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5 weeks and I've put on 5lbs already!!!!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2013
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I can't believe it! They weighed me at the doctors yesterday and where I normally fluctuate between 8 stone and 8 stone 2 pounds, I had gone up to 8 and a half stone. I am only 5+5!
Is this a lot of weight to gain do you think? I read that you should only gain up to 5lbs in the whole of the first tri!
Are you bloated at all? If not, you must have changed your diet quite drastically if you've gained, what is for you a lot of weight. I weigh a lot more than you and have put on 2.5lbs since my BFP. That's because I've been eating loads of rubbish, so I totally get why. I'll have to start eating healthy again to get that off but all I want is rubbish!

Don't worry, if it's bloat you will find it eases over the coming weeks.

ETA - also my system slows way down and it takes me forever to digest meals which makes me both feel and weigh heavier. Maybe you are the same?
Thanks for replying!
Yeah I feel really bloated, really bloated, but would that explain such a gain? . I honestly haven't changed my diet, infact I have been attempting to eat healthier. I have however, cut down on exercise as my boobs have just been too sore even with a sports bra for me to do much. The soreness is going now so I will have to step it up a bit I think!
I feel bloated too! I'm about 5 weeks tomorrow and I have been eating a little too much salted food :(
I feel like I could have written this myself! I'm 5 foot 3 and usually weigh between 8 stone and 8 stone 2 ish. Am approx. 5 weeks gone and feel and look exceptionally bloated, and after weighing myself this morning I've appeared to jump up to 8 and a half, despite making a real effort to eat healthily in the last week. Looking in the mirror you would think I was much further gone :-(

I really think it's just bloating and hopefully it will all calm down soon!!
I feel the same way... 5+4 and I feel 10 lbs heavier! I don't have a scale at home, so I don't know how much I've gained... but I keep telling myself I'm retaining water and THAT's why... hehe. I did change my diet a bit, but I thought for the better! Lots of fibre, fruits, veggies. I'm probably gonna go to the gym today, so I'll be able to get an idea of my weight gain thus far.
Hey! I spoke to the mw about this as I have gained 8lbs and am 11 and a half weeks (had gained 5 lbs by 5 weeks). I usually weigh 7.5 stone and am 5'3, so was slightly shocked when I whacked on so much weight and have hardly changed my diet! She said it was perfectly normal for our pre-preg weight; there's a theory that the body tries to reach its ideal weight in the first tri so will put on different weight gain for each woman. I had also put on this amount of weight in my first pregnancy by this stage, and only put on about 28lbs overall and lost the weight quickly without trying.

It's fine as everyone's bodies are different and you have to take into account original bmi etc, so please try not to worry X
Sorry forgot to say that you will find that your weight gain levels out during 2nd and 3rd tri. We are just first tri weight gainers :)
Thanks for all your replies ladies, I'm glad I am not the only one. I spoke to my mom earlier and she said that she gained really quickly and then it slowed down so not to worry. I also think its a lot of bloat cus when I try and suck my stomach in it feels really tender. I'm all boobs and belly! I'm only 5 feet tall so am a bit worried that in about 8 months time I will resemble a mad painted egg!
During pregnancy your body can fluctuate in weight based on water retention as well. Now if you've been eating crap food than that would explain it, but some women can put on 4-5lbs in one day and the next morning it will be down again. That is water weight. Which is normal!!
Generally speaking no more than 4lbs in the first trimester is expected. With my other 2 pregnancies I lost weight, this time I've already put on 2lbs. I know this is water weight and bloating though. If you have actually gained weight, than don't worry too much...just slow down with any greasy food, or sugary foods.
With my first, i put on a lot of weight in the 1st trimester. It literally equaled to one pound a week. I WAS eating more, which unfortunately kept going into pregnancy and it got way out of hand but I was constantly STARVING. I would seriously get hunger pains if I wasn't eating and if I didn't eat, I would get sick and throw up. Unfortunately, I got so scared of getting sick (puking) that I would just eat the first thing I had at hand and it wasn't always healthy.

This time around, not much bloat and I have only put on 1lb, but I am watching what I am eating very carefully since I am a plus size mom to begin with.

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