Hi, back from another trip, 2 more left, leaving again Friday for 11 days. Really getting a bigger bump now, I feel like I'm huge for how far along I am lol. I felt the baby kick for the first time on Saturday, so cool! Now every day I feel a few flutters and tiny pokes. It will be so cool when dh can feel them too.
Hope everyone is starting to feel better now, sorry for those who are still having nausea and pelvic pain, hope it eases up quickly. Catmummy I hope you are recovering ok and you didn't get hurt too badly in your fall.
Congrats to those who have found out the gender! I really feel like I'm having a girl and have a name pretty set in my mind, and really can't think of a boy name that seems to fit so I'm taking that as a sign lol.
As for weight gain, my bbs can't stop growing lol and I've definitely put on some extra padding in the thighs, hips and bum, but most of it is going to my belly. My midwife said it's totally normal to put on an insulation layer of fat over the belly so I'm not worrying about it. I have to eat every couple hours or I have painful hunger pangs and I eat pretty healthy so I don't feel concerned at all about how many pounds I'm gaining, I've already gained 12 lbs. I do crave sugary things a lot so I'm just trying to watch my sugar intake, so I try to eat a lot of fruit instead. I feel it's natural and healthy to have more fat reserves to provide energy for the body to do all this extra work, as long as you feel good!