Hi everyone, just popping in to say hello and see how you all are.
Lexi - glad you've felt brave enough to do some BDing. I know different people feel differently about DTD in pregnancy, but me and DH have carried on as normal really (apart from in the early days when I felt too crap to want to!) and even now at 38 weeks it's not really an issue. I think it's kept us close and we might as well do it while we still have the time and the energy! We had a bit of spotting on holiday when I was about 24 weeks, but that was because we were doing it a bit too much and my cervix got a bit delicate
Madeline - hope your chart means good news but try not to focus too much on aches and pains in the 2ww
. You will be super tuned in to everything that is going on with your body so will feel things so much more than someone who isn't TTC. You wouldn't really be having a MC at 9dpo as even if the egg had already been fertilised it wouldn't have really implanted yet - this would all just be a very normal part of TTC, even though it's frustrating
FX'd for you.
Soop - sorry that this is not your month and
ready for getting past your DD. These times are so hard, but once you get past that date you can focus on the future again. I'm a great believer in not symptom spotting as I was disappointed every time I was sure I was pregnant and completely surprised every time I've got a BFP - you will get there, and the timing will feel so right when you do
Emme, glad your pregnancy is going well and all those symptoms seem to be a great sign! I had the bitter taste in my mouth until about 16 weeks but it does go away eventually and food will taste OK again! GL for your scan too.
Hi to everyone else and good luck to those n the 2WW. I have my fingers crossed for all of you!
AFM, I've enjoyed my first week of mat leave and just getting the last few bits done before baby comes. I probably need to take it easy at some point but I can't seem to sit still yet! The carseat is in the car and my hospital bag is ready so it's just a waiting game really now. Still feeling well, although it's getting harder to walk very far as I get a bit tired lugging my baby bump around, but trying to keep active as I'm hoping that will encourage the little lady to come out on time!