Thank you so much for all your replies ladies
MK – hello my friend! Totally agree with you, statistically people will get BFP’s on 5th/6th rounds so it’s definitely possible! The clomid is definitely working for me as I had tracking the first round, unless my body has done a U turn that is! I must make my FS listen to my progesterone worry. Even if he lets me have a blood test to make me feel better, it can’t cost much for a measly blood test can it?! I haven’t tried either reflexology or accupuncture – I don’t know a lot about reflexology but really wanted to try accupuncture but it’s so expensive! And DH doesn’t believe in that kind of thing so he’s not keen on spending the money…I might ask the FS though…
Bearsmummy – really interesting that a midwife does accupuncture! Let me know how it goes!
Thank you Felecia hun, great news about your friend!
Heavenly – wishing you all the luck in the world hun. Your journey I think will be more frustrating than ours with your clock ticking. At least we have time on our side.
I hope your results come back good! What’s an OD & DE?
Tryinghard – I heard that too hun. Mine was the right dose too, they were even a bit worried about overstimulation at first but the 2nd and 3rd follie stopped growing, so I doubt he’ll put my dosage up after my next appointment. I definitely think IUI will be the next route, perhaps after a few more tests…
No Doubt – Yes I read 12 rounds max, but 6 rounds before being monitored again or further tests. I’m sure he’ll leave me on the clomid for the IUI if it comes to that. DH SA was really good. It was last May though, before I started clomid, so we handed in another sample on Wednesday. I’m hoping it’s better than the last and his wellman/maca is working, plus he stopped smoking 3 months ago. FX’d.
Wishing you all lots of baby