Absolutely driving myself CRAZY!! UPDATE!!!


1 beautiful little lady.
Oct 2, 2009
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Some background for anyone that hasn't seen my previous posts.

Last AF 1st November (my cycles are not regular at all though) we DTD 27th, 28th, 29th November. I'm guess I ovulated really late in order to get a positive test.
:bfp: Monday 21st December. Massive shock. So unexpected after only having my daughter a year ago.
HCG bloods done Tuesday 22nd - 585
HCG bloods done Thursday 24th - 1033
Had one sided sharp pains so rang EPU who asked me to go for a scan on Monday 28th.
Went for scan they couldn't find anything so ordered more bloods.
HGC bloods done Monday 28th - 2508
Cause my levels had gone up they asked me back for another scan later that day with a different person, still couldn't find anything.
HCG bloods done Wednesday 30th - 4318
The doctor rang me and asked me to go back on Thursday for another scan and if there wasn't anything there then they would offer me the termination drugs as they were thinking it's ectopic but to small to see.
Thursday 31st went back to EPU and saw the consultant who scanned me and managed to find a sac. After explaining my cycles and the fact we didn't have sex till the end of November he said he's estimating that I'm roughly 4 weeks maybe 5 although the sac measure 6+5. He said to ignore that cause it's impossible as I only DTD 4 weeks previous.
I have to go back for another scan on the 15th to see if there's a baby there.

I'm now driving my self crazy cause I have 0 symptoms. A couple of days I have woke up and felt rubbish, like yesterday I felt sick all day and very sluggish but today I feel normal again. I have been a little more tired lately but again I feel perfectly fine today. The wait for the scan is killing me, not knowing if the baby is developing blah blah blah. And I stupidly looked on Google. I was wondering what a blighted ovum is as I was reading some post on another site yesterday and after reading about it I've convinced myself that I could have this. But a lot of people say that they still had pregnancy systems even with a blighted ovum.

I know I'm being silly and there's nothing I can do except wait. I also know that they wouldn't see anything on a scan last week cause of my dates but it's concerning me that it measured 6+5 and there was nothing there. Aaaaaaargh my brain just needs to stop!!!!

Sorry for rambling. I just had to get this out there and write it down as my lot I'm trying to talk to about what I'm thinking and feeling keep shooting me down and telling me to forget about it until the scan.

If you got this far thanks for reading.
I'm very sorry you are going through this. I had a blighted ovum this year and it was horrible. I have heard it's OK for the gestational sacred to measure more than what the fetus measures. If you are only 4 weeks than they should only see the sac. At 5 weeks they may be able to see a yolk sac and at 6 weeks a baby ^_^. If he says according to when you did the deed could only put you at 4 weeks then do not worry about only seeing the sac.

I was worried about a blighted ovum with this one too and she said 5 weeks was way to early to tell. When I was diagnosed last time I had gone in for my 8 week scan and she still refused to officially diagnose me until 9 weeks.
I've been following your posts and, having been through all the limbo before, I have to say that it is very nerve wracking. It would be nice if we could have a little see through window on our bellies to make sure all is ok. Your hcg levels appear to be doubling about every 2-3 days which is completely normal. It also is normal not to see much on ultrasound until your levels are at least 10,000. Some people have little beans that grow a bit slower than others but that, of course, doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with them. I wouldn't worry too much, I know that is harder to say than to do, but try to think positive. I will be sending positive vibes your way :)
Thanks ladies. I know I'm worrying for nothing right now cause there's nothing I can do for at least another week so what's the point in getting myself all worked up. I personally don't know what I was looking at the screen it just looked like a black spot to me. Which the doctor said was a sac. I'll post a picture of the scan I had so maybe you ladies no what you are looking at. Xxx
Here's the scan I had. See just a black spot lol x


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I've been following your story. We got out BFP on the same day :) my BFP was really faint on the 21st but the 22nd was like an obvious line. My last period was 20th November. I've got a scan tomorrow so I'll let u know how it goes in terms of dates. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with absolutely no symptoms. I'm bloated but I get that anyway, and in a morning I sometimes feel a bit sicky but nothing major. Praying everything goes okay for you and that time passes quickly for your scan xxx
I've been following your story. We got out BFP on the same day :) my BFP was really faint on the 21st but the 22nd was like an obvious line. My last period was 20th November. I've got a scan tomorrow so I'll let u know how it goes in terms of dates. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with absolutely no symptoms. I'm bloated but I get that anyway, and in a morning I sometimes feel a bit sicky but nothing major. Praying everything goes okay for you and that time passes quickly for your scan xxx

We roughly could have conceived in the same date roughly then. The consultant put me down as ovulating on the 28th just so he could work something out. But if you have a normal cycle you would roughly be gearing up for ovulation end of November early December. I would appreciate you letting me know what dates you get tomorrow chick. Thank you. I wish I could close my eyes and wake up on Friday next week. The days seem to be so long cause I'm waiting for Friday.
It's difficult too cause something tells me that something isn't right. I'm a great believer in gut feelings. Xx
I put my last period date into one of those calculators and it says that I'm 7 weeks tomorrow. I really don't think I'm that far though due to the faintness of the lines on my tests. I also can't remember the exact day of last period. Although I'm almost positive it was the Friday. It's too hard I keep track of with a LO ha! I think I'm going to be a lot earlier than I think and aren't going to see much on the scan. But like you I have this strange feeling that something isn't right. I never experienced it with it with my first. I'm going to one of those centres that charge you for early scans so I don't expect it to be expert medically opinion but I should hopefully have a clearer idea. My doctor won't see me till the 14th to refer me to the MW. So silly!! My scans at 1.30pm I'll keep u updated xxx
I put my last period date into one of those calculators and it says that I'm 7 weeks tomorrow. I really don't think I'm that far though due to the faintness of the lines on my tests. I also can't remember the exact day of last period. Although I'm almost positive it was the Friday. It's too hard I keep track of with a LO ha! I think I'm going to be a lot earlier than I think and aren't going to see much on the scan. But like you I have this strange feeling that something isn't right. I never experienced it with it with my first. I'm going to one of those centres that charge you for early scans so I don't expect it to be expert medically opinion but I should hopefully have a clearer idea. My doctor won't see me till the 14th to refer me to the MW. So silly!! My scans at 1.30pm I'll keep u updated xxx

Good luck with the scan tomorrow. Sending lots of positive vibes for you. I hope it's a sticky bean xx
Was this ultrasound taken transvaginally? If so then this ultrasound does not look like a 6 week scan it looks really early like the doctor said. When I saw my blighted ovum it looked like a giant black hole T_T
Was this ultrasound taken transvaginally? If so then this ultrasound does not look like a 6 week scan it looks really early like the doctor said. When I saw my blighted ovum it looked like a giant black hole T_T

Yes the ultrasound was internal. It just wondered why it's dated 6+4 of its not possible to be that far along. The doctor originally said I'm guessing you are about 6 weeks which I replied that isn't possible if I only had sex 4 weeks ago. He gave me the usually but we add an extra 2 weeks for ovulation blah blah but in my case that's not possible either as I must of had sex and ovulated literally the next day or 1-2 days later. Anyway he agreed with me in the end that I could only be a maximum of 4 weeks maybe nearly 5. Nothing I can do but wait and see what next Friday brings. I should be roughly 7 weeks by then. I know I should stop googling things cause it's sending my mind into over drive. X
Hey Hun I'm 6 week 4 days ish was very hard to see but there was the Yolk sac and a little flickering heart beat. I reckon my due date is 31st August. I think if we'd have gone a few days earlier we wouldn't have seen anything so don't worry xx
Hey Hun I'm 6 week 4 days ish was very hard to see but there was the Yolk sac and a little flickering heart beat. I reckon my due date is 31st August. I think if we'd have gone a few days earlier we wouldn't have seen anything so don't worry xx

Awwww thanks for letting me know huni. So glad that you saw something especially the heart beat. I'm guessing I'll be pretty much the same as you. Well by Friday I have worked out I'll be roughly 7 weeks.
So happy for you. Hope the next 8 months goes smoothly for you xxx
Yes think we are going to end up with the same due dates. I'll keep stalking to see what happens at your scan. Crossing my fingers for you xxx
Yes think we are going to end up with the same due dates. I'll keep stalking to see what happens at your scan. Crossing my fingers for you xxx

Thanks huni. I'll update on Friday after my scan. 5 days to go!! I'm so glad my scan is at 9am so I don't have to wait all day to have it :) xx
Sex/ovulation 4 weeks ago would make you 6 weeks pregnant. I had sex 9 weeks and 4 days ago, and I am 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant. If you ovulated on the 28th of November, you'd be about 8 weeks pregnant. Any due date calc by ovulation will show this online.

What was the sac measurement?

If the ultrasound person thinks you are 4-5 weeks max, then you would have had sex to conceive the baby 2-3 weeks ago. You seem to think that having sex right when you ovulate means you are less pregnant? I'm not sure why. Most people who get pregnant are having sex right around ovulation. Count back 2 weeks from ovulation, and from then to now is how many weeks along you are.

I'm sorry if I sound a bit blunt just dealing with rowdy kids! I'm hoping for you that you have a wonderful outcome.
Sex/ovulation 4 weeks ago would make you 6 weeks pregnant. I had sex 9 weeks and 4 days ago, and I am 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant. If you ovulated on the 28th of November, you'd be about 8 weeks pregnant. Any due date calc by ovulation will show this online.

What was the sac measurement?

If the ultrasound person thinks you are 4-5 weeks max, then you would have had sex to conceive the baby 2-3 weeks ago. You seem to think that having sex right when you ovulate means you are less pregnant? I'm not sure why. Most people who get pregnant are having sex right around ovulation. Count back 2 weeks from ovulation, and from then to now is how many weeks along you are.

I'm sorry if I sound a bit blunt just dealing with rowdy kids! I'm hoping for you that you have a wonderful outcome.

The ovulation on the 28th was just a guide. I don't have a clue when I ovulated. I just know that we have only DTD 27th,28th,29th November and nothing for a few months before and defo nothing in December. So since the egg only lasts a maximum of 24hours after its released I have to ovulated during or just after these dates.
Maybe I'm not explaining it very well but the doctor understood what I meant and agreed with me. As I don't k ow when ovulation actually happened I can't count back.

Don't know what the sac measured with out finding the picture out. Unless it says it on the photo I uploaded above. I have a feeling it was about 5.5mm.
If that is when you had sex, then yes you must be about or just under 8 weeks pregnant. I can't remember if you had any negative tests before you tested positive? That sort of sac measurement is for a 4 week pregnancy, so none of it makes sense, you must be so worried and confused. Your positive test should only have showed in the last few days. You don't know when you ovulated, but do know when you had sex (roughly) and when you got your positive tests, so there should be more to see by now. I also don't "know" when I ovulated, but have had a good guess based on fertility signs and we only had sex once.
If you had sex nov 29 say you ovulated not 30. At ovulation you are already considered "2 weeks pregnant" . 14 dpo or 4 weeks pregnant would have been around dec 14. Tomorrow that would make you 8 weeks pregnant. Not knowing when you ovulated is irrevelant because you know when you last had sex therefore you have to had ovulated within a few days of having sex because the egg only last a very short period of time.
At the scan dec 31st you were around 6 w 3 days - 6 w 5 d when you had the scan. yes you dtd only 4 weeks prior but you always add 2 weeks so sex 4 weeks before scan means 6 weeks pregnant. They should have seen something in the sac at 6 w 5 days. Its possible you were a few days less than that then. Your next scan should give you more information since youll be over 8 weeks. Hopefully baby was just hiding out and will show itself in a few days. Good luck! I too have my first official scan this week and worried sick.
If that is when you had sex, then yes you must be about or just under 8 weeks pregnant. I can't remember if you had any negative tests before you tested positive? That sort of sac measurement is for a 4 week pregnancy, so none of it makes sense, you must be so worried and confused. Your positive test should only have showed in the last few days. You don't know when you ovulated, but do know when you had sex (roughly) and when you got your positive tests, so there should be more to see by now. I also don't "know" when I ovulated, but have had a good guess based on fertility signs and we only had sex once.

No negative tests at all before a positive. I only did it cause I thought my period was late. I often have to do them just to be on safe side as no 2 periods are the same length for me. I wasn't expecting it to be positive. We wasn't trying hence why it was a massive shock when it came back positive. Maybe we will see more on Friday since it will be 2 weeks since the last scan. I'm only sure of when we had sex because it was my birthday the day before otherwise I wouldn't remember lol. Usually I get pain when I ovulate but had nothing this time so I can't even try and guess when it could of happened. It's a mind field. We will see on Friday. My gut tells me it's bad, the lack of symptoms (nothing what's so ever) tells me it's bad, the confusion with dates and the measurements of the sac etc tell me it's bad. We just have to wait and see.

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