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5 weeks & still struggling

Have you tried breast compression or massage whilst feeding? This can make the milk come out faster - it works for me sometimes (my LO falls asleep feeding often) there is a good video on kellymum website.
Hi ladies
Had a really tough day yday... I dont know how i managed not to have a breakdown!!
I held back from giving lo any formula (after the initial one in morning) but a result i literally fed her all day & she was screaming the house down!!
At night i gave her a bottle as planned & after a bath she went sleep but then about an hour later was up again screaming!! Had to top her up again & then she took ages nodding off!!

I tried expressing at this point thinking id get more as i bf all day but i barely got 1oZ!!! Less than normal!! Howd this happen??
Hi ladies
Had a really tough day yday... I dont know how i managed not to have a breakdown!!
I held back from giving lo any formula (after the initial one in morning) but a result i literally fed her all day & she was screaming the house down!!
At night i gave her a bottle as planned & after a bath she went sleep but then about an hour later was up again screaming!! Had to top her up again & then she took ages nodding off!!

I tried expressing at this point thinking id get more as i bf all day but i barely got 1oZ!!! Less than normal!! Howd this happen??

You WILL be feeding ALL day. Right now she needs to feed almost constantly if she is going to be able to communicate with your body as to how much milk she needs.

Milk works on a daily basis. You need to wait at least 24 hours to see any increase in milk. So how baby feeds today is like putting in the order for tomorrow. She's telling your body "I am hungry, you need to make more milk". Especially since your body hasn't been given the chance to catch up with her demand. It will take time.

How much formula does she have a day?

I notice you say "screaming" a lot?- Are you managing to get her to the breast at her first hunger cues? Rooting, hands to face, head side to side, tongue out and in, lips smacking? Please watch for these signs. This will help her become a lot less stressed and in turn YOU will be a lot less stressed.

Expressing is no indicator of supply. I think someone explained that in detail before? As I said, it;ll be a few days before your body can catch up- depending on howmany oz a day she is getting???
I was giving up to around 4/5oz appx 3 times a day!
I suppose i havent been picking up the early hunger signs but then since yday she hasnt really left enough of a gap between feeds?
I was giving up to around 4/5oz appx 3 times a day!
I suppose i havent been picking up the early hunger signs but then since yday she hasnt really left enough of a gap between feeds?

Ok so thats a LOT to just cut out right away. If you watch for those early hunger cues the whole situation will become a lot less stressful. It wouldn't be advisable to cut out that much formula right away. Thats 12-15 oz and the body would rarely build that supply overnight.

Here is a fab link on cutting formula. Slowly but effectively. Have you been in contact with a Lactation Consultant? https://kellymom.com/bf/got-milk/basics/decrease-formula/
Yes i think that she is also getting used to the fast flow of bottle too!!
But how can i change this now without stressing lo, myself & generally stressing the whole family out?? :(

I was giving up to around 4/5oz appx 3 times a day!
I suppose i havent been picking up the early hunger signs but then since yday she hasnt really left enough of a gap between feeds?

Ok so thats a LOT to just cut out right away. If you watch for those early hunger cues the whole situation will become a lot less stressful. It wouldn't be advisable to cut out that much formula right away. Thats 12-15 oz and the body would rarely build that supply overnight.

Here is a fab link on cutting formula. Slowly but effectively. Have you been in contact with a Lactation Consultant? https://kellymom.com/bf/got-milk/basics/decrease-formula/

Thanks so much for that link!! I was too ambitious/naive to think i could cut it out at once! I will follow the steps on kellymom site!

However i tried to express again wen lo had a quick nap & again only got 1oz combined?? Usually i would get up to 3oz?? Why has this decreased now im bf more?
If LO is feeding a lot more your breast probably has less milk left over which is good because it will help signal your body to make more but means there might not be as much to pump. Also as pp said the quantity you get pumping doesn't always indicate much because a baby is better at getting milk than a pump.
Because baby is having the milk that would usually be left over by giving formula. Its good though. The emptier you can keep the breasts, the more urgently your body will respond to babys need for more milk.

Kellymom website is amazing! Have a look around it if your strapped to sofa feeding. Its a wealth of info!
Ok as long as thats a good thing....

Fingers crossed!
Also going to eat porridge each morning!
You are doing great, and making more progress than you think.
Thank u!!
At the moment shes latching on & then getting frustrated & pushing herself off! Shes grabbing my nipple & Almost trying to rip it off!!!
Squeezed nipple & milk coming out(dont look like hind milk tho)
So is she doing this bcoz shes being lazy & milks too slow for her??
As pp said maybe try breast compression. It worked well for us. LO would tug and push on me when she got fustrated with flow and compression helped. Feeding lying down really saved my sanity too as I found it much more comfortable for those never ending nursing sessions.
Your LO will need to feed ALOT over the next few days to increase your supply.

Was your previous LO formula fed? The behavior of a a BF baby and FF baby is very very different. Whats important to remember is that the BF behavior is completely normal.
As pp said maybe try breast compression. It worked well for us. LO would tug and push on me when she got fustrated with flow and compression helped. Feeding lying down really saved my sanity too as I found it much more comfortable for those never ending nursing sessions.

No i need to try this & watch the video someone posted a link to
Your LO will need to feed ALOT over the next few days to increase your supply.

Was your previous LO formula fed? The behavior of a a BF baby and FF baby is very very different. Whats important to remember is that the BF behavior is completely normal.

I gave up bf with dd1 after 6 weeks for similar reasons & was convinced i was nit/could not satisfy her by ebf!!
Trust your body to do this. Adding formula into it causes the problem you think you already have.

Right now your LO is going to be super fussy at the breast because you will not be producing enough milk for her...she needs to tell your body her needs and formula messes around with that.

The best thing you can do now is throw your formula away so your not tempted and just feed feed feed. Your body needs time to catch up and you LO needs to be at the breast to pass that message on.

My eldest was formula fed and the others EBF and once you get established and going its far easier and convenient to BF.

Persevere, it is worth it.
Trust your body to do this. Adding formula into it causes the problem you think you already have.

Right now your LO is going to be super fussy at the breast because you will not be producing enough milk for her...she needs to tell your body her needs and formula messes around with that.

The best thing you can do now is throw your formula away so your not tempted and just feed feed feed. Your body needs time to catch up and you LO needs to be at the breast to pass that message on.

My eldest was formula fed and the others EBF and once you get established and going its far easier and convenient to BF.

Persevere, it is worth it.

I would NOT agree with this!!!!!
Dropping 12-15 oz worth of formula a day is far too much to drop at once. Please, PLEASE do not do that!

Kellymoms advice is WONDERFUL, and I know so many moms who've successfully went on to EBF following THAT advice. Cutting out so much formula right away can lead to weight loss, dehydration, not enough calorie intake ect and a world of other issues for your BF journey. I cannot stress any more how I feel you should not at all just throw out the formula. Just yet!!!!
Sorry i just looked back, i thought the formula was top ups rather then full feeds :flower:
Trust your body to do this. Adding formula into it causes the problem you think you already have.

Right now your LO is going to be super fussy at the breast because you will not be producing enough milk for her...she needs to tell your body her needs and formula messes around with that.

The best thing you can do now is throw your formula away so your not tempted and just feed feed feed. Your body needs time to catch up and you LO needs to be at the breast to pass that message on.

My eldest was formula fed and the others EBF and once you get established and going its far easier and convenient to BF.

Persevere, it is worth it.

I would NOT agree with this!!!!!
Dropping 12-15 oz worth of formula a day is far too much to drop at once. Please, PLEASE do not do that!

Kellymoms advice is WONDERFUL, and I know so many moms who've successfully went on to EBF following THAT advice. Cutting out so much formula right away can lead to weight loss, dehydration, not enough calorie intake ect and a world of other issues for your BF journey. I cannot stress any more how I feel you should not at all just throw out the formula. Just yet!!!!

No dont worry im throwing any formula away just yet.
I downloaded the ibaby iphone app today so will a track of exactly wat im giving her!
I really hope this works!

Thanks for all ur constant advice ladies, really appeeciate it x

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