Hi Girls!!! I am home from vacation, we got back last night and was exhausted from the two day drive home. Today was spent unpacking, groceries etc etc. I haven't read through all of the posts but SMILER! WOW! That's so amazing!!! I am praying so hard for you, I hope this is your sticky little bean.
Mrskitty, I know what you mean about being nervous about meds. I was the same way but it was a piece of cake. I actually do think because they shortened my cycle by about 3 days last month, my cycle is longer this time. When do you start them?
I was supposed to Ovulate this past Saturday but didn't have any symptoms until Friday and usually I gear up for a couple of days. Sure enough, got a positive OPK this morning and naturally my husband is working. We had lots of sex on vacation lol which would have been ideal if I actually ovulated on Sat! Oh well, we did Fri/Sat/Sun and maybe try again tomorrow although usually when I get a smiley face I ovulate that day.
Amanda, I am so happy for you!! The scan of your little bean is just beautiful.
How are you doing Kelly? Are you having trouble with your doctor investigating?
Mrs W, how are you??
Ltruns, I noticed you on the IUI thread! I hope you are hanging in there.