6 or more c/s ???


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2013
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Did your doctor do anything different in your 6th (or more) c/s?

I am having my 6th, and my dr says I will not be allowed to go longer than 37+0. Is this normal? Everything was great at my 5th (done at just over 38 weeks due to high blood pressure/preE), she didn't notice scar tissue or uterine thinness.

This pregnancy, I am now high risk & will be seeing a high risk specialist (never have before) where they will measure the thickness of the uterine wall (every 2 weeks after 20 weeks, I think)
Once it reaches a certain number - which I don't know as of now - we will deliver. She says even if the number is good, we will deliver at 37 weeks, as a better safe than sorry type thing.

Anyone have experience??? Is this normal? Did anyone's dr let them go longer?
Thanks in advance!:)
Im only about to have my second C-section in October but my doctor did mention that we will be monitored closely in 3rd tri as I too showed signs of preE and high BP in my previous pregnancy

good luck hun
Do you want to go longer than 37 weeks?
I would listen to and trust your doctor. It sounds like they are keeping a close eye on you and rightly so.
I think it's good your being so closely monitored. You have had 5 incisions on your uterus ( therefore more scar tissue even if it isn't obvious visually there will be scars) so the chance of uterine rupture increases.
The hospital I work for (and am a patient at) reccomend no more than 3 c-sections. So this is why you are being treated as high risk. Hope this helps, xxx
I agree with Jessie here in SA you are also only allowed 3 C-sections due to rupturing ...
Yup same with me! My dr clearly refuses to do more than 3 csections.
I have no advice as I've only had 4 cesareans but just wanted to wish you luck.
One of my midwifes other clients is on section #7 and I know she's going in at 39 weeks just like I will be.

How can a doctor refuse medical treatment though, for those who's say that? Would they turn you away?
No they wouldn't turn you away (in the UK anyway) but it poses a significant risk to mum and baby so although you may know someone who has has 7 sections it really isn't recommended. I've nursed a baby born through a ruptured uterus and it was quite honestly horrendous xx
Thanks for your input everyone... I did (do) want to go longer than 37 weeks...I am coming to terms though, and I trust my doctor.

I feel a little more in control, I am eating a very high protein diet (and taking protein supplements), a lot of dairy (ewwww!), never missing vitamins, on DHA, lightly exercising, resting, etc. Baby is currently measuring more than a week ahead so yay for that!!!

I just wonder why I am being treated so differently for number 6 compared to number 5? She refused to do earlier than 39 weeks last time and no specialists or extra treatment...but we ended up going at 38+1 (for high BP and Pre-E stuff). Is there something significant about 6 (vs 5) c/s??? (I mentioned it, but she brushed it off & said its just standard procedure).

It's strange how different it is here, I guess! My doctor in Houston routinely did multiple c/s - he even had a patient with 12! (He did my first 4 c/s, in 5 years) Then we moved, and the doctor here said she's fine with multiple c/s (5+) and will just take it case by case...she hasn't recommended me to NOT do another, she just wants to wait and see how this goes.
I guess your doc just feels with each section a little more monitoring needs to be given. It sounds like she is looking after you well so I would be confident about that. I definitely think 37 weeks is a good balance especially as baby will be considered full term by then. I guess every doctor and every country do things a little differently xx
I think it is one of those things that different doctors will have different opinions about. Personally rather than just taking one doctors opinion as word I'd want to find out for myself what research and medical information is available and prehaps try to talk to more than one doctor before deciding for sure.
My dr on the other hand does turn you over after 3 csections to his colleague who is a high risk maternal fetal specialist. My OB refuses to do more than 3 as he's had some terrible experiences in the OR. My previous OB refused vbac patients. His reason being he lost a mother and baby in a vbac uterine rupture and he was never able to live that down. So he very clearly states if you want a vbac go elsewhere. I think it's fair, everyone within their own realm that they are comfortable with.
I think everyone heals differently and your doc will have a good idea about how much scar tissue etc after each section. Mine doesn't have a cap on how many c/s he'll do, it's more a case by case situation.

Best of luck with your pregnancy! x
So, quick update...had a regular dr apt this morning and she agreed that we wouldn't set 37 weeks in stone, but instead go by measurements & what the specialist suggests! So yay, if everything goes like it has in the past, we are looking at 38-39 weeks, I think :)
Makes more sense...
that's great news ... more cooking time for your baby ...

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