i am currently very very tired so i am sorry if i make mistakes while typing. i am very confused on my little ones sleep habits. During the day my little one sleeps between 2 to 3.5 hours total (2 naps). he does scream a little during his sleep but for the most part sleeps through those naps. he eats 2 solid meals (oatmeal and then veggies) he drinks milk every 4 hours around 6 ozs each bottle.
at night is where it gets confusing, i did wean him off the pacifier a month ago as he was waking up 10 times a night when he lost it. So night time around 8pm he gets his last bottle that sometimes he doesn't even want to drink and i put him down lets say 8:30, he sleeps for 45 mins and then i swear is up every 60 mins. i try feeding him and he doesn't want it unless it is around 1 or 2am. he is ok if i am walking and holding him but doesn't want me to be sitting. he also looks uncomfortable at night in the crib and grunts and or screams alot and moves alot.
i am at my wits end. my other little boy was sleeping at night by 7 months just waking up at 3am to drink and back to sleep.
i guess i am wondering what feeding schedule are you on during the day that works for a 7 month old to sttn? do you change their diaper during the night? if it is teething what can you give a baby? i doubt its teething every night though right?
at night is where it gets confusing, i did wean him off the pacifier a month ago as he was waking up 10 times a night when he lost it. So night time around 8pm he gets his last bottle that sometimes he doesn't even want to drink and i put him down lets say 8:30, he sleeps for 45 mins and then i swear is up every 60 mins. i try feeding him and he doesn't want it unless it is around 1 or 2am. he is ok if i am walking and holding him but doesn't want me to be sitting. he also looks uncomfortable at night in the crib and grunts and or screams alot and moves alot.
i am at my wits end. my other little boy was sleeping at night by 7 months just waking up at 3am to drink and back to sleep.
i guess i am wondering what feeding schedule are you on during the day that works for a 7 month old to sttn? do you change their diaper during the night? if it is teething what can you give a baby? i doubt its teething every night though right?