My mother keeps telling me I need to get some 'baby free' time, and I need to get out of the house. And when I was pregnant I totally thought by now we would be out and about and I'd be asking her to baby sit while Dh and I went out for dinner.
But an emergency c section and a tongue tie later and we still haven't really got breastfeeding anywhere near down, I'm exhausted from pumping and feeding to keep him fed and my supply up, I'm still not managing to keep my house anywhere near in order and I don't WANT TO be anywhere but in the house snuggling my baby and maybe trying to fit in a load of laundry if I have the energy.
What was a day like in your life when your first born was 6 weeks old?
I think is different with your second and consecutive babies etc
With my first it was all about sleeping in the day and catching up on sleep, feeding etc
This time my routine is completely the same as it was pre pregnsncy apart from baby has to be slotted in to that routine.
Up at 7.30 feed baby/ get dressed. Make bed in bedroom, come downstaies and vacuum and mop after cats
8- bring toddler downstairs give breakfast. Feed cats and clean the kitchen.
Usually do all of that whilst holding the baby as he hates to be put down.
Have breakfast myself
8.30 usually feed baby again
After that get daughter dressed who is 21 months and son dressed change nappies etc
9- wash dishes sort out after breakfast
Turn the TV on for daughter to keep entertained for 20 mins whilst I sort out house- put a wash on, sort daughters bedroom out. Do a quick vacuum of the house if it needs doing or any cleaning.
9.30 get our stuff together, bags sorted etc. Feed baby again and change his nappy again
Usually out of the house for 10.30 and we go to either a friends a baby group or a play centre or shopping. Stay out until around dinner time and then come home and put eldest down for a nap for a few hours whilst I catch up on anything that needs Doug around the house and spend some 1-1 with the baby.
Daughter wakes up around 2.30 and then we either go the park, go in the garden, play in the house etc.
I feed the baby throughout.
Put the tea on at 5pm. Partner is home at 5.30.
Bath eldest at 6- in bed at 6,30 the. We have quality time with the baby all night then.
And then he is up alllllllll night long so I don't get a wink of sleep!
I have had that routine since probavly day 3 of the baby being born and it works for us however I am completely exhausted but don't have the choice because my eldest needs normality. Just enjoy it! It won't be like that forever xx