Okay, I'm not good at the abbreviations since this is my first time actually trying to conceive (my first pregnancy was a pleasant surprise). So here goes! I do have irregular periods and it's been...a few months since my last period. My husband and I decided we wanted another child and started trying for our second. We were in Dollar Tree and I saw the ovulation test kits and thought: "Why not?" So there goes my first ovulation test....went home and took the test (it was a long shopping day and I did hold my urine in for a good couple of hours). It came out negative. I talked to the husband about getting a Clearblue Advanced Ovulating Kit and he agreed it would be a good idea...so we got the kit with 10 tests. A day after taking the Dollar Tree one, I took the Clearblue Advanced one and it came out negative. It would be a long story if I keep typing in this format so I will shorten it up a bit.
Day 1: Dollar Tree Brand - NEGATIVE
Day 2: CB Adv. Brand - NEGATIVE
Day 3: CB Adv. Brand - PEAK FERTILITY (Solid Happy Face - peak fertility carried on through day 5, continued having intercourse)
Day 5: (Out of curiosity) CB Adv. Brand - NEGATIVE (I did not do much research and thought that if I did conceive, my body would still have a surge of LH but after research I found out that was not the case. But with that thought, I thought it should still be positive so...)
Day 6: CB Adv. Brand - NEGATIVE
With my lack of knowledge, I thought it should be positive if I were pregnant, so I went and bought more Dollar Tree ones and Answer from Walmart. Dollar Tree one came out POSITIVE (test line super dark) and I did not take the Answer one yet.
Day 7: (TODAY) CB Adv. Brand - HIGH FERTILITY (blinking smiley face)
Dollar Tree - POSITIVE (Test line way darker than other line)
Answer - POSITIVE (Test line way darker than other line as well)
So....did I just start ovulating? Is my body doing that thing where it's not releasing the egg due to stress, etc. and now it's trying again? When I looked at the charts for the Clearblue, it goes from low fertility to high fertility to peak fertility. I went from low to peak (2 days) to low (2 days)to high so that's why I got the secondary tests to confirm if I was ovulating or not...During this time period my breasts have been feeling exceptionally heavy as well. Oh and before it's asked, it's impossible for a pregnancy test to be positive if I were pregnant because it would be too soon (and impatient me did take a few during this time period too in case it was from earlier on but they were negative.) Thoughts on this?
Day 1: Dollar Tree Brand - NEGATIVE
Day 2: CB Adv. Brand - NEGATIVE
Day 3: CB Adv. Brand - PEAK FERTILITY (Solid Happy Face - peak fertility carried on through day 5, continued having intercourse)
Day 5: (Out of curiosity) CB Adv. Brand - NEGATIVE (I did not do much research and thought that if I did conceive, my body would still have a surge of LH but after research I found out that was not the case. But with that thought, I thought it should still be positive so...)
Day 6: CB Adv. Brand - NEGATIVE
With my lack of knowledge, I thought it should be positive if I were pregnant, so I went and bought more Dollar Tree ones and Answer from Walmart. Dollar Tree one came out POSITIVE (test line super dark) and I did not take the Answer one yet.
Day 7: (TODAY) CB Adv. Brand - HIGH FERTILITY (blinking smiley face)
Dollar Tree - POSITIVE (Test line way darker than other line)
Answer - POSITIVE (Test line way darker than other line as well)
So....did I just start ovulating? Is my body doing that thing where it's not releasing the egg due to stress, etc. and now it's trying again? When I looked at the charts for the Clearblue, it goes from low fertility to high fertility to peak fertility. I went from low to peak (2 days) to low (2 days)to high so that's why I got the secondary tests to confirm if I was ovulating or not...During this time period my breasts have been feeling exceptionally heavy as well. Oh and before it's asked, it's impossible for a pregnancy test to be positive if I were pregnant because it would be too soon (and impatient me did take a few during this time period too in case it was from earlier on but they were negative.) Thoughts on this?