it didn't go down either! Lol about taking the hpt though! I took an opk but it was very negative! I'm going away for a wedding this weekend and staying at my in-laws so that should help get over the temptation of testing to early! How long have you been temping for? Are you ttc#1 or do you have any other kids? :)
Temp went back up today to higher then it was the day before the drop! Really hope this is a good sign! What was yours like today? I'm having slight cramps as well.

Yay!!! I'm so glad yours went back up. Mine went up some - by .3 but that's still .7 less than it was on Tuesday, and still .2 below my coverline... FF didn't take away my crosshairs yet but we'll see... I am feeling very crampy today so hopefully it's not AF on her way early :( I am not feeling very optimistic about it today, but what can you do? :shrug:

It's probably a good thing my temp didn't shoot up this morning bc if it had I think I woulda taken an HPT :blush:

I'm sorry yours hasn't gone up any higher, but at least it didn't go down either! Lol about taking the hpt though! I took an opk but it was very negative! I'm going away for a wedding this weekend and staying at my in-laws so that should help get over the temptation of testing to early! How long have you been temping for? Are you ttc#1 or do you have any other kids? :)[/QUOTE]

We are TTC#1 - I just turned 27 so hoping my body's still in working order :) I have been charting on/off since Jan when I came off of the depo, i tend to start each cycle gung ho about it but then I get lazy or something... Well my cycles have been so messed up - like I said *if* I O'd this month it'd be my first time since who knows when. I've been on BC since I was 19 so it was about 7.5 yrs when I came off of depo that I'd been on one form of BC or another... I did pills, nuvaring, and depo. So, I know I've just got to be patient! I never have gotten a +OPK this month (first cycle using them) although right when FF has put my crosshairs was the darkest it ever got so I know there's a chance I might have missed my surge by not testing at the right time of day if it was short!

I see you have two boys :) I am crossing my fingers for you, I hope this is your cycle! How long have you been TTC #3?
So today I think I have also had some EWCM...:wacko:

It's hard to say for sure bc DH and I did BD last night, and I'm pretty sure when checking earlier this AM that's what I was getting but this stuff did exactly what "they" say EWCM will do in water - balled up and sank right away. I did some quick googling and saw that sometimes a week after O you have enough estrogen to produce EWCM again and today IS 7dpo so maybe that's it, but I feel like I'm grasping at straws!

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