I'm so sorry Jules. Sending big hugs!Hi ladies. I started spotting last night and it got worse this morning. Got in for a u/s and baby stopped growing 2 weeks ago. I’m gutted. Wishing you ladies a happy and healthy pregnancy!
MrsKatieHoly crap @happyface82 eeep!!! Congratulations!
Not long now till the 4th!! It always feels to drag at first!!That's great numbers happy!
i changed my scan appointment because of kids been off school next week so now have to wait even longer until 4th June, I think I should be nearly 9 weeks so should be a good scan to see all being well and at least it won't be long to wait til the 12 week scan
Today have felt quite nauseous on and off and lightheaded again, I had the dizziness at the start but it went, hopefully will be gone by tomorrow
Hope everyone is well today?
@cheerios@happyface82 Ahhh congrats!!! I remember you from the previous threads!! What an amazing gift to get pregnant naturally!!! Amazing betas!! Wow! And you're going to have 2 babies so close in age!! Congratulations!!!
Yes I have them done throughout the whole pregnancy and for 1 month after birth. I don't like them either.Hope next betas go well sat, tests look good so sure they will, I have blood thinning injections after giving birth and had them for ivf following ec and I'm not keen, just find then so hard to do. Do you take them throughout pregnancy?
I've got midwife booking in appointment today, wish they could listen to the heartbeat this early!
I got my period back before 3 months. And I was exclusively breastfeeding up to 6 months. I guess it's different for everyone. I hope yours comes back soon!!Wow happy, congratulations!! Close in age is fun. DH & I would be so happy to have another but my period hasnt returned yet. Our youngest is 6.5 months old, breastfeeds on demand, and bed-shares so I likely wont get my first period for many more months.
When did yours return?
I just test each month when I take my daughter’s monthly pic. I’m really hoping to catch the first eggy!
@MrsKatie how are you?