5 misscarriages and confused. Please read and advice


Mother of 2
Mar 17, 2011
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Hi well im new here so stop me if i yabber on lol.

My Story:
I have 2 children, my son is 8 yrs and with that pregnancy i bleed at 14 weeks and turns out he was meant to be a twin. I carried him full term and had a 3rd degree tear.
My daughter is approaching 6 and i carried her full term and then had a C-section due to my previous tear.

Then i met my new husband and we well pregnant in Feb 09 which was a complete shock as we were not TTC. This ended in early miscarriage.
After a while we TTC and in June 10 we were pregnant, this again ended in early miscarriage. The same in Sept 10 and Oct 10.
With all of these miscarriages it was like i just got my period late, bleed for a few days then stopped. and having had my HCG levels checked constantly they never reached 44+

*1st miscarriage like this
Then Feb 2011 i did an early home preg test and it was positive, i was only 3wks 6days. I got my levels done by my GP and they were 123, 2 days later they were 367 and all was fine. then at 6wks2days i started to bleed slightly so rung the hosp and was told to go in via A&E, long story short, they sent me home with closed cervix and bleeding stopped. next day bleeding started again and i went back they kept me in as they suspected ectopic preg and after a internal scan they ruled this out. said lining of my womb was as it should be and that i was 5 weeks (which i knew i was further)and that they could see a ges sac but no fetal pole which would be right at 5 wks, and again my cervix was closed all was well and to go home.
After i got home i went straight to bed and within an hour or so i woke up dying for the loo and when i stood up "whoosh" (sorry for the tti) i ran to the toilet and cleaned myself up and felt a "pop" when i looked i had the ges sac with a clear fetus inside. i phone the ward i was on just hours before that and i was sent to A&E. at this point i was in full on labour pains (??) then the doc said that my cervix was closed and that this was "strange" so that i must be having twins...... which i wasnt!!!!
I was then given morphene and told that it was chromosonal and that we would only be able to carry a pregnancy with the use of an egg/sperm donor......even though they have NOT tested em once to find out why this is happening!!!!

im not seeing the specialist till 7th april. my mum has been to the docs this am to see if she would be allowed to be my egg donor just incase it is chromosonal then we have a fall back if you like. and YIPPEEEE she can be!!!
what do i do now though? im totally fed up and just about to scream at the hospital and GPs as NOTHING was done after my 3rd miscarriage and im now past my 5th
ohh hun i feel so sos for u..
what a long journey with alot of upset but thank god your mum can be a candidate if needed..
i hope things get sorted soon and then you can have some joy..xx
:hugs:Sounds like you've had a rough time - I'm so sorry.
I don't know what to say but I hope you get some answers soon
Im sorry to hear of your losses, you realy have had a hard time of it. Life is crap sometimes the things that keep happening x
Hi well im new here so stop me if i yabber on lol.

My Story:
I have 2 children, my son is 8 yrs and with that pregnancy i bleed at 14 weeks and turns out he was meant to be a twin. I carried him full term and had a 3rd degree tear.
My daughter is approaching 6 and i carried her full term and then had a C-section due to my previous tear.

Then i met my new husband and we well pregnant in Feb 09 which was a complete shock as we were not TTC. This ended in early miscarriage.
After a while we TTC and in June 10 we were pregnant, this again ended in early miscarriage. The same in Sept 10 and Oct 10.
With all of these miscarriages it was like i just got my period late, bleed for a few days then stopped. and having had my HCG levels checked constantly they never reached 44+

*1st miscarriage like this
Then Feb 2011 i did an early home preg test and it was positive, i was only 3wks 6days. I got my levels done by my GP and they were 123, 2 days later they were 367 and all was fine. then at 6wks2days i started to bleed slightly so rung the hosp and was told to go in via A&E, long story short, they sent me home with closed cervix and bleeding stopped. next day bleeding started again and i went back they kept me in as they suspected ectopic preg and after a internal scan they ruled this out. said lining of my womb was as it should be and that i was 5 weeks (which i knew i was further)and that they could see a ges sac but no fetal pole which would be right at 5 wks, and again my cervix was closed all was well and to go home.
After i got home i went straight to bed and within an hour or so i woke up dying for the loo and when i stood up "whoosh" (sorry for the tti) i ran to the toilet and cleaned myself up and felt a "pop" when i looked i had the ges sac with a clear fetus inside. i phone the ward i was on just hours before that and i was sent to A&E. at this point i was in full on labour pains (??) then the doc said that my cervix was closed and that this was "strange" so that i must be having twins...... which i wasnt!!!!
I was then given morphene and told that it was chromosonal and that we would only be able to carry a pregnancy with the use of an egg/sperm donor......even though they have NOT tested em once to find out why this is happening!!!!

im not seeing the specialist till 7th april. my mum has been to the docs this am to see if she would be allowed to be my egg donor just incase it is chromosonal then we have a fall back if you like. and YIPPEEEE she can be!!!
what do i do now though? im totally fed up and just about to scream at the hospital and GPs as NOTHING was done after my 3rd miscarriage and im now past my 5th

Hello, im from newcastle ive never noticed anyone on here so close to home:). sorry for your losses :( I dont see how a dr can say you wont be able to carry a baby cause of chromosonal problems as you already have 2 kids and they havent tested the sperm. It sounds like another case of bad treatment from nhs, they dont seem to care about ppl when they have a mc.
Ive had a few rubbish drs and the best thing to do is change your dr surgery, find a decent dr you like. If your seeing a specialist on 7th you might find you get more answers and keep pushing until you get them.
I cant imagine what going through 5 must be like.
ah you dont know the half of it that i have had with the hospital. Its not the docs at my GP practice it was literally the docs and nurses at wansbeck hospital. Ive spoken to the "pals" (patient and liaison service) and together we have formed my complaint against them.... and there is 28 factors to it!! things like when they hung up the phone twice on me when i dung to tell them i have sac&fetus in my hand, when they did the internal scan they couldnt be bothered to locate a condom to cover the probe so they used a glove (which i had to remove), one of the DOCS came in crying and telling me how sorry she was for me, honestly i could go on! The care they gave me was 100% disgusting.
I phoned the GPs practice and i told them (which took ALOT of arm twisting and shouting on my part) they they WOULD refer me to the centre of life fertility clinic or i would be suing them aswell as they didnt bother to have me checked after the 3rd m/c.
They said it would be chromosonal (with out testing) as both of my children are from my previous relationship so not biologically my husbands children. what they are meaning is that my eggs are good and his sperm is good but together they are not! it does all make sense but how on earth they can tell me that IS whats the matter when they havnt tested either of us..... they just opened a book and read it to me and had not even looked at my medical notes!!!!
I am sooo annoyed at them for being soooo useless that i think it did stop me grieveing for my baby that i had lost. They seemed to give me the approach that "oh youve had m/c's before so you know the crack!!!" nice ah?!?!
I so desperatly want another baby and like NOW lol. Dont know what to do, ie, try again, wait, IVF etc. Because the way the "professionals" have made me feel is that i just cant trust them :(
Sorry about your losses hun , I have had 5 myself . Have they checked your progesterone levels after ovulation before i know thats why im losing mine so early on and its easily fixed
Hi, got your email i need to get onto the big comp as i cant fiqure out how to respond as im on my mobile, i'll go on later.
Thats awful, wansbeck doesnt have a good reputation at all, thats bad luck. I hope they refer u to centre of life as i know ppl who have been there and both got babies out of it. Maybe it is simple like prostrogen levels or if it is genetics then they can test for that. Dont give up tho, i spoken to a lady recently who had 4 kids but between them had 8mc so its not an exact science. Sorry for all your losses and wansbeck should be taken to court.
When i went to dr with bleeding at start of mc she cudnt give a toss she shrugged shoulders when i asked how it had happened, then told me to go home and wait to pass something about the size of an orange i was scared. She had made me app for early scan 5 days later. Bit late by then. It was a mmc and not as bad as she said it wud be. In end i made myself app at rake lane for next day. I rang my drs and told them i was discusted with her manner then changed my dr. Im running out of battery x
Whats this about the progesterone levels after ovulation?? they have never said anything like that to me?! don't mean to sound thick but what does it do etc xx
P.S: does anyone know how i get my profile pic on? cant find a way at all xx
If the levels arent right the pregnancy ends think its cause the lining is forced to shed, not sure if its also a luteal phase defect - google it as its explained better. Symptoms wud be reoccuring early mc
Hi, got your email i need to get onto the big comp as i cant fiqure out how to respond as im on my mobile, i'll go on later.
Thats awful, wansbeck doesnt have a good reputation at all, thats bad luck. I hope they refer u to centre of life as i know ppl who have been there and both got babies out of it. Maybe it is simple like prostrogen levels or if it is genetics then they can test for that. Dont give up tho, i spoken to a lady recently who had 4 kids but between them had 8mc so its not an exact science. Sorry for all your losses and wansbeck should be taken to court.
When i went to dr with bleeding at start of mc she cudnt give a toss she shrugged shoulders when i asked how it had happened, then told me to go home and wait to pass something about the size of an orange i was scared. She had made me app for early scan 5 days later. Bit late by then. It was a mmc and not as bad as she said it wud be. In end i made myself app at rake lane for next day. I rang my drs and told them i was discusted with her manner then changed my dr. Im running out of battery x

wasnt sure if i had even senti it, finding this site a lil akward to get round tbh. wansbeck is dreadful like without a doubt. aye 8mc? gee wizz i think by then i will give up, but it does just go to show you though that its possible even when you think youve had enough. How far were you in your mc? just the size of an orange is canny big. thats awful the way she said that then just left you to it. i know there isnt a lot they can do but the 1 big issue they should remember is "support" and they all seem to lack it. :(
Taken from another page hope this can help explain this better :thumbup:

The luteal phase of a woman’s cycle is the second half of her cycle. It begins right after ovulation and generally lasts around 12-14 days. The luteal phase is named after the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum is a yellow structure that forms after ovulation. The corpus luteum is responsible for progesterone production. Progesterone has several functions which are necessary for a healthy pregnancy. If you have a defect with your corpus luteum you may not produce enough progesterone to sustain a pregnancy.

How is luteal phase defect diagnosed?
Your doctor may recommend that you keep track of your temperature upon waking with a bbt chart. Progesterone causes a rise in temperature that is visible on a bbt chart during the second half of your cycle. Normally, you will see temperatures rise after ovulation and stay up for about 12-14 days before menstruation. You can tell how long your luteal phase is by looking at your bbt chart. If your luteal phase is shorter than ten days you may have a luteal phase defect. Some doctors may be concerned if your luteal phase is shorter than twelve days.

Endometrial biopsies are another way that luteal phase defect is diagnosed. Endometrial biopsies are usually done late in your menstrual cycle around 11 or 12 days after ovulation. An endometrial biopsy is a scraping of part of the endometrium (the lining of your uterus). Your doctor will use an instrument to take a sample of the lining of your uterus. He will send this sample off to a lab to be evaluated. The lab will take a look at the sample under a microscope and determine what stage of development the tissue is. If the tissue is not developed as much as it should be for where you are in your cycle you may be diagnosed as having a luteal phase defect.

Since progesterone production is the big concern with luteal phase defect, some doctors will check your blood progesterone level to diagnose luteal phase defect. This is done by checking your progesterone levels at different stages of your menstrual cycle. If your progesterone level is low, you may be diagnosed with having a luteal phase defect. There are some drawbacks to checking blood progesterone levels. The level of progesterone in your blood fluctuates from hour to hour throughout the day. You may appear to have a normal blood progesterone level at one point in the day but have a lower level if your blood was drawn at a different time of day. Also, blood progesterone levels vary for normal pregnancies making it difficult to establish what level is inadequate to sustain pregnancy.

Treatment of luteal phase defect
There are a few ways that luteal phase defect is treated. Some doctors simply prescribe progesterone suppositories to increase the level of progesterone in your bloodstream. How effective progesterone treatment is has not been determined. Progesterone therapy is generally started a few days after ovulation and continued until the placenta begins to take over progesterone production around the twelfth week of pregnancy. Not all doctors are comfortable with progesterone supplements. Progesterone’s safety has not been established. Although there is no evidence of birth defects caused by progesterone supplementation, there really is no long term data on its use either. We are just not sure that there will not be repercussions from using progesterone or even if it is effective.

Fertility drugs like Clomid are sometimes used to treat luteal phase defect. If follicle development is poor during the first half of a woman’s cycle, the resulting egg and corpus luteum may be poor. Clomid is used to stimulate a woman’s follicles to ovulate. If treatment is successful, the corpus luteum will be healthier and subsequently, progesterone production will be better.

HCG injections are yet another treatment for luteal phase defect. HCG is normally produced during pregnancy and helps maintain the corpus luteum. HCG injections help to stimulate the corpus luteum and increases progesterone levels during the luteal phase.
Too right, no emotional support at all, im a wimp too so the thought of going home and waiting. It was 7 wks but was a missed so only a sack size of 5 wks so 7mm and it was like a lump of jelly with loads of little dots inside must have not got past the cell division stage, at time i was only relieved that it wasnt size of orange with a noticable baby inside. Ive got 2 little girls who are 6 & 3 so i am lucky but still fixated on #3. Where have u been referred too?
Too right, no emotional support at all, im a wimp too so the thought of going home and waiting. It was 7 wks but was a missed so only a sack size of 5 wks so 7mm and it was like a lump of jelly with loads of little dots inside must have not got past the cell division stage, at time i was only relieved that it wasnt size of orange with a noticable baby inside. Ive got 2 little girls who are 6 & 3 so i am lucky but still fixated on #3. Where have u been referred too?

I have been refered to see Dr Macenzie at wansbeck hospital on 7th April and they i demanded that my GP referes me to centre for life feritilty clinic which i have heard ahs a really great rep xx
Even the jelly like lump is still distressing to see. God its awful. I dont if i would ever have coped with an "orange" thoughxx

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