8 months, rough time, does it get easier?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2015
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Hi everyone,

Hoping for some reassurance that I can make it through a rough patch here. LO is 8 months, sleep is an issue and he, DH and I are all sick with bad colds. I just feel like I'm running on empty, like I've been going at a sprint for way longer than should be possible. It's just so intense. LO is a very laid back baby in general but is quite high needs about his sleep still. I haven't slept properly in almost a year, you know? Ack.

Really I'm just needing some encouragement that things will let up a bit intensity-wise eventually. Oof.
It will. I found the time around 7-9 months to be really intense. I think it was the hardest time, even though I was getting a little more sleep than I was in the first few months. It's the key time for separation anxiety, which is normal and healthy and a good thing, but it just makes it all very intense. I had a very grumpy, clingy baby who was trying to learn so many things and because of that her sleep was really disrupted. She also had bronchiolitis and was sick and on antibiotics for about a month. There was about a month where she was literally waking about every 30 minutes all evening and my husband and I had to eat in shifts so that we could get through dinner while one of us tried to settle her upstairs. She just always seemed unhappy and out of sorts. And then one day around 10-11 months, it was like someone flipped a switch, the separation anxiety went away, she was cheerful and happy again, she started to sleep easily and actually slept through a few times (first time ever, it didn't last, but after that sleep got much easier). I didn't do anything. It was just a matter of waiting it out and letting that phase pass. So yes, it does get easier. Hang in there.
It'll get better. Doesn't help that you've not been well so hang in there, you're doing great. I've currently got a 10month old who doesn't do anything except want to be held ALL THE TIME! Plus he hates napping and eating and DH has been so impatient it doesn't help at all. I know they grow out of it but it does feel like I don't know what to do in the meantime, except hanging on!
I agree the 7-9 months was the hardest for both my girls!! It gets better!! And nothing lasts forever and only lasts a "season"... I'm sorry you've been so run down!! :hugs:
We had a really rough time from about 8-11 months, she used to wake 4-8 times every night. Then suddenly 2 days before her first birthday she started sleeping through the night. Now she might wake once at night if she is sick or teething, but aside from those nights she will sleep 11-12 hrs without waking. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, hang in there!
Thank you for the very encouraging replies! I'll hang in there. :)
I'm having a horrible time with Emma's sleep, I feel like a zombie. It was the same with Sophie. She WAS sleeping through the night most nights when she was 3-5 months old (NEVER had this wirb my other kids) so I was super cocky and thought she always would haha! We co-sleep and she wakes anywhere from 4 to 10 times a night. She also often won't nap and is so grumpy and needs SO MUCH attention.
I also agree that 8-9 months was the hardest with all of my babies. All the sudden, seemingly overnight, they'll grow independent and be much more fun and wonderful to be around again. :) You'll get through this :)
Hang in there ...... One night soon you will think oooh they slept .... You will get two in a row... Think fluke , no reason for a change ... Then after a week begin to be a believer !!! It happens almost overnight :)

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