A Little About Me A Little About You

Name: Rachel

Age: 19

Location: Bonn, Germany

Occupation: Student

Short Personal Description: Studying abroad in Bonn Germany!!
I am originally from America. Waiting for this baby to come along :happydance:


Hobbies: singing, writing

Color: red

Food: chicken, fries, pickles..I love pickles....crackers, CHICKEN!!!

Hang-out: downtown Bonn

Books.... Harry Potter, Davinci Code, Angels and Demons, The Lion the witch and the wardrobe (basically the Chronicles of Narnia)

Movies: Harry Potter, The Devil Wears Prada, Davinci Code

TV Shows: Quantum Leap

Authors: JK Rowling

Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: England!!! or Scotland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mama

Greatest Ambition: To have a family and be a speech scientist

Biggest Achievement: not sure yet

Grandest Wish: To have a little girl

What You Can't Live Without : My i pod and water
A Little About Me

Name: Debz

Age: 23

Location: Northern Ireland

Occupation: Sales/Customer Service

Short Personal Description:
I'm an artsy type and love nothing better than getting out and about with my camera - it's kind of an extension to my arm at the moment! Work, well,it's work... Currently 5 days per week in a Sales/Customer Service role both online and real-world.


Hobbies: Photography, Anything Arty, Reading a good book, Travel (hmmmmm hobby?!)

Color: Metallic Pink (very specific!!!)

Food: Lasagne and Oven Chips or Chicken Curry and Boiled Rice (O dear even the thought of that right now repulses me!)

Hang-out: ha, probably my own home :S

Music: a little bit of everything

Books: too many to list really!

Movies: Again too many but really love The Lake House, The Recruit, Anything Disney....

TV Shows: Scrubs and (sad but true....) Home and Away!

Authors: Too many, currently enjoying Maggie Alderson

Cartoon Character: Tigger of Winnie the Pooh fame....

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Return to Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My hubby

Greatest Ambition:
Achievable- to be happy in life surrounded by family and friends.
Debatable - to actually see my HND through to the end and get a photography job!

Biggest Achievement: hmmmmmm..... to be decided!

Grandest Wish: Perpetual happiness.....

What You Can't Live Without: My hubby, my camera, my laptop
A Little About Me

Name: Nichole

Age: 19

Location: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Currently collecting disability while waiting for college.

Short Personal Description: I'm currently living with my fiance, waiting for the wedding day! I'm very into animal rights, and am a vegetarian. I love my internet, so I'm online quite a bit. I'm also very active, love to keep fit!


Hobbies: acting, singing, fitness, promoting animal rights

Color: Neon Green

Food: I have a weakness for pizza.

Hang-out: In my living room, snuggling with the fiance.

Music: All types

Books: I like a few by Dean Koontz, Harry Potter is a guilty pleasure

Movies: Gia, Monster, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Alpha Dog, Lost and Delirious

TV Shows: Dexter and Family Guy

Authors: Dean Koontz

Cartoon Character: Peter Griffin

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: I would love to see Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mother

Greatest Ambition: To be happy and able to support my family easily.

Biggest Achievement: Beating my addictions

Grandest Wish: To get everything I desire in life.

What You Can't Live Without: My pets!
A Little About Me

Name: Breanne

Age: 17

Location: southampton,england

Occupation: college, and job hunting lol.

Short Personal Description: I'm currently living with my partner, waiting for him to change it to fiance haha, we live together but no on our own. i am 17, hes 18 and were planning the long future ahead of us, engagements houses weddings and kids.....


Hobbies: singing (www.myspace.com/brewanneanan), photography (www.brewanneanan.deviantart.com), playing with my kittens, watching asian films, tidying, my hollyoaks fitness dvd haha. oh and ofcourse cooking my partner his dinner...

Color: sexy pink.....you should see my room. (sorry steve)

Food: i love fajitas.....and unfortunately have a big addiction too cheese and onion crisps

Hang-out: In the bedroom, or shnuggleing on the living room sofa.

Music: everything....

Books: god....erm, theres a few...not many...i read catcher in the rye. strange book.

Movies: sayuri (memoires of a geisha), casshern, old boy, death note 1 and 2, battle royale, suicide club.....

TV Shows: family guy, bb on the occasion, csi miami....cant think of any others atm

Authors: ....

Cartoon Character: L from death note.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: japan, i want to take a year out and live there for a while.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My grandfather.

Greatest Ambition: To be happy, to be a good photographer, to have children, to have my children be inspired by me and look up to me as a good mother.

Biggest Achievement: growing up, maturing after they way i acted at school, i have believd in myself.

Grandest Wish: To get everything I desire in life.

What You Can't Live Without: My partner, and my kittens.
A Little About Me

Name: Hayley

Age: 23

Location: Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, UK

Occupation: I was a catering assistant before having my son, im now a sahm

Short Personal Description: Im just your pretty average female, who loves to have a laugh and who cant live without her family and friends! I live with my partner of 6yrs, and our gorgeous son, and im expecting baby no.2 28th October. We have 2 cats and a dog... I enjoy most things, especially the unexpected life tends to throw at you (like my babies!) My perfects nights are snuggled on the sofa with my gorgeous little family! And the odd night out in the 80s bars - woohoo!


Hobbies: Travelling/Outdoor Activities - Pubs - Internet - Wine (hehe!) - Cooking - Cross Stitch

Color: Pink

Food: Potatoes or Cheese... both go with everything and can make anything from!!!

Hang-out: Being a mummy your actual friends drift off... so id say my fave hang-out these days is online *yawn*!

Music: 80s Cheese!

Books: Erm... books *thinks hard*

Movies: Top Gun - All American Pies - The Greenmile - All Disney

TV Shows: Eastenders - Corrie - Hollyoaks - Distraction - 8 Out Of 10 Cats - Friday/Sunday Night Project - Two Pints - Big Brother (i know, i know!!)

Authors: Again... Erm... i dont know any other than celebs who write their autobiographies lol!

Cartoon Character: Everyons gotta love Tom & Jerry!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Anywhere with hot sun and no rain!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum

Greatest Ambition: To be happy in life & to be the best mummy i can be to my kids.

Biggest Achievement: Adapting to the nasty things life throws at you and coming out the other side

Grandest Wish: To see my kids happy

What You Can't Live Without: The internet!
Hi everyone! Thanks for the welcome, much appreciated :D:wohoo:

A Little About Me

Name: Camilla

Age: 38

Location: Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands

Occupation: Financial administrator and freelance editor

Short Personal Description: Born in Zimbabwe, lived in Australia since the age of 11, and now living in the Netherlands with my Dutch husband (who I met on the internet 6 years ago through a shared interest in Lord of the Rings) and our 8 month old son. I always dreamed about living in Europe, but I didn't imagine it would come about like this! :D


Hobbies: Reading, writing, gardening, tarot and oracles, photography

Color: Green

Food: Chocolate *dribble*

Hang-out: With mah lads :D

Music: All sorts of different stuff including Queen, Robbie Williams, Secret Garden, Rammstein, Milladoiro, The Cat Empire and lots more.

Books: I'm going to cover this under authors since I tend to like all the works of particular authors rather than individual books.

Movies: The Color Purple, Lord of the Rings, Billy Elliott

TV Shows: Buffy, Wire in the Blood, House, Blackadder, QI, pretty much anything by Stephen Fry, really.

Authors: Terry Pratchett, Robert Fulghum, Neil Gaiman, China Miéville, Brian Froud, Warren Ellis, Caroline Myss, Bill Bryson, Doreen Tovey, James Herriott, Gerald Durrell, and lots more.

Cartoon Character: Not really cartoon, but comics: Spider Jerusalem, from Warren Ellis's Transmetropolitan series.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Scotland and Cyprus, to follow up on the family roots. Would love to go back to Zimbabwe again one day, when it's safe again.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: I don't think I can narrow this down to just one! Probably all my family and close friends.

Greatest Ambition: To write novels that lots of people love to read and talk about.

Biggest Achievement: Well, it's a work in progress rather than an achievement, but: bringing a child into the world. The future will tell whether I did a good job of bringing him up!

Grandest Wish: To enjoy my life to the fullest.

What You Can't Live Without: My boys :D
A Little About Me

Name: Flo

Age: 31

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Occupation: PR and Marketing Manager/Event Designer

Short Personal Description: I've been married for almost two years and we met thru a mutual friend who passed away unfortunately before our wedding. I consider myself volumptuos some may say fat i dont lol. I'm 5'9, cocoa delight and just started locing my hair (trendy dreadlocks). I love dogs (not animals, some i dont really like) but love dogs i have two dogs an old english mastiff called Bo Bice(Bo) and a Boerbol(south african mastiff) called Hero and i love them to bits :hug: My DH and i are on :cloud9: at the moment as we are TTC lol. oh this is a short description , ok i have so much more to say but will have to be for another time


Hobbies: Internet, Reading, Cooking, Pets, Dancing, Watching series on tv (loves it) lol


Food: hmm Indian, Chinese, Jollof Rice(a spicy nigerian rice) and fried plantain with chicken and SEAFOOD mmmmmmh

Hang-out: Home and the cinemas

Music: R&B, all sorts actually, anything with India, Jill, Angie, musiq, Dwele, Kem, Floetry, and love me some CRUNK and anything with an ATL flava...meet me in the club we going down, snap yo fingas YEAAA!!!

Books: To many to mention I "HEART" reading

Movies: Bride and Predjudice, Sex and the city,

TV Shows: weeds, lost, sex and the city, desperate housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Vanished, 4400, ROME, Hustle, Heroes- i need me some powers, The New adventures of old christine, So u think u can dance, idols, Girls of the Playboy mansion-Hef i wanna be a bunny, UGLY BETTY, Big Love and most reality shows

Authors: anyone who writes well

Cartoon Character: Betty Boop

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: hmm Thailand(if i werent scared of flying), South Africa, Spain

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Loving Grandma who has now passed away and I miss her every day.

Greatest Ambition: hmm not sure yet!!

Biggest Achievement: havent yet gotten it but it will probably be the day i hold my first child in my hand and then i can find another achievement after that

Grandest Wish: For my friends who are TTC to have there babies and to be happy in life and to be fulfilled in Christ :dust;

What You Can't Live Without : God, my hubby and my family
I joined a week or so back and figured I would now dive in a post on here and I'll start with this.

A Little About Me

Name: Lucas

Age: 31

Location: New Jersey, USA

Occupation: Real Estate Agent, Pursuing College in Fall

Short Personal Description: I'm a single father to twin boys who are 7 1/2 months old. Their mother died during childbirth. They are my world. I'm into real estate right now but due to the econmic crash I am going to pursue college to get a degree in Human Services.


Hobbies: Drawing, Guitar, Travel


Food:Pork Chops and Noodles

Hang-out: The Beach

Music:Paul Simon

Books:Most any that are True-Life

Movies:Transformers, The Bleachers, Ice Age 1&2

TV Shows:Without A Trace, House, Family Guy, Little People Big World

Authors:C.S Lewis

Cartoon Character:Calvin & Hobbes

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Scotland & Africa

Most Influential Person in Your Life:My Nana

Greatest Ambition: Just to do right by my Boys

Biggest Achievement: Being a Father

Grandest Wish: To be financially Stable and give the twins a better life.
What You Can't Live Without:The Twins, My Nana, and My Mom


Grayson & Landon

just wanted to say God bless and that ur grandest wish will be realised because u are an awesome DAD! :hug:
A Little About Me

Name: Kari-Marie Lynn (go by Karilynn)

Age: 24

Location: Nova Scotia

Occupation: Stay at home mom

Short Personal Description:
I have a six week old daughter named Alyssa, married to my best friend Josh, love cooking, and baking. Use to play basketball a lot, and trying to find the time now to keep it in my life.


Hobbies: Basketball! cooking...

Color: purple

Food: spaghetti

Hang-out: umm facebook... home

Music: anything really

Books: hmm

TV Shows: I don't really watch much

Authors: Mauve Binchy

Cartoon Character: umm, Stewie?

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: England

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mother

Greatest Ambition:
To live life to the fullest and always give my best

Biggest Achievement: Graduating college

Grandest Wish: Perpetual happiness.....

What You Can't Live Without: My hubby, my camera, my laptop
A Little About Me

Name: Heather Lynn

Age: 22

Location: Oregon, United States

Occupation: AT&T Receivibles Management

Short Personal Description:
I'm a total country bumpkin... born and raised on a farm. Right now I'm working my way through college; where I'm studying to be a teacher. I live with my fiance, John, who's a government construction worker.


Hobbies: Cooking, crossword puzzles, and swimming

Color: Almost any shade of pink or blue

Food: Baked chicken and peas

Hang-out: The meddow down by the river at my in-laws place

Music: Pretty much anything

Books: A good mystery is hard to beat....

Movies: Just about anything.... I love movies

TV Shows: Crime shows... CSI, Criminal Minds, Law and Order...

Authors: love love LOVE Agatha Christie

Cartoon Character: Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Greece or a return trip to Denmark

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My high school English teacher

Greatest Ambition: To finish the book I started writting 5 years ago

Biggest Achievement: Not quite sure about that yet

Grandest Wish: Having a happy, healthy family

What You Can't Live Without: John and my laptop
A Little About Me:

Name: Aysha

Age: 19

Location: West Yorkshire

Occupation: Stay At Home Mum

Hobbies: Reading, Shopping, Exercising

Color: Blue

Food: Anything Italian

Music: Any

Books: Mostly Historical Fiction


TV Shows: Heroes, Desperate Housewives

Authors: Tracy Chevalier

Cartoon Character:
Bugs Bunny

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My high school History teacher

Greatest Ambition: To be a good mum!

What You Can't Live Without: My Make-up!
A Little About Me

Name: Kimberly

Age: 39

Location: Sweet Home Chicago!

Occupation: Author

Short Personal Description: I am a full-time Wife & Mother and a part-time Author and Small Business Owner. I am Sicilian & Sagitarian, make of that what you will! LOL!


Hobbies: Cooking, Sewing, Gardening

Color: Sea Foam

Food: Steak, Sea Food, Pasta

Hang-out: The Zoo

Music: The Rolling Stones!!!!!!!

Books: Gone With The Wind, The Red Tent, Memoirs of a Geisha

Movies: The Godfather, Jaws, The Usual Suspects, Gone With The Wind, Tombstone

TV Shows: Rome, Scrubs, Sopranos, Sex and the City, West Wing

Authors: Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Saul, John Sandford, Iris Johanson, Catherine Coulter, Jan Karon, Oscar Wild and of course....William Shakespeare!

Cartoon Character: Tinkerbell

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy my homeland!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Me!

Greatest Ambition: To be a NY Times Bestselling author.

Biggest Achievement: Being a published author!

Grandest Wish: That my children grow up safe, happy & healthy!

What You Can't Live Without: My family!
A Little About Me

Name: Caroline
Age: 30
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Occupation: Primary School teacher - but I am currently on temporary retirement as I enjoy being a stay at home mum.
Short Personal Description:: I am married to Shaun (we've been married about 2 1/2 years and together for 11 1/2 years) and we have a son, Raistlin and are expecting our second child. We are Paleolithic eaters (only eat foods that humans ate before the introduction of agriculture) and I am in the process of writing a cookbook that conforms to our way of eating. I love cooking.


Hobbies:Cooking, playing the flute, photography
Color: Silver
Food: Cajun Chicken Salad or Homemade banana ice cream (both I created to conform with our way of eating)
Hang-out: Home
Music: Depends on my mood
Books: Harry Potter
Movies: Harry Potter, The Green Mile, Bring it On... there are a few
TV Shows: Buffy, Biggest Loser, Handy Manny
Authors: JK Rowling, Marianne Keyes
Cartoon Character: Handy Manny

Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Used to be Egypt, but did that for my honeymoon. Now Canada
Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband
Greatest Ambition: To finish and publish my cookbook
Biggest Achievement: Giving birth... Being the first in my family to Graduate from University.
Grandest Wish: Health and happiness for me and my loved ones.
What You Can't Live Without: My family
A Little About Me

Name: Chie
Age: 30
Location: Bali, Indonesia
Occupation: Pre-school Teacher
Short Personal Description: I've been living in Bali for the past three years. I love this island. It is just so beautiful. I live here with one of the sweetest men I know and our pom and our two cats. I'm into photography and jewelry-making. It's all paradise.


Hobbies: Photography, Jewelry-making, Reading Books
Color: Purple
Food: Chocolates and Cinnamon Rolls
Hang-out: Home
Music: Country
Books: Not very choosy. As long as it seems interesting... I'm reading it.
Movies: The Big Fish and Dream for an Insomniac
TV Shows: Not much of a TV fan.
Authors: Terry Pratchett, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Paulo Coelho
Cartoon Character: Winnie the Pooh

Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: More like the continent Africa.
Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom.
Greatest Ambition: Hmmm. Let's take this one day at a time, shall we?
Biggest Achievement: Getting a class of four-year-olds to be real quiet for ten minutes.
Grandest Wish: Peace on earth and for everyone to have piece of their favorite cake every single day!
What You Can't Live Without: People I love.
A Little About Me

Name: Kari
Age: 20
Location: Dartmouth Nova Scotia \Canada
Occupation: Stay at home mom/house wife
Short Personal Description: I have a beautiful daughter named Alexa with my fiance, Michael, whom I have been with for eight years.


Hobbies: love swimming and reading and spending time with my little girl
Color: baby blue
Food: steak
Hang-out: at the pool at my ex foster parents house\!
Music: country
Books: been reading kiddy books lately lol but my favorite novel is Impossible
Movies: Right now my favorite movie is Camp Rock! I have seen it three times and still can't wait to see it again! I am a big Family channel fan!
TV Shows: anything on Family channel of course and FRIENDS
Authors:Danielle Steele and John Grisham
Cartoon Character: Stewie

Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: not sure yet
Most Influential Person in Your Life: my (ex) foster mother
Greatest Ambition: to be a great mommy to Alexa and not turn out like my biological mother
Biggest Achievement: a lot of things... everything I have succeeded at-school...
Grandest Wish: For my daughter Alexa, to live a long happy and healthy life and for her to settle for nothing less than her best in every aspect of her life
What You Can't Live Without: My family
I'm 38+4 pregnant with my 3rd child and really fed up now, this is defantly the longest pregnancy ive had, i have a son simon who is 4 almost 5yrs old he was born at 10lbs, my daughter amber has just turned 3yrs old and she was born a week early at 8lb 8oz, and im hoping to have this baby soon as the last few weeks drag everyday feels like a whole week going by xxx:happydance:
Hi, I'm Natalie. I'm 21 years old, 22 in September. And this is going to be my first baby. I just found out Tuesday that I'm pregnant. I'm just starting my 6th week. I'm due March 27th, and I'm very very excited. A little nervous since I've never been through it before, but luckily I have a lot of supportive friends and family members, and I know I'll get through it!
hi im 19,20 in april i have 2 babies a 8 month old baby girl and a 19 month old baby boy!!!
hi, im jeanette, new to this, i joined because me and my hubby are trying for our fourth baby, its our last which makes me feel sad but i know 4 is more than enough. lol so i want to make the most of my final pregnancy. im so excited, i just need the 2 blue/pink lines. lol x looking forward to talking to you, and sharing our experiences. xxx

A Little About Me

Name: Sarah

Age: 25

Location: West Warwick, RI

Occupation: Health Information

Short Personal Description: I currently work in the Health Information dept. of the Mental Health center here. I have been married to my husband for 4 wonderful years now. We are both Originally from centeral IL, but are now living in RI. My husband just recently got out of the Military. We have been TTC for over 2 years adn are hoping for a BFP soon.

Hobbies: Reading, Shopping, and spending time with my Husband

Color: Lavander

Food: Italian anything

Hang-out: Here at home.

Music: Country

Books: I like Debbie Macomber books

Movies: Dont really have any favs right now

TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice.

Authors: Debbie Macomber

Cartoon Character: Dont have any.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: Hmmm... To be successfull in everything I do and to be happy.

Biggest Achievement: I have a lot of achievments I cant think of just one to name.

What You Can't Live Without: Chocolate. LOL

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