sorry for your loss hope your coping well
really hope yo see something on your next scan are the betas good? x
AFM- sorry iv been mia but i started bleeding last weds really heavu had to change my pad twice-three times in an hour so id written baby off as a mc but then the pain started o god was doubled over in tears worse pain ever
went drs finally yesterday with expected ectopic and gotsent to the hospital
was devastated my mum came with me i couldnt see the pain on my partners face when they said so she came with me instead.
had bloods drawn and they said that they would use the results as a sign as to wether they would see anything, results came back i dont no the exact number but was high so they sent me for a scan me and mum braced ourselves she did an outside one and said if she ddnt c anything they would do an internal.
and by some miracle there was little jellybean heart beating away measuring 6weeks 4 days (takes it to the 15th jan and i no we didnt dtd then so ??
) i squealed and cried like a bi**h i couldnt stop i was so sure that we had lost littlun
they think the bleeding may hav been overdoing it or something and iv pulled a ligament since not being stressd and resting iv stopped bleeding im soooo thankful and now have the biggest bond with this baby i love it so so much im just so excited now!