Absoloutly appaled!!!!!!

hi charlie:) ino exactly what you mean, but mine was when i was going thru the MC i was in bed terrified to get out of it to go the loo for what i'd see (blood clots) didnt like it and he sed t me whats with ur effing face? n i sed erm what do u think and he said ohhh u no if u dont stop going on about that!!wel i just went mad and he stil had the cheek to call me a effing physco :| but he apoligized he annoys the life out of me but what ever the little peice of dog turd does he says sorry but stil hes a tit lol.so sorry for your losses hun :hugs: :kiss: i am going to need help when i get the next :bfp: really i'm a worry wart as it is so the having the MC with my first i am going to be a mess next time i cant even imagine how you feel with the hole shitting when ur :bfp: cums but i really really hope in all my heart that ur next bean i an extra selotapey, super super gluey, stickeist pad little bean!!!!!! lots and loads and truck fulls of baby dust ur way huni :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :dust:
Wow... that is so horrible. And I'm probably way out of line saying this, but - hon, find someone who makes you happy, not someone who goes out of his way to hurt you. You deserve better. Abusive jerks are usually charmers as well - it's what they use to keep you around so they can treat you like crap!
i'm so sorry he's not being supportive!
Many men are strange that way- mine certainly is!

I had two early miscarriages/chemical pregnancies (They were earlier than 6wks).
It really pissed me off when my hubby pretended to be sympathetic, but when we spoke to doctors he described them as "not real pregnancies", and said I was overreacting.
He was genuinely upset when we lost out last baby at 14wks, but doesn't understand how heartbreaking it was when I lost the other two.

Take care- you need a lot of cuddles and support right now. tell him or he'll still be clueless! xxxx
thank girls, weve had a sit down and talked things through and everthing seems ok nw :) still annoys me n what not but what man doesnt!!!lol.i'm fine nw thank u dollydingle :) just feel like crap!!!!u?xxx
hey hunny, im glad u feel everything is back to normal like i said b4 my OH is simular to yours although he seems to be really upset first few days after the MC but then it just flies out of his mind, i so wish i could do that too.

well i think i MAY be oving today going by temps and cm so me and OH been bedding loads let just hope we get some strong lil :spermy: this cycle :winkwink:

and millions of sticky stick selotapy :)rofl:) :dust: to you too huns (loving the selotapy...classic :haha:)
thank you girls....... he is a complete tosser pardon the french!!!!thank god hes out today so i have the house to myself!!!he tried the hole cumn on to me routine in bed and when i shrugged him off and said i'm tired he stormed out to the kitchen then came back and shouted I CANT FUKING STAND YOU ANYMORE!!!so i was like ok going back to my mums tomorow then he came back in whilest i was asleep and tried saying sorry.why on earth do we (well some of us) fall for such dicks!!!!ino i'm only 21 but i dont act 21 more like 31 and he jesus wept!!!hes 21 but acts 15 but as people have said to me......his mother needs to cut the umbilical cord...hahaha which amuses me because its so true!!!!!when ever he needs anything hes write on that phone!!!!mummmmmm.he doesnt as much anymore but when we first moved in we would have the sillyest arguement eva and he would phone his mum and ask could he come down to hers. he would and then he would come back drunk because his mum or dad had given him cans!!!ooohhhh he just pisses me off so much!!!sorry for the big rant!!!haha.i need to get things off my chest sorry.and i no your all probs reading this thread and thinking WHY are u stil with him....but i'm in love with him i cant help the way i feel but i no 1 day it will end if this carrys on.thank uu 4 listenening :) xxxxxxx :dust: :kiss: :hugs:

OK so now im worried we are dating the same bloke :rofl:
can i ask what is it about bloody sex that makes them so mad coz OMG the other week we woke in morning and he tried the whole coming on to me thing after being a dick the night b4, anyways i shrugged him off just like u did huns and OMG i wish id just done it LOL he told me how much he hates me and that hes had enough and cnt take it anymore...i was like OKKKKK its jst sex babes i got 2 kids sort out now i aint got time for that and he just got dressed and went out to work :shrug: well about 20 min later my fone rang and he was all the sorrys and that he didnt mean it and i wasnt because he didnt get sex but OMG it so so was that i know it, not to be rude but my OH is sex FREAK, TTC with him really isnt hard he'd do it night and day and even lunch if i let him (dont like being sore lol) and im not complaining about that its just when he dnt get it the whole world ends and i dnt get that.
my OH is younger than me im 27 he is nearly 25 and i know its just 2 years but i feel the difference badly sometimes :(
i hope he changes for u huns like i hope my OH changes for me coz if not i dnt see us going much further and getting married xxxx
gdgdgdgdgdggdgd i hope you are OVing :D to be honest i'm not sure if i OV'd twice this month!!!7 days after MC i had my really bad ovary pain for 2 days then when that subsided....about 3 days ago and just a little today ive had this really wet CM feel like AFs arrived FOR 3 EFFING DAYS!!!!am going mad ive gone through so much TP hahaha OH isnt amused.hahaha i sat here thinking of all sticky things for u haha.thanx bbe :) xxxxxxx

OH MY GOD!!!we are having a relationship with the same man or even brothers hahaha.he constantly wants sex!!!!i always say "i think youve got a problem thats never floppy" sorry TMI haha but its not!!and i'm going to go even further nw hope u dnt mind but....i try to avoid :sex: sometimes because hes like 9 inch's!!!!!!and i garuntee u, on the odd day of the month he either makes me spot or actually brings on AF!!!!but when i say dnt am to tired i get the hole pffffffft fuknel u dont have to do anything i'll do it all.but what he cant understand is if i'm not aroused it going to hurt for 1 and i'm not going to enjoy it because i dont want it!!!!!!!!hes like a big moody girl and being honest majority of out arguements well his i just ignore him is through sex or foreplay!!!!haha

me 2 sweety hope ur OH opens is eyes an realise what hes got and what he could lose!!!!!!

this might sound crazy but i cant see my self wedding him but i can see me bein the mother of his child.were engaged but i'd like a long engagement see how it goes.xxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs: thank u 4 the add huni :D :friends: xxxx
gdgdgdgdgdggdgd i hope you are OVing :D to be honest i'm not sure if i OV'd twice this month!!!7 days after MC i had my really bad ovary pain for 2 days then when that subsided....about 3 days ago and just a little today ive had this really wet CM feel like AFs arrived FOR 3 EFFING DAYS!!!!am going mad ive gone through so much TP hahaha OH isnt amused.hahaha i sat here thinking of all sticky things for u haha.thanx bbe :) xxxxxxx

OH MY GOD!!!we are having a relationship with the same man or even brothers hahaha.he constantly wants sex!!!!i always say "i think youve got a problem thats never floppy" sorry TMI haha but its not!!and i'm going to go even further nw hope u dnt mind but....i try to avoid :sex: sometimes because hes like 9 inch's!!!!!!and i garuntee u, on the odd day of the month he either makes me spot or actually brings on AF!!!!but when i say dnt am to tired i get the hole pffffffft fuknel u dont have to do anything i'll do it all.but what he cant understand is if i'm not aroused it going to hurt for 1 and i'm not going to enjoy it because i dont want it!!!!!!!!hes like a big moody girl and being honest majority of out arguements well his i just ignore him is through sex or foreplay!!!!haha

me 2 sweety hope ur OH opens is eyes an realise what hes got and what he could lose!!!!!!

this might sound crazy but i cant see my self wedding him but i can see me bein the mother of his child.were engaged but i'd like a long engagement see how it goes.xxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs: thank u 4 the add huni :D :friends: xxxx

WOW ok so we defo are with brothers LOL.
i know how ya feel huns i find it the same with the pain thing... OH is also around 9inchs :dohh: yes we measured it one day just for laughs :blush: but anyways i find that around ov time it dnt hurt and he doesn't hit my cervix but when my CP is lower say just after af or before af coming i can feel him hitting it so bad i actually tell him "dnt go that far or we will stop" it actually makes me angry due to it being a right put off, and i dnt know if it same for u but there only a certain amount of positions u can do with him right?
like doggy DOESNT work he can barley go in half way and it feels like he hitting my belly button if we try it i actually tense up coz i KNOW it not gonna feel good BUT then come ov day we can do it with no probs, well minimal probs anyways :winkwink:

now my OH is a good good man a great dad always provides for his kids and is not violent towards any of us BUT he does have an aggressive side I.E driving or anyone say bumping into me by accident and that really gets to me coz its causing un-nessisary probs for nothing or something really dumb.
we have been engaged for about 4 months now but we wont be marrying just yet for sure, he has understand in order for me to spend my life with someone that i dnt want fights over no sex or if he cnt get his own way and yes same as u mum needs to cut that cord coz that drives me absolutely Fing cazy :growlmad:, huns do u have msn?? if so PM me ur addy we chat there more often :winkwink: :flow:
gdgdgdgdgdggdgd i hope you are OVing :D to be honest i'm not sure if i OV'd twice this month!!!7 days after MC i had my really bad ovary pain for 2 days then when that subsided....about 3 days ago and just a little today ive had this really wet CM feel like AFs arrived FOR 3 EFFING DAYS!!!!am going mad ive gone through so much TP hahaha OH isnt amused.hahaha i sat here thinking of all sticky things for u haha.thanx bbe :) xxxxxxx

OH MY GOD!!!we are having a relationship with the same man or even brothers hahaha.he constantly wants sex!!!!i always say "i think youve got a problem thats never floppy" sorry TMI haha but its not!!and i'm going to go even further nw hope u dnt mind but....i try to avoid :sex: sometimes because hes like 9 inch's!!!!!!and i garuntee u, on the odd day of the month he either makes me spot or actually brings on AF!!!!but when i say dnt am to tired i get the hole pffffffft fuknel u dont have to do anything i'll do it all.but what he cant understand is if i'm not aroused it going to hurt for 1 and i'm not going to enjoy it because i dont want it!!!!!!!!hes like a big moody girl and being honest majority of out arguements well his i just ignore him is through sex or foreplay!!!!haha

me 2 sweety hope ur OH opens is eyes an realise what hes got and what he could lose!!!!!!

this might sound crazy but i cant see my self wedding him but i can see me bein the mother of his child.were engaged but i'd like a long engagement see how it goes.xxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs: thank u 4 the add huni :D :friends: xxxx

WOW ok so we defo are with brothers LOL.
i know how ya feel huns i find it the same with the pain thing... OH is also around 9inchs :dohh: yes we measured it one day just for laughs :blush: but anyways i find that around ov time it dnt hurt and he doesn't hit my cervix but when my CP is lower say just after af or before af coming i can feel him hitting it so bad i actually tell him "dnt go that far or we will stop" it actually makes me angry due to it being a right put off, and i dnt know if it same for u but there only a certain amount of positions u can do with him right?
like doggy DOESNT work he can barley go in half way and it feels like he hitting my belly button if we try it i actually tense up coz i KNOW it not gonna feel good BUT then come ov day we can do it with no probs, well minimal probs anyways :winkwink:

now my OH is a good good man a great dad always provides for his kids and is not violent towards any of us BUT he does have an aggressive side I.E driving or anyone say bumping into me by accident and that really gets to me coz its causing un-nessisary probs for nothing or something really dumb.
we have been engaged for about 4 months now but we wont be marrying just yet for sure, he has understand in order for me to spend my life with someone that i dnt want fights over no sex or if he cnt get his own way and yes same as u mum needs to cut that cord coz that drives me absolutely Fing cazy :growlmad:, huns do u have msn?? if so PM me ur addy we chat there more often :winkwink: :flow:

yeahhhhh i always say STOP ur hurting but he always says av gota get it all in!!! like last nite is a perfect example it ws really really hurtn!!!dnt no y.and it got to the point wer i felt as if i was going to pass out on top of him!!!! really tho sorry TMI hahaha.we measured for fun a while bk but i'm sure its grown agen hahaha willys r vile haha blurgh!!!doggy does not work 4 me atall givs me a real bad shottn pain and makes me nauseas!!!same as my OH huni not violent or nothing just 1 very bad temper. and once again last nite pefect example we went to frankies n bennies for a meal and i happend to turn and looked towards a lad (very scallish) basically a little pr*ck!!! an he startd going to his mate " what the fuks that little slag looking at, cheeky twat if she looks at me again i'll rip her fukn face off" so i startd to panic thinking he looks the type to do it!!!but i distracted OH and as we left we wer getting out the taxi gto go into our apartment and i told him he pushed me out the way and tried to get back in the taxi screaming am going to kill the little dickhead so i had to drag him in and calm him down but hes told me if he see's him by his mums hes gna hurt him in a very bad way :| told him not to and i dnt no wether he will bt he seems calmer today ive got it hun but it put a virus on my lappy so its been removed the msn messenger!!!!xxxx i'll giv u it anyway for future reference xxxx

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