Hi I am a Jehovahs Witness so i can help.
You are 'encouraged' to date within the religion, more so to make life easier and so your partner has the same goals, outlook on life etc, and also because the bible tells us 'Bad associations spoil useful habits' 1 cor 15:33, so you have to be careful of who you associate with., but there are plenty of witnesses who have unbelieveing partners or even ones that believe what they teach but arent 'active' so to speak.
For ones already married and one marriage partner becomes a JW, the last thing they are ever meant to do is divorce or leave their husband / wife as the bible clearly states that marriage is sacred.
For a run down of beliefs i have tried to explain below. We live strictly to bible standards / morals / teachings and follow Jesus' instruction to 'preach the good news of Gods kingdom' Gods kingdom is a heavenly government that we believe as the bible teaches will soon wipe out all wickedness on earth and make way for paradise to be restored, Gods original purpose right in the beginning in the garden of Eden.....
Anyway run down of beliefs below, all can be backed up with plenty of scriptures from the bible, let me know if u have any other questions, i would be happy to help
The bible says that Satan is the ruler of this world (hence the many many problems) until God steps in at armageddon where he will destroy the wicked.
The bible explains in detail the world events, attitudes of society in general and the moral breakdown that would occur in the last days of this system. Matthew 24:6-14, 2 Timothy 3:1 - 5. Major earthquakes in 'one place after another' Great wars, increase in crime etc is mentioned as part of what makes up the 'signs' of the last days as a reminder of christs presence and armageddon drawing very close.
Gods original purpose, is for humans to live forever, on the perfect earth he created for us.
The bible speaks of 144,000 going to heaven , These ones will be part of a government (Gods Kingdom) that will rule over a paradise earth from heaven, along with Jesus and God. This government will replace any earthly human governments who constantly have failed throughout history. A global paradise, where obidient humans will live forever, what we were originally purposed to do. Where all will want to obey god as time has proven whats happens when we rebel against him and live without his guidance
When you look at the world around us, you can see its not how it was meant to be. We and all the things in it were designed with a purpose. Human government and rulership has clearly failed and demonstrated how humans are incapable of ruling themselves without gods guidance, this is why it has been allowed to go for so long. We have gotten to a point where we are destroying the very earth we live on! It needed to be proven that we cant govern ourselves and time was needed to prove this, Gods right to rule was challenged right back in the garden of Eden.The bible says Gods kingdom (rulership from heaven , over a cleansed earth)will be, in the end, mankinds only hope for the future. And u can see that proving more and more true by the day
Adam and Eves blatant disobideince even tho they had everything they wanted and more raised some serious questions.... would and can humans remain faithful even when tempted, even under trial? Can humans live independently of their creator? It challenged Gods right to rule, and this couldnt be resolved just by wiping out Adam and eve and starting again, remember thousdands of angels would have been watching, as well as the instigator, Satan. How would that have made God look, like he thought they were right?
Hence why things have been allowed to go on for a time without God having any direct hand in human affairs, it has proven for all time that we cannot govern ourselves
So this 'kingdom' is the bibles main, consistent message from beginning to end, and the main message of our 'witnessing' work, out of love for neighbor and to warn others of what the bible promises is to come
Hope this has helped, like i said a basic run down of beliefs x