This is my 6th pregnancy. 3 losses in a row, then had my son, then blighted ovum and now I'm back again!
I've been booked in for a 6 week scan and wondering what I can expect to see (if fingers crossed anything at all)
I had a scan at 7 weeks with my son and they had to do internal, could not find him externally and he was tiny, about 7mm and we saw the heartbeat.
I'm exact with my dates so I guess what I'm wondering is if there isn't a heartbeat at 6 weeks then it's not looking good right?
I'm not going to sleep all week!!!
This is my 6th pregnancy. 3 losses in a row, then had my son, then blighted ovum and now I'm back again!
I've been booked in for a 6 week scan and wondering what I can expect to see (if fingers crossed anything at all)
I had a scan at 7 weeks with my son and they had to do internal, could not find him externally and he was tiny, about 7mm and we saw the heartbeat.
I'm exact with my dates so I guess what I'm wondering is if there isn't a heartbeat at 6 weeks then it's not looking good right?
I'm not going to sleep all week!!!