Amcolecchi, I've had pelvic pain since 8 weeks this time around.
Strongly suggest you ask for a referral to a physical therapist at your next appointment! I started going to one on Monday and its made a big difference! She's able to explain where my pain is originating (in my back, for me! Who knew?) and is giving me simple exercises that help pull everything back to where it should be. My pelvic pain is from the bump pulling on my spine, and that's sending referred pain down to my pelvis. I wouldn't believe her, except that the back exercises she has me doing make my pelvis instantly feel better
If a physical therapist can't help you, I'd try a chiropractor next
Yay for finding out the sex!!
I'm starting to feel like I'm going to run out of time to prepare for this baby!! I wasn't overly annoyed at first about the whole secretive foot-in-the-way thing, but now I just want to know what we're having so that I can at least start buying clothes??
Today I did at least manage to pick out 2 potential bunk beds for my sons (who will be sharing a room now, and its a small room, so we have to stack beds!) ... that are both what I am looking for AND in my preferred price range.
So when DH gets home from his fishing trip, I'll get him to help me decide. From there, I need to paint the bigger bedroom, and shampoo the carpets. We'll have to purchase a second twin sized mattress, and come up with some sort of solution for clothing storage, as they'll have to share a dresser. I need to empty out that closet too. I would really like for them to be happily sharing a bedroom by the time school starts back up at the end of August.
Once I get Parker into Ethan's room, I can at least pick up some of the bigger baby gear that we need, that I currently don't have anywhere to store! My sister is giving me her swing and her bouncer seat, plus my mom is storing a bassinet for me. So I can pick those things up and get them to my house and wash them. Then it'll just be a waiting game to get the sex confirmed!
I'm trying to convince myself that its not THAT much to do, but its sort of a lot of work to do. least I have a diaper bag. That's one thing checked off my list