It's so hard to answer such a question because the costs can really range greatly. Depending on what she may qualify for, for "out of pocket" discounts, or perhaps she just goes straight to the ER only to be "billed" for her services (but it would only be debt should she not pay, and there's no guarantee the debt would follow her back home), or depending which state she delivers in, they may have programs specifically for "traveling mothers-to-be" (no seriously, they actually have agencies in California that make money on these situations), and then there is also the idea that she could hire a private midwife and try to do a natural/homebirth which would have it's own costs in itself.
Without more detailed information as far as how she plans to give birth, it's hard to make a good educated guess.
I agree.
And I don't doubt your experiences a bit with those in your state operating those programs. That would frustrate me to see such a thing going on too so I do understand where you're coming from.
I think maybe I feel the need to defend OP because I have a bit of a different perspective. Although I am staunch Libertarian and am typically pretty anti government intervention/aid, I also live in a state that is home to thousands of Somalian refugees. Do I see plenty that have more than taken advantage of our country's and my state's generosity? Absolutely. But just as many are so grateful to be out of their war torn and destitute country, and somewhere where their families can thrive without constant fear. I've met enough who have told me stories that gave me nightmares, and it's not at all a stretch for me to understand why many in this world would sell their souls to get their children's feet on our soil. I can't at all blame them.
I tend to be a cynic, but with OP asking quite openly "how much" at least has me convinced that she's probably not trying to deceive or take advantage of anyone kwim?