A Little Sad.


3 Boys and an Angel Ava
Nov 22, 2009
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Ok went to the doctor and got my CBC, Complete Metabolic Panel (Blood tests I take every year without fail )and everything is :cry:. My problem is with Ava i gained 30 pds :sick: I didn't care at the time cause look what I was getting for the weight :cloud9::cloud9: after I lost her I have not lost it. I went from running 5 miles a day before I was pregnant to now barely taking a walk :cry::cry::cry: I think it is just cause I was and still am SO sad that I need my motivation back:cry::cry:
I feel I just can't try at this weight .My doc said I should loose 20 to 30 pds an then try, which I agree with him. This way if I do get my :bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp: the weight will be off an the weight I gain will be ok. I am starting my walking today cause I want this off by February. I just don't want to try yet at this weight and then get all new problems cause of weight. If I loose the weight I am good to go.:hugs::hugs: I feel so depressed over this, as you know I will be 42 in June so I don't have much time :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Does anyone have any other stories to motivate me. I can't believe how active I once was , but that is what loosing Ava has done to me, I just don't care, but now I have to care and do it if I want my Rainbow :hugs::hugs:

Thanks for reading love you all XOXOXO
Oh and my Thyroid is fine and functioning right, the only thing is the weight :cry::cry::cry::cry:
I have exactly the same weight problem. I know that both times that I have conceived were just after I had lost a significant amount of weight.

If its any help to you, I attended slimming groups both times (I need a kick up be behind to motivate me :winkwink:) The last time I lost over 15lbs in about 12 weeks, but some people lost alot quicker than me.

This way of weight loss may not fit in with you, but all I am saying is that you can carefully manage weightloss quite quickly and sensibly. It does sound to me like you were a good runner (hell, I couldn't run half a mile!!), so excercise is maybe for you.

The last thing I need to let you know was that I caught on with Samuel a whole 14lbs before I reached my target 'ideal' weight. Maybe not the healthiest time to become pregnant, and a bit of a surprise to us, but it did happen.

I'm happy to become a weight loss buddy with you if that helps motivate, I need to start all over again too. :hugs::flower:

Love and massive hugs:hugs:
Andrea, I'm so sorry you are feeling like this :hugs: I'm very glad to hear you are healthy though.

I'm not sure that I have much advice, i didn't lose my twin weight either, so with this pregnancy I have started off about ten pounds heavier :(

I just know that you will get another chance at a little brother or sister for Ava and your boys, I know it's easy for me to say but please don't let your age worry you right now.

I can't really give you much advice that I have followed myself but, a few ideas...

How do you get to Ava's grave, do you walk, and if not, could you?

Is there anywhere around you that you like to visit, or someplace within walking distance that makes you feel at peace? Maybe you could try walking there daily?

Is there anything your sons can do to motivate you, any exercise you could do with them, or your hubby? Did you not used to go for long walks together?

I think sometimes you need someone else to help motivate you at first, or, maybe you could make a list of things you could do to lose weight and try to do at least one each day?

Just keep thinking about how much you love Ava and your sons, and keep thinking about how much you will love your rainbow too, and the sooner you lose the weight the sooner you can give your four children another sibling.

Not sure if any of this has helped! Just some stuff that came to mind...

Lots of love xxx
I have exactly the same weight problem. I know that both times that I have conceived were just after I had lost a significant amount of weight.

If its any help to you, I attended slimming groups both times (I need a kick up be behind to motivate me :winkwink:) The last time I lost over 15lbs in about 12 weeks, but some people lost alot quicker than me.

This way of weight loss may not fit in with you, but all I am saying is that you can carefully manage weightloss quite quickly and sensibly. It does sound to me like you were a good runner (hell, I couldn't run half a mile!!), so excercise is maybe for you.

The last thing I need to let you know was that I caught on with Samuel a whole 14lbs before I reached my target 'ideal' weight. Maybe not the healthiest time to become pregnant, and a bit of a surprise to us, but it did happen.

I'm happy to become a weight loss buddy with you if that helps motivate, I need to start all over again too. :hugs::flower:

Love and massive hugs:hugs:

It was SO hard for me to even write this post, so thank you so very much for your answer :cry::cry::hugs::hugs::hugs: As with me the minute I loose weight I conceive , why is that? It is so weired but that is what happenes with me also. I would love to be your buddy :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thank you. I just think it is not wise for me to try again at this weight when the next setps could be unhealthy for me and the baby, once I loose the weight i think I will be fine.
XOXO All My Love :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Andrea, I'm so sorry you are feeling like this :hugs: I'm very glad to hear you are healthy though.

I'm not sure that I have much advice, i didn't lose my twin weight either, so with this pregnancy I have started off about ten pounds heavier :(

I just know that you will get another chance at a little brother or sister for Ava and your boys, I know it's easy for me to say but please don't let your age worry you right now.

I can't really give you much advice that I have followed myself but, a few ideas...

How do you get to Ava's grave, do you walk, and if not, could you?

Is there anywhere around you that you like to visit, or someplace within walking distance that makes you feel at peace? Maybe you could try walking there daily?

Is there anything your sons can do to motivate you, any exercise you could do with them, or your hubby? Did you not used to go for long walks together?

I think sometimes you need someone else to help motivate you at first, or, maybe you could make a list of things you could do to lose weight and try to do at least one each day?

Just keep thinking about how much you love Ava and your sons, and keep thinking about how much you will love your rainbow too, and the sooner you lose the weight the sooner you can give your four children another sibling.

Not sure if any of this has helped! Just some stuff that came to mind...

Lots of love xxx

It did help my wonderful friend :cry::cry::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Nooooooooo Ava's grave is like 5 miles I would drop dead if I walked there :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I have a park I drive to where I used to run, they have markers on the sidewalk so you know exactly how far you walked or ran, so i will go there but alone. My friend has triplets and it is just to hard right now for her to do this with me, i am leaving now and doing 2 miles,. Not power-walking like I used to but walking at a nice pace . I just need to do this for me and Ava..
XOXOXOX Love You XOXOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I think also I am depressed cause It means I will have to wait till at least February to start trying :cry::cry::cry::cry: I hope I can still be in the TTC thread :cry::cry::cry::cry: I am so used to all of you..I can't leave you all
Andrea, I'm so sorry you are feeling like this :hugs: I'm very glad to hear you are healthy though.

I'm not sure that I have much advice, i didn't lose my twin weight either, so with this pregnancy I have started off about ten pounds heavier :(

I just know that you will get another chance at a little brother or sister for Ava and your boys, I know it's easy for me to say but please don't let your age worry you right now.

I can't really give you much advice that I have followed myself but, a few ideas...

How do you get to Ava's grave, do you walk, and if not, could you?

Is there anywhere around you that you like to visit, or someplace within walking distance that makes you feel at peace? Maybe you could try walking there daily?

Is there anything your sons can do to motivate you, any exercise you could do with them, or your hubby? Did you not used to go for long walks together?

I think sometimes you need someone else to help motivate you at first, or, maybe you could make a list of things you could do to lose weight and try to do at least one each day?

Just keep thinking about how much you love Ava and your sons, and keep thinking about how much you will love your rainbow too, and the sooner you lose the weight the sooner you can give your four children another sibling.

Not sure if any of this has helped! Just some stuff that came to mind...

Lots of love xxx

It did help my wonderful friend :cry::cry::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Nooooooooo Ava's grave is like 5 miles I would drop dead if I walked there :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I have a park I drive to where I used to run, they have markers on the sidewalk so you know exactly how far you walked or ran, so i will go there but alone. My friend has triplets and it is just to hard right now for her to do this with me, i am leaving now and doing 2 miles,. Not power-walking like I used to but walking at a nice pace . I just need to do this for me and Ava..
XOXOXOX Love You XOXOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I'm so proud of you for going out and doing something now :hugs:.
A little bit at a time and you can build it up xxxx
Andrea ....

I am so proud of you! Wow, what a strong woman you are!! I'm telling ya... You have completely inspired me!

When I was preg with Emma .. I only gained a few pounds, maybe 5... BUT after I had her , whew! I put on the weight! I have never been like this! gag... I just haven't cared... I used to walk/run and watch what I ate but these last few months I havent excercised once and didn't care what I ate! So, now my waist looks hidious!

SO, Monday... When the kids are back in school... I'm gonna hit my path again!!! :thumbup:

Girl, ttc now or later.... YOU are always welcome in any thread!!! Wouldn't be the same if you weren't here.... :hugs:
I see you are in NY, and was going to suggest 'Slimming World' as you can do this when you are pregnant too. Basically here 'SW' is a slimming club you can attend for weight loss & support and also you can do it online. Is there anything in the US that is like this that allows you to be a member when preggers?

Basically its about eating SHIT loads, but of all the good stuff.....anything that is grown - fruit, veg, salad, also stuff like rice, potatos and pasta. You can eat endless amounts of fat free and usually stuff with under 2 or 3 % fat. BUT you also have to have a little something naughty - I think so your body doesnt store the fat you have.

Anyway my point is this...I joined 2 years ago when I was at my largest & to be honest my cycles were everywhere - due to being a porky. I was a large UK 14, which isnt that big but when it starts playing havoc with you body thats not good! After a month I had lost over a stone (14lbs) and it just kept coming off. Its a but addictive just like TTC is! ha ha. Anyway after 9 months I had lost almost 5 stones (70 lbs), and have managed to keep it off since then. I am now a UK 6-8 and now control my eating habits as am aware of what I put in my mouth. Its something that pregnant women can do, as basically you pay someone to tell you how to eat healthy. To be honest its not rocket science but it bloody works! If you want anymore info let me know as I LOVE IT!! People have even been known to weigh less at 9 months pregnant than they did when they started! I know weight loss shouldnt be a priority when preggers....but this is safe.

Good luck hun xxxx
Hey Andrea

I'm probably not the best person in here to offer motivation because I'm one of the laziest people in the world. I class cleaning the house as a work out and I live in a bungalow so I don't even have stairs!

However what I did want to share with you is how after losing Max in August I lost the majority of my baby weight quite quickly over the first weeks because I wasn't eating but as soon as I did start to eat properly again I put it all back on again. It was only 5/6lbs more than my pre-pregnancy weight so not a lot but I wasn't happy about it. So I got an app on my phone ("my fitness pal" if you're interested - they also have a webpage that you can use in the same way if you don't have a smartphone) and I started counting calories and I found that I had amazing willpower when it came to saying "no" to snacks or choosing to drink water instead of coke. I found that because I had complete control I was happy, I could do it. It felt so good to be in control of something after having no control over what happened in August. I managed to lose about 8lbs in total which took me to about 2lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight before I got pregnant again and that was without any exercise, just watching what I ate. So it can be done.

I hope you can take back the control too and show the world that this is in your hands and you're doing it because you want to.

And I admire you for getting straight out there and going for a walk.

As for thinking you have to leave the ttc thread, don't be daft you ain't going anywhere, it wouldn't be the same without you and anyway it's a life after loss thread now so don't even think about leaving us.

:hugs: :hugs:
Andrea, I'm so sorry you are feeling like this :hugs: I'm very glad to hear you are healthy though.

I'm not sure that I have much advice, i didn't lose my twin weight either, so with this pregnancy I have started off about ten pounds heavier :(

I just know that you will get another chance at a little brother or sister for Ava and your boys, I know it's easy for me to say but please don't let your age worry you right now.

I can't really give you much advice that I have followed myself but, a few ideas...

How do you get to Ava's grave, do you walk, and if not, could you?

Is there anywhere around you that you like to visit, or someplace within walking distance that makes you feel at peace? Maybe you could try walking there daily?

Is there anything your sons can do to motivate you, any exercise you could do with them, or your hubby? Did you not used to go for long walks together?

I think sometimes you need someone else to help motivate you at first, or, maybe you could make a list of things you could do to lose weight and try to do at least one each day?

Just keep thinking about how much you love Ava and your sons, and keep thinking about how much you will love your rainbow too, and the sooner you lose the weight the sooner you can give your four children another sibling.

Not sure if any of this has helped! Just some stuff that came to mind...

Lots of love xxx

It did help my wonderful friend :cry::cry::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Nooooooooo Ava's grave is like 5 miles I would drop dead if I walked there :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I have a park I drive to where I used to run, they have markers on the sidewalk so you know exactly how far you walked or ran, so i will go there but alone. My friend has triplets and it is just to hard right now for her to do this with me, i am leaving now and doing 2 miles,. Not power-walking like I used to but walking at a nice pace . I just need to do this for me and Ava..
XOXOXOX Love You XOXOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I'm so proud of you for going out and doing something now :hugs:.
A little bit at a time and you can build it up xxxx
I did it!! I walked 2 miles in 26 minutes, which is 13 minutes a mile!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:I feel great..XOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Andrea ....

I am so proud of you! Wow, what a strong woman you are!! I'm telling ya... You have completely inspired me!

When I was preg with Emma .. I only gained a few pounds, maybe 5... BUT after I had her , whew! I put on the weight! I have never been like this! gag... I just haven't cared... I used to walk/run and watch what I ate but these last few months I havent excercised once and didn't care what I ate! So, now my waist looks hidious!

SO, Monday... When the kids are back in school... I'm gonna hit my path again!!! :thumbup:

Girl, ttc now or later.... YOU are always welcome in any thread!!! Wouldn't be the same if you weren't here.... :hugs:
Thanks, Kelly. I love you ALL so much and I never want to leave her even when the day comes when I do get pregnant, i just can't leave you all:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hey Andrea

I'm probably not the best person in here to offer motivation because I'm one of the laziest people in the world. I class cleaning the house as a work out and I live in a bungalow so I don't even have stairs!

However what I did want to share with you is how after losing Max in August I lost the majority of my baby weight quite quickly over the first weeks because I wasn't eating but as soon as I did start to eat properly again I put it all back on again. It was only 5/6lbs more than my pre-pregnancy weight so not a lot but I wasn't happy about it. So I got an app on my phone ("my fitness pal" if you're interested - they also have a webpage that you can use in the same way if you don't have a smartphone) and I started counting calories and I found that I had amazing willpower when it came to saying "no" to snacks or choosing to drink water instead of coke. I found that because I had complete control I was happy, I could do it. It felt so good to be in control of something after having no control over what happened in August. I managed to lose about 8lbs in total which took me to about 2lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight before I got pregnant again and that was without any exercise, just watching what I ate. So it can be done.

I hope you can take back the control too and show the world that this is in your hands and you're doing it because you want to.

And I admire you for getting straight out there and going for a walk.

As for thinking you have to leave the ttc thread, don't be daft you ain't going anywhere, it wouldn't be the same without you and anyway it's a life after loss thread now so don't even think about leaving us.

:hugs: :hugs:

I did it!!!!!!! I did my 2 miles, 13 minutes a mile, which isn't bad it used to take me 11 minutes a mile, so I am not such a fatty as I thought I was :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I will never leave any of you ever, I love you all..

Thanks everyone for responding, I really appreciate it and I am proud of myself. I also bought the Special K diet so I am eating less and having a normal dinners, so we will see what happens..
well done Andrea xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Andrea. Its lovely to read through this thread and to hear that you're already starting to feel more positive! Just do a little bit at a time and take it steady, and I'm sure you'll just keep on feeling better and better. Its amazing how your spirits lift with just a little bit of exercise. I've been a bit lazy over the last month, but when I do start exercising I find I really enjoy it and wonder why I left it so long since I last did it!
Aw Andrea, I'm sorry I just saw this thread, after I'd posted on the general chatter one, sorry hun. I'm glad you're getting to it hun, I really need to - I've out on shedloads since the boys were born, and I'd put on heaps with them too. I'm only 5'3" so any wieght really really gathers on me. I have absolutely zero motivation, even to do the things I normally enjoy, but I think not excersising makes me even more depressed, so I need to follow my own logic, I need a kick up the ass really! Maybe I'll start sorting myself out too, you're an inspiration! I've been feeling these last few weeks like the weight will mess up my fertility and cause problems for me concieving and it seems to be the case, so onward and upwards... good on you for posting this I hope I can join you in the fitness drive...

Don't you dare leave the main thread either, I'd miss you and it's not a TTC thread anymore, just a life after loss one.
Hi Andrea :flower:

I have been gaining way too much over the last few months. Immediately after the loss I lost weight as grief and stress took over in the form of being completely uninterested in food, and I had to force myself to eat 3 times a day for the sake of my health and physical recovery. That then turned to comfort eating, and I have regained any weight I lost and then some. This is the biggest I have been in years, and my clothes don't fit.

I am getting back into dancing again, which is something, but I know it's the overeating that is really doing it for me. About 5 years ago I lost 3 stone in weight, about 40 pounds, through eating about 1000 - 1200 calories a day and doing different work out videos every day, stuff I'd bought cheap at charity shops. The weight just fell off, and stayed off ever since. Until the last few months... :cry: But I don't know if I can motivate myself to do all that all over again.

But I do need to do something, and I think seeing you motivated is going to help me to do the same.:hugs:
Aw Andrea, I'm sorry I just saw this thread, after I'd posted on the general chatter one, sorry hun. I'm glad you're getting to it hun, I really need to - I've out on shedloads since the boys were born, and I'd put on heaps with them too. I'm only 5'3" so any wieght really really gathers on me. I have absolutely zero motivation, even to do the things I normally enjoy, but I think not excersising makes me even more depressed, so I need to follow my own logic, I need a kick up the ass really! Maybe I'll start sorting myself out too, you're an inspiration! I've been feeling these last few weeks like the weight will mess up my fertility and cause problems for me concieving and it seems to be the case, so onward and upwards... good on you for posting this I hope I can join you in the fitness drive...

Don't you dare leave the main thread either, I'd miss you and it's not a TTC thread anymore, just a life after loss one.

LOL, you are taller than me I am only 5 foot 1 :blush::blush: Thank you so much for your advice and understanding I was a little embarrassed to write this thread . But I know the extra weight for me will maybe interfere with me conceiving and even if I do conceive it will bring on more problems as my pregnancy moves along, I could get Diabetes and other stuff. Being 41 is already against me so i feel for me loosing 25 to 30 pds will really give me a great chance at this plus taking folic acid for 8 months also. I felt so good after I did my walk, I thought it would be harder, but I kept saying i was doing this for Ava and myself and it motivated me. I think loosing weight in my case will only be a plus if I do conceive.
Love You XOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi Andrea :flower:

I have been gaining way too much over the last few months. Immediately after the loss I lost weight as grief and stress took over in the form of being completely uninterested in food, and I had to force myself to eat 3 times a day for the sake of my health and physical recovery. That then turned to comfort eating, and I have regained any weight I lost and then some. This is the biggest I have been in years, and my clothes don't fit.

I am getting back into dancing again, which is something, but I know it's the overeating that is really doing it for me. About 5 years ago I lost 3 stone in weight, about 40 pounds, through eating about 1000 - 1200 calories a day and doing different work out videos every day, stuff I'd bought cheap at charity shops. The weight just fell off, and stayed off ever since. Until the last few months... :cry: But I don't know if I can motivate myself to do all that all over again.

But I do need to do something, and I think seeing you motivated is going to help me to do the same.:hugs:

Thanks for posting like I said i was a little embarrassed saying I needed to loose some weight. I lost my motivation after I lost Ava so maybe you did too :cry::cry::cry: I got back out there and in one day I feel so much better, i am going in a little while. I usually go after 7 am. I think for me loosing the weight will help me conceive faster and i will be healthier.
Love You XOXOXO:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Its great to hear you sounding more positive today, it makes me so very happy :) xxxxx
Andrea, you are an inspiration. I have alot of weight to lose too. I have lost 10 lbs so far but my motivation has gone. After Jakob was born I just didn't care. At the start i couldn't eat and then after that I couldn't stop eating. Feeling sad- I'd eat, feeling angry- I'd eat, feeling lonely- yep more food. You get the picture. I didn't even car what I wore anymore and would spend my days in tracksuit bottoms, jeans, hoodies etc, Its only now that I have started to put a bit more effort into my appearance.

I walked 3 days last week with my friend and i am going to do it again. We can do this. :hugs::hugs:
Andrea, you are an inspiration. I have alot of weight to lose too. I have lost 10 lbs so far but my motivation has gone. After Jakob was born I just didn't care. At the start i couldn't eat and then after that I couldn't stop eating. Feeling sad- I'd eat, feeling angry- I'd eat, feeling lonely- yep more food. You get the picture. I didn't even car what I wore anymore and would spend my days in tracksuit bottoms, jeans, hoodies etc, Its only now that I have started to put a bit more effort into my appearance.

I walked 3 days last week with my friend and i am going to do it again. We can do this. :hugs::hugs:

I did my 2 miles yesterday also. I ate the Special K cereal in the morning with fruit then for lunch then for dinner I made myself a nice salad with grilled chicken. I can control my eating that is not the problem, it is getting out there at least 5x a week and working out. So far so good I am proud of myself and you should be proud of yourself also:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
When some people have a loss they don't eat I do the opposite I eat like a fatso :dohh::dohh::dohh: I wish I could not eat, but I love food. I guess you just need to maintain it. When I was running my 5 miles daily I ate whatever i wanted, didn't go overboard with candy and stuff but I had my share. For me I have to workout I just can't diet.
XOXOXOXOX Love you and thank you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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