:*~*:._.:*~*:The Baby Dancers.:*~*:._.:*~*:(18 BFP so far)

Hi everyone. So happy for you Tizy. Sweet Charlotte just turned 4 months! Time really flies.
Congrats on having you baby girl mrs Murphy! Hope everything went smoothly
Hi ladies!

I'm so sorry I've not been on for ages.

I've had loads of family troubles, mainly with my dad being very unwell. He's home now but was in hospital for 12 weeks. Things just won't be the same for him now but he's still here and that's the main thing.

I'm nearly 24 weeks! Can't believe it, pregnancy is going so fast. The bleeding settled down by 17 weeks and we found out at our scan that we're having another boy. We're so made up as it will be lovely for Roscoe to have a brother close in age. The bleed area had virtually dried up and reduced to only 1cm by this stage.

I have a trapped nerve in my arm and a bit of carpel tunnel syndrome which is causing me sleepless nights but I guess I have to get used to that.

I can't say this pregnancy has been a barrel of laughs, with the worry over my dad and the bleeding it's actually been a very stressful time.

Oh the other annoying thing is that my placenta is on the front wall of my tummy so I'm not feeling a lot of movement like I did with roscoe, I'm missing this part of bonding with baby, but hopefully he'll be bigger soon and I'll feel them no problem.

Updates on everyone else too please. Cynthia has had her baby girl already! We need a birth story! Xxx
Congrats on another boy Tizy! I had an anterior placenta with dd1 so I can sympathize with how frustrating it is to not feel all those little movements. Of course for me I didn't know anything different so I'm sure it's more frustrating when you know what your missing. I can say that around 27 weeks I started feeling increased movements so hopefully it won't be to long for you :)

So sorry to hear about your dad
TIZY!!! Great to hear from you, I was starting to get worried about you! So sorry to hear about your dad and hoping things are calmer for you now :hugs: Fab news about the bleeding stopping though and congrats on team blue :happydance:
Who is Cynthia..? I only know people by BnB names!! :blush:
Congrats to everyone on their growing bundles of joy, it's great to hear they're all doing well, more piccies please!!
AFM I had my 20 week scan last week and I'm also team blue!! I was a little shocked as really thought I had a girl in there but definitely boy bits seen :haha: DH is over the moon, I think he has finally realised that this pregnancy is going ok (after the mc) and has given in and let himself get excited. He's gone to Europe for a few days on a lads weekend but all he was talking about was finding clothes for lo!
Monkey is very active, gave us a proper gymnastics display at the scan and even stuck his tongue out at us!! Getting lots of little kicks, can't wait until DH can feel them from the outside :flower:
I have a low lying placenta so have to be rescanned at 36 weeks. They're pretty confident it'll move which I'm hoping as I really would like a vaginal delivery.
STG how are you doing? Hope all ok with you
Congrats on team blue baby1! Glad things are going well!

I am so exhausted tonight. kyleigh is def going through a growth spurt and is up every couple hours to eat which for her is unusual since she has been sleeping through 9p-8a since about 6 weeks old. I am one tired momma to say the least :cry:
I'm still not PG, so I'm feeling pretty demoralized about the whole TTC thing, right now, esp. since we've had the best attempt this month (finally got a high score on the timing analyzer at FF) and today I started spotting so AF is almost certainly on her way. *sigh* Cycle #14 is crashing and headed to RIPville. I've got three more months of natural, then it will be on to IUIs then IVF. I know I don't really know what's going to happen in the future, but I feel like it will never happen, and I wish it would just happen already, if it's going to, so this tortuous TTC life phase will be over. This is officially the worst thing I've ever gone through, and I've been through some bad stuff. Infertility takes the cake. The horrible horrible cake.

But anyway...

Thanks for thinking of me baby1 :hugs::hugs::hugs: Glad to hear you are doing well. :)

Glad to hear you are doing well enough PG wise, Tizy. :) Sorry to hear about your dad :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Congrats to Lizzie and anyone else who has given birth since I've last posted. :flower:

I just haven't been able to be on much, because I'm trying not to obsess about TTC.

:dust: and :hugs: to anyone still trying, at this point
Well, since it's on to cycle #15, I've sched an appt with the RE this Weds. to recheck my prolactin and to see about getting Femara for the last 3 natural cycles. I'm hoping that maybe if my prolactin is still too high, they can easily fix it by upping the dose and that will solve the problem of no bfp, or if I'm having weak ovulation the Femara will fix that and solve the problem that way. Praying that something works.
Yesterday's appointment with the FS doc went great. :thumbup: (I had a busy day all day or I'd have been on sooner to tell). The doc assured me that I shouldn't worry about implantation problems/needing a surrogate (he said "no, no, you shouldn't ever need a surrogate") and answered all my paranoid implantation problem questions, and I feel much relief on that front. I told the doc mys suspicions about weak ov (the short LH surge and the spotting) and he agreed that's likely what the problem is, since otherwise my cycles are pretty regular now. I won't get my prolactin results back for a week, since I had them also do an AMH panel just to satisfy my curiosity about my levels after my poor left ovary had the endo implant removed, but the doc prescribed me Femara to help my ov, and he assures me that with my great AMH my ov reserve can take a hit and be totally fine. He also thinks the cells in my body that make the prolactin are just overactive, since eliminating the wellbutrin didn't totally stop the symptoms and since my MRI was clear, but the Femara could fix the problem of low LH that that causes (which causes weak ov and spotting), and he can give me more cabergoline if my prolactin comes back high, as well. So I have renewed hope, since as far as I or the FS can reasonably figure, I just have a problem with weak ov due to slightly high prolactin, which can be fixed, that eventually, one way or another, I should get my bfp. Phew! :) FX'd for a Femara baby! [-o<

I'm so glad I listened to my gut and made an appt with the FS with my suspicions of weak ov, so we could hopefully be fixing that before needing an IUI, and so I could get the relief of knowing not to worry about implantation problems and knowing that I have a fixable problem. Maybe it's a bit odd to be grateful for weak ov, but I am, since at least they have all kinds of drugs for that.

So far, the Femara hasn't given me any nasty side effects. I've felt like I've had a bunch of physical energy to burn, but other than that, so far so good.
Hopefully these things help hon, sending all the positivity in the world! :hugs:
Hi ladies - just thought I'd update!!

I'm 25 weeks tomorrow and though I'm loving being pregnant I can't say it's the easiest thing in the world :haha: My blood pressure's still running low so am keeping work on their toes with regular faints, indigestion is my current enemy and my old hip / back problem is flaring up now my bump is growing. I drop hours at work in a couple of weeks which I'm looking forward to. Due to finish properly at 36 weeks but in all honestly I doubt I'll get that far (I work on Intensive Care and it's a really physical job, I already can't do about half of my duties and have a ridiculous risk assessment in place!)

Still 15 weeks to go and I'm growing rather inpatient to meet my little man already :blush: Everyone said that this part would fly by but it's dragging a bit to be honest. I think it's because 3 of my friends have given birth in the last couple of weeks and I'm a bit jealous of them :blush:Though 2 of those have had theirs prematurely, one is still in SCBU so I've also had words with my little man telling him to cook properly before he arrives :haha: He's a very active little boy, especially in the evenings where he goes a bit mental. It's funny but I can see his daddy's personality in him already. He doesn't like being constrained at all - hates me leaning forward, anything resting on my bump and detests seatbelts! Every time I'm in the car he punches away at the seatbelt, not sure how I can explain to an unborn baby that they're non-negotiable! :haha:

We had a big disappointment at the start of the month as we had to cancel our 3 week trip to Florida literally the day before we were due to fly, suitcases were all packed and everything :cry: My nephew got some kind of viral illness, he wasn't well enough to fly and I wasn't allowed to be near him as no one could figure what it was. And we were all staying in same accommodation so it was either we all went or none of us. Fortunately we're fully covered by travel insurance so at least we've made some unexpected savings towards next year. We still got away for a week, stayed in some lovely hotels in England and got a good rest. And the holidays that I saved are what are enabling me to drop hours at work so maybe it was all for the best.

Hope everyone's had a lovely weekend :flower:
All ok here thanks!! I've not had the best of pregnancies, in and out of hospital but we're getting there now and little man is fine which is the most important thing :)
I'm heading for a section due to low lying placenta, still hoping for it to move though!
How are you and Lila? Can't believe she's nearly 6 months already!! :flower:
Long time no speak!

We are all doing great here! Jack is grown loads! Already has a cheeky personality too! It really has flown by! X
Long time no speak!

We are all doing great here! Jack is grown loads! Already has a cheeky personality too! It really has flown by! X
Hi guys.

It's been a long time since I posted too. I've had a pretty rough pregnancy too. After all the bleeding stopped I found our at 28 weeks that I'm borderline gestational diabetes so I've been up and down to hospital too.

Looks like I'll be induced in between Xmas and new year which I've finally got my head around now. My pregnancy feels like it's taken forever. I just won't be happy until my little boy is in my arms.

How is everyone else!

Han xx
Hi guys.

It's been a long time since I posted too. I've had a pretty rough pregnancy too. After all the bleeding stopped I found our at 28 weeks that I'm borderline gestational diabetes so I've been up and down to hospital too.

Looks like I'll be induced in between Xmas and new year which I've finally got my head around now. My pregnancy feels like it's taken forever. I just won't be happy until my little boy is in my arms.

How is everyone else!

Han xx

Sorry you've had such a rough time love :(

Please let us know once he is here! I'll be holding out for pictures and details!
Tizy any news - you were being induced weren't you? Hope all is ok and you're enjoying cuddles with lo!!! :hugs:

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