5 weeks - tell me the end is in sight!


1 Angel, 1 rainbow growin
Mar 20, 2011
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5 weeks on from delivery and I am still bleeding!!! 36 days of bleeding non-stop and its driving me insane!

It seems to ease off and lull me into a false sense of it stopping soon and then come back with force! Last night I woke up after only being asleep for 3 hours and was absolutely soaked through - right through to my bedsheets and everything! UGH!!!!

I actually went to the doctor today because they said it should only last for 2-3 weeks but is showing no sign of letting up and was concerned that I was still passing clots etc. She did an internal and said my cervix and womb has went back to normal :)() and there is no sign of infection etc (I had bloods taken last week for something else) so she is not too concerned and to give it 2 more weeks before she will start me on hormones.

2 more weeks.

:nope: Sorry just had to moan!
:cry::cry::cry::cry: I can't tell you how sorry i am you are going through this, I really am. I bled for 2 weeks after delivering Ava then 5 weeks later I got my AF. I am happy to hear you are ok, I am glad you have been to the doctor. I know all this is probably so painful for you and a constant reminder :cry::cry: You know if you ever need to talk I am here. Sending much love and prayers. XOXOOXOOX :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
I wish I could tell you but I can't. It's a pain in the arse to be honest. I bled for 5 weeks on and off - doing too much always set it off heavier again.

Then I got my first period. MId cycle had bleeding again and this happened midcycle until I fell pregant with Sophia, I kept thinking it was stop me from falling but it didn't.

I'm sorry, I know it's really a kick in the teeth xx
It's not just you!

I bled for eight weeks (sorry!) although for the last four or so, it was more spotting than constant bleeding. Then I stopped bleeding for a week, the second day of which I ovulated, spotted again for a week, and now I have my period, ten weeks after giving birth. My doc gave me antibiotics at eight weeks, and said if I was still bleeding by week ten, I would get a scan. I'm hoping when my period finishes, that's it? So I understand how you feel, it's a constant reminder of what we lost and so horrible when it goes on for so long. Like someone else, I also noticed mine got worse when I did too much physically. Hope it stops soon for you x
I was told by the consultalnts that if I stopped bleeding, then started again, especially if it was heavy, to get in touch. I never asked why as I was in such a state at the time, but I think they may have been thinking about retained peices of placenta. They also told me to get in touch if there was any bad smell, so maybe just keep an eye on that. Though they also said it should be just about stopping by my follow up and that was meant to be 6 weeks so it may be quite usual to bleed for this long. Sorry I can't help more, hope it stops soon for you and maybe just keep an eye on your temperature at home to be on the safe side? xx
Thanks girls :hugs:

Its just so difficult :cry: I say its like a constant reminder but I dont need this to remind me of her - I think about her every minute of the day - but the bleeding doesnt remind me of her it reminds of losing her :cry:

I also have an overwhelming urge to be pregnant again - I need to be pregnant again its the only thing I can see that will get me through this so it feels like my body is cursing me yet again!
I thought mine would never stop! 3 weeks I bled and there were a number of times when it looked like it was ending but would then start up again! The docs will put you on Provera if it carrys on hun but fx it does stop in the next days or so xx
I dont know if it will make any difference but I have just bought Agnus Castus after reading about it on some other threads and I'm going to start taking that in the hopes it does something :)
I dont know if it will make any difference but I have just bought Agnus Castus after reading about it on some other threads and I'm going to start taking that in the hopes it does something :)

What does Agnus Castus do? I am almost ready to try again. I have been on Folic Acid since I lost Ava in March, lost weigh,t drinking a lot of water (Which I hate water..Yukk) so we will see what happens. Also I am 41 and have a lot against me, but I think I am almost ready for sure.
XOXO Thinking of you xoxoxox :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Agnus Castus (or I think it is called Vitex / Chasteberry in the US) regulates your hormones and stimulates ovulation. I'm hoping it will be a natural way to help my body get back to 'normal' -- I hate that word - whats normal now? but you know what I mean :hugs:

You never know we could be bump buddies with our rainbows!
Agnus Castus (or I think it is called Vitex / Chasteberry in the US) regulates your hormones and stimulates ovulation. I'm hoping it will be a natural way to help my body get back to 'normal' -- I hate that word - whats normal now? but you know what I mean :hugs:

You never know we could be bump buddies with our rainbows!
:happydance::happydance::happydance: That would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs:
Thanks girls :hugs:

Its just so difficult :cry: I say its like a constant reminder but I dont need this to remind me of her - I think about her every minute of the day - but the bleeding doesnt remind me of her it reminds of losing her :cry:

I also have an overwhelming urge to be pregnant again - I need to be pregnant again its the only thing I can see that will get me through this so it feels like my body is cursing me yet again!

oh I so know what you mean...I feel like I need to be pregnant again to cope with what happened? Hard to explain to most people, but I know you guys will understand. Bleeding for so long is frustrating, I'm really hoping once my AF is finished that's the bleeding done, as I'm ready to TTC. collie_crazy I hope you get the bleeding under control very soon so you can try for your rainbow xx
oh I so know what you mean...I feel like I need to be pregnant again to cope with what happened? Hard to explain to most people, but I know you guys will understand. Bleeding for so long is frustrating, I'm really hoping once my AF is finished that's the bleeding done, as I'm ready to TTC. collie_crazy I hope you get the bleeding under control very soon so you can try for your rainbow xx

Thank you :hugs: I totally understnad that - the way I explain it is for months I had something to focus on - being pregnant - until my 12 week scan - then I focused on the test results - then trying to think positive that she would get better - then knowing we had to make that horrible choice for her - then the delivery / funeral etc that after the funeral I felt completly lost - I had nothing to focus on - no path for my future - I looked ahead and seen nothing... Now I feel I need to get pregnant to have that focus. I think if I explained this to a therapist they would probably tell me that its wrong on so many levels and I should learn to focus on something else but thats the only way my head can make sense of things if anyone understnads??

I havent told anyone other than B&B ladies that I'll be trying as soon as I can. I've decided I am not telling anyone that we are pregnant until after our 12 week scan, not even our parents. I know that if god forbid anything did go wrong I would tell them but I also know that there is no point in them spending the first 3 months worrying themselves sick along with us - its better they not know. Does that even make sense!?
Thank you :hugs: I totally understnad that - the way I explain it is for months I had something to focus on - being pregnant - until my 12 week scan - then I focused on the test results - then trying to think positive that she would get better - then knowing we had to make that horrible choice for her - then the delivery / funeral etc that after the funeral I felt completly lost - I had nothing to focus on - no path for my future - I looked ahead and seen nothing... Now I feel I need to get pregnant to have that focus. I think if I explained this to a therapist they would probably tell me that its wrong on so many levels and I should learn to focus on something else but thats the only way my head can make sense of things if anyone understnads??

I havent told anyone other than B&B ladies that I'll be trying as soon as I can. I've decided I am not telling anyone that we are pregnant until after our 12 week scan, not even our parents. I know that if god forbid anything did go wrong I would tell them but I also know that there is no point in them spending the first 3 months worrying themselves sick along with us - its better they not know. Does that even make sense!?

oh you just said it all so well there couldnt have put it better myself! totally agree with everything you said. A therapist would have all sorts of things to say about wanting to be pregnant again so soon, but until you have been in our position, you really can't understand the need.
We are also not telling anyone either about TTC, I don't want to hear everyone else's opinions on whether it's too soon or that they think we should wait. Only we can decide that, and we are ready. Like you, we will probably also keep the news to ourselves for a while once we get a BFP.

I did the very same thing! : ( I bleed VERY heavily after Emma ... I have had 4 previous deliveries, healthy, normal births and I didn't bleed as much and for as long as I did with my Emma .. Not sure if that has something to do with it or not just know it's miserable! Just hang tight, try to slow down on your activity, such as staying off your feet as much as you can ... That helped me ... Poor thing : (
No idea if its a coincidence or the Agnus Castus just worked very quickly but my bleeding is slowing to an almost stop now! I hope this isn't another 'haha - I tricked you' moments and it actually stays away this time :happydance:
No idea if its a coincidence or the Agnus Castus just worked very quickly but my bleeding is slowing to an almost stop now! I hope this isn't another 'haha - I tricked you' moments and it actually stays away this time :happydance:

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I am so happy to read this..XOOOX
Annnnnnnnnnd I just done an OPK and it is showing a darker line - like nearly almost positive! When I have tracked ovulation before I usually 'O' a couple of days after AF finishes so its looking good :)

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