Hi everyone hope everyone in US had good holiday weekend. Forgive me I don't really know if other places celebrated it if not hope everyone else had a good weekend .
Soop--About the blood test. It is a Chromosome test for him. They said it is only a 10% chance he has problems. I had mine and I am fine. He does not want to take it b/c he thinks it is a waste of money about $500 if he travels 2 hrs to take it or anywhere from $700 to $900 to stay here and take it. I don't think it is that necessary right now. I am using opks to and tempting started tempting this morning I should hopefully be back on my regular O date which would put me at this Fri on cd 14 but I o'd 2 days later last cycle but I think that was becuse of the early m/c that threw it off. I guess we will see lately the opk's usually give me a days notice when they use to be positive at least a day and a half or 2 days before O. I do ferning scope also but don't rely to heavily on that. However I am usually full ferning 5 days before O. Have u started opk's yet?
JFG--I know how that is my best friend had an oops. Here baby was ment to be cause she had a tilted uterus and she got pregnant because they had sex he came and then they had sex again so it was not pre cum but after sex cum
. IDK what you would call it. But she got pregnant and said that if she had not gotten pregnant she would probable not want a baby till she was in her late thirtys. So she always tells me how I really don't want one right now and how much trouble and responsiblity they are. My other best friend had an oops also. Then she had a m/c with her bf last year and they decided they wanted to have a baby after that so they tried the next month and she got pregnant and he broke up with her. When they first got pregnant my first friend was 20 and the other was 17. Neither had any problems. My SIL has 2 boys and she had a mmc 2 yrs ago and said she has been trying since so she kinda understands but not really. So I know exactly what you mean.
Beach-- OMG I did not know that progestrone can be fine the once pregnant it can go down. I think I will ask for progestorne test next time I get my bfp and blood work done. I did have blood work done last year with the triplets/twins and I finally got the progestrone done at 10 dpo and it was 51.83 and progestrone was 33.56 so it was good the but never had another progesterone test with that pregnancy. However I still believe if it was not for the septate then I would have had a healthy pregnancy.
Nicki--OMG that is great congrats
. So excited I bet this one is your sticky baby. I believe the relaxation did the trick
I nend to do some of that lol.
Emme--that was so sweet of your DH. My gets more protective and does stuff like that when I am pregnant too but its only when I am pregnant lol. Glad you are ok hope the power is back on now.
Newtoallthis--so sorry that you are going through this. I just went through it last month. Mine was at 5 wks 1 day and it was like a period actually this past period was more clotty and painful than the mc. My RE nuse said to treat it like a normal period. I was my first natural mc over 2 days late. I had a chem last yr in may which I was just 2 days late but this one I was a week late.
AFM--I started the
last night. I should O on Fri or at least over the weekend so we will see. GL to everyone.